"Something from 1100 years ago?"

Qin fan frowned. Although he is a science student, he has always studied history well. After a little calculation, it is clear that this antique is from the Tang Dynasty.

And this time, Bai Jianjia deliberately told himself that the copy of "women's history admonition" that he must take was also from the tomb of the Tang Dynasty!

Is it?

However, before the authentic products appeared, Qin fan had to wait patiently and quietly. Even the jockey club did not have the courage to openly put them up for auction on such a public occasion.

However, since some Chinese antiques have been circulated, if the final auction price will not hurt him, Qin fan still plans to auction them back to see if Bai Jianjia needs them.

"I wish I had calligraphy and painting. There are too many porcelains at home, so there is no place to put them. Calligraphy and painting are easier to collect, and there is more value-added space..." Qin fan thought about it and laughed.

Daniel seemed to want to keep a little suspense, and then he said with a smile: "it's really bold to say that you can put the top porcelain antiques in no place, but for your Xia family, it's really normal. But tonight's shooting, I just heard that it's more than a year ago As for what it is and whether it is the calligraphy and painting you want, Mr. Xia has to know it in person. "

While speaking, with the dim light in the banquet hall, the host of the auction came up with a microphone in his hand.

Daniel turned away with interest.

"Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to participate in the Charity Night of the Jockey Club from all cities in the world. All the auction items are provided by the Jockey Club. 30% of the transaction funds will be donated to the autistic children's sanatorium of the foundation, contributing a good hope for 130000 autistic children..."

"Next, let's welcome Mr. Zhao Sheng, the representative of the Jockey Club and the biggest auction donor of this charity auction night, the chairman of Hong Kong Island Charity Association and the president of the Federation of business people, to pay tribute to you

The host in charge of the auction is a very famous entertainment host of Hong Kong Island TV station. The style of the host is light and humorous, which enlivens the serious atmosphere of the scene.

After Zhao Sheng, sitting in the first row, turned around and bowed to all the guests who came to the charity night, the first auction items were also pushed up by the staff.

"The next one is the pearl necklace from the Bourbon Parma family It is composed of 132 natural pearls. It is a favorite number of the Bourbon Palma family. It is also a necklace worn by the famous "decapitated queen."

Zhao Sheng took out the first auction, let the whole venue shocked.

For these guests, pearl is not precious and rare, but the value of this necklace is that it was once the world-famous queen of Louis XVI of country f, Mary Antoinette!

As a woman who could be popular all over the world more than 400 years ago, she not only started the purchase of luxury goods, but also devoted her whole country to buy the top luxury goods for herself. Although the ending was bleak, her life scenery was enough to make all women crazy and respected!

After all, the woman who can eat a king down is definitely the idol of many contemporary women!

Her name, a symbol of luxury, even influenced women's views on love and marriage in the later centuries of F country.

Moreover, a woman who devotes her country's efforts to buy her own jewelry and luxury goods will naturally have a good eye.

Abandoning the scenery and history hidden behind this pearl necklace, there are more than 100 natural pearls of perfect quality, each of which is hard to find in the world. The pendant under the pearl is cut into a star pattern by the top jewelry sculptor of F country at that time, inlaid with cushion, round and rose cut diamonds, which is extremely beautiful and no longer exudes the charm of jewelry masters Artistic atmosphere.

"Mr. Zhao, if the necklace on Queen Mary's neck when she was skull broken at today's auction, I think Everyone will be more interested! "

A voice suddenly appeared in the crowd. It was obvious that this man was very familiar with the past of F country, and his words made many people who knew the past laugh. On this occasion, everyone's identities were similar, and they were very relaxed.

"What if I say there's something you want in the exhibits tonight? Mr. Meng, do you have the courage to take a picture of it and give it to your beloved woman? "

After popularizing the knowledge of this necklace, the host said with a smile: "the bottom price of this pearl necklace is US $800000, and the increase should not be less than US $100000 each time. Ladies and gentlemen, you can bid..."

"A million dollars!"

In this kind of occasion, you never have to worry about the items that will be released. When the host's high words just fell, someone immediately raised the number plate.

"One and a half million dollars!"

"Two million dollars!"

"Three million three hundred thousand dollars!""Four million!"

It's like showing off one's own financial resources. Every bid is far higher than the fixed $100000 starting point. There's no way. For some people who take out $100 as a tip after breakfast, they can't afford to lose this person.

"George, I really like this pearl necklace. It's tailor-made for me. You must take a picture of it for me, OK?"

A voice came from Qin fan's side. Qin fan turned his head and saw a flow artist who often appeared on the mainland TV screen recently. He was holding the arm of an old man with gray hair, and his lips were pressing in his ear.

When a man reaches this age, he makes money that his family can't spend all his life. When his ears are the softest, the old man can't stand the attack of his granddaughter. When his granddaughter is a little too young, he directly raises the number plate in his hand: "five million!"

"Five and a half million!"

"Six million!"

"Six and a half million!"


The old man didn't expect that he would be drowned by a series of price calls. People with a clear eye can see that this pearl necklace is worth two million US dollars at most, which is just a highlight of the charity night. But at this time, who cares about the value of the goods? It's the top rich who are pressed in front of their beloved women I don't want to see it.

"Well, isn't that ridiculous?"

"A string of broken pearl necklace, was called to 6.5 million dollars?"

The host was also stunned. Before he had time to show his superb auction skills, the necklace had been sold at three times the expected price of Zhao Sheng!

This is too unreasonable!

"Six and a half million. Is there anyone else who keeps bidding?"

Pharynx pharynx hair dry throat, the host raised the hammer, binocular look around.

The banquet hall fell into silence.

There must be a degree to be competitive.

Especially when the old man saw an Arab with long white cloth hat and ten fingers full of gemstones of various colors looking back at himself, he immediately gave up the idea of continuing to bid.

Are you kidding me? Are you bidding with such people? There's no place to throw it.

"This pearl necklace is more suitable for mature women. It must be at least over 40 years old. It also needs a lot of clothing and jewelry suitable for mature women to show its value. You are too young. Now you don't need such mature jewelry. I'll take a picture of it later..."

The old man pretended to be calm and said that he had already made a promise, so he soon gave up the woman's idea, and did not pester him to continue to bid.

What's more, all of you are discerning people who know the real value of this pearl necklace very well. Besides, the auction has just begun. As we all know, the good play is still to come.

"Eight million!"

Just as the host is about to drop the hammer, a female voice suddenly rings. The host is overjoyed and looks to the place where the card is raised. He finds that the person who finally raises the card to bid is actually the female companion who came with Zhao Sheng today, the woman who just came to Hong Kong Island from the mainland, Li Peizi!

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