"Qin Shao, don't we go now?"

Seeing people leaving after another, Zhang Zihao whispers to Qin fan.

Qin fan looked at the hall and found that most of the people who are leaving now are guests who didn't raise a sign to bid during the auction, or who spent millions of dollars to buy some jewelry.

Such as Zhao Sheng, Li Peizi, Ahmad, and the young man who took the Sutra None of them left.

Each of them has a price of tens of millions of dollars.

There are more than 20 such people.

It seems that the purpose of coming here has nothing to do with the auction just finished.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after the tense statistics of the staff of our organizer, now the results come out..."

The host's voice echoed again in the banquet hall.

Many of the guests who have not yet left also sit back in their chairs, curious about the total amount of the auction tonight.

"Thank you for your kindness. After 19 collections were sold at high prices tonight, the total amount of this charity auction night $1.05 billion! It broke the transaction record of the auction in the past ten years! We will also donate $450 million to the Charity Association of the Jockey Club to help 130000 autistic children. All the details of the purpose of the donation will be gradually disclosed in the later stage. "

After all, the rich host announced that he would get a lot of money from the charity auction, but no matter how much money he would make in the auction, it was his contribution to the charity.

"Well, this is the end of tonight's charity auction night. Thank you for your presence. We will arrange a car to take you to your residence. Of course, if you have other itineraries, the Jockey Club will arrange for you. Don't bother you."

The club has a special service organization for its members, which is the same as the private butler service of Vito mobile phone. It provides 24-hour personal service with comprehensive and specific contents.

"Then, please have a rest for the guests who have read their names. There will be other arrangements for the children's horse club later, which may delay you for a few minutes." The host added with a smile.

Here we are.

Qin fan breathed softly and glanced over the venue. After hearing the host's words, the vast majority of people stopped to leave. Only a few people seemed to have something to do and got up to leave.

"Zhao Sheng, Li Peizi, Ahmad, Guo Tian, Li xuanming, Tang Xin..."

Tang Xin?

When Qin fan heard the name, he couldn't help but feel stunned.

Tang Xin is here, too?

He looked up again and looked around.

At this time, there were less than 50 guests left in the banquet hall where more than 100 people could sit.

There was no obstacle in the middle of the full stool, which was convenient for Qin fan to see most people's faces clearly.

What's more, Tang Xin's charming face is easy to recognize.

But Qin fan looked around and didn't find a face close to her.

Is it true that she was invited to charity night, but Tang Xin didn't arrive?

Nineteen names on the list will be read soon.

In addition to those heard at the beginning, Qin fan only heard his name at the end.

At the same time, Daniel walked behind him, bent down and whispered, "Mr. Xia, please move with me."

Qin fan turned his head and said with a smile, "well, Mr. Xia must have heard about the next cruise tonight, but for safety reasons, the Jockey Club will be responsible for all your personal safety tonight, so your bodyguards can't board with you."

"No way!"

After Zhang Zihao heard this, he almost didn't think about it and refused.

"No Qin fan raised his hand and interrupted what Zhang Zihao wanted to say next, "since there is a horse club, I don't have to worry about my personal safety. I also ask Daniel to guide us. We can start now."

As for the cruise tour to be held by the Jockey Club to diamond level members in the evening, although the Jockey Club has not deliberately announced it publicly, most people already know that it is meaningless to pretend to be stupid at this time.

Qin fan stood up, patted Zhang Zihao on the shoulder and said, "go back to the hotel and wait for me. I'll go back in the jockey club car."

Qin fan doesn't want to leave the hotel with the army, so let Daniel take him ahead of time.

Moreover, many guests who were called were invited to leave the hotel in batches without interference.

"Mr. Xia, it seems that the Buddhist scriptures and paintings on sale tonight did not enter your eyes. Are you not interested in this level of things, or do you expect things that did not appear at the auction?"

Sitting in the car, Daniel is still sitting in the co pilot, turned his head and said to Qin fan with a smile.

"Do you know what I want?" Qin fan asked."Ha ha, I just can see that Mr. Xia is disappointed in the list of items in this auction. If Mr. Xia really comes for a purpose and wants something, you will deliberately speak directly, and the Jockey Club will come forward to find relevant channels for you and deliver it to you."

Daniel is not deliberately showing off himself, but the club does have such strength!

It's no exaggeration to say that even if Qin fan wants to meet Angelina Jolie now, he has to pay enough price, and the Jockey Club can deliver it to Qin fan's room before dawn tomorrow.

"What's the highest price of this auction?" Qin fan asked.

"The Sutra, 239 million, was taken away by Guo Tian." Daniel said.

"Do you think any of my calligraphy and painting collections are lower than this number?" Qin fan shook his head with disdain. "The table with Tang Bohu's original works in my bedroom is already worth the price. Where do you want me to buy it?"

The original owner of "summer" is a rich second generation.

He is arrogant and domineering.

Although he has never appeared in the meeting, Qin fan is unconsciously relying on the tone and attitude of his speech.

"Er..." This time, even Daniel was stunned, he received the news, "summer" is a spendthrift, do not put money in the current childe brother, extremely boastful!

At the beginning of the meeting, I thought Qin fan was different from the people in the news.

Now it seems that this person is more boastful than he imagined!

Looking at Qin fan's suspicious eyes, Daniel said with a smile, "I believe the cruise trip tonight will satisfy you."

Fuli hotel is less than 20 minutes away from Victoria Harbor. After chatting with some people, the Mercedes Benz car has slowly stopped at the harbor. Prepare the car boy here in advance, open the door and invite Qin fan down.

The night scene of Victoria, which is known as millions of wealth, is all presented in Qin fan's sight.

Qin fan suddenly found that when he went to school in the past, he always looked forward to the future. When he got rich one day, all the places he wanted to go now had changed.

Star Cruise, known as the world's top luxury cruise ship, is seven stories high, capable of carrying more than 3900 passengers, with 5000 square feet of garden villas, swimming pools and other facilities, as well as food choices from 13 countries.

At Daniel's invitation, Qin fan boarded the ship and stepped onto the deck. Along the way, he still went through four security checks. At the same time, several famous Hong Kong stars arrived with Qin fan. When Qin fan stepped onto the deck, Hong Xin, wearing a Black Slim fishtail evening dress, came over with a red wine glass.

"Talk to me first. You can call me if you have anything." Daniel left with a smile, leaving enough private space for Qin fan.

Qin fan watched Hong Xin swaying to himself. Although he was calm, he was still a little excited.

After all, it's a teenage goddess.

In Hong Xin's classic Hong Kong Island movies, the vivid images of pure and beautiful ladies created by Hong Xin had a great impact on Qin fan.

Although she used to be in her thirties, her appearance is not much affected, and now she doesn't have much charm.

"Hello, Mr. Xia. Are you going to the cruise party alone tonight?" Hong Xin stood in front of Qin fan and said with a smile.

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