When the three returned to the villa at the top of the mountain, it was getting cold.

Chen Sixuan went to cook porridge.

There are ready-made ingredients in the refrigerator.

When there were only two people left in the living room, Li Peizi suddenly moved her body to Qin fan's side. Her red lips came close to his earlobe and asked, "where I'm sitting now, you two won't..."

Qin fan Leng for a moment, then reaction, turned his head, almost face to face with her, asked: "what do you want?"


Li Peizi blinked. "I'm not very satisfied with your car performance. Now I'll give you a chance to make up for it."

"Here it is?" Qin fan was surprised.

Chen Sixuan is cooking soup in the kitchen now. The kitchen door is still open, but Li Peizi dares to make such a request here

Qin fan glanced up and down at her and asked, "which one is not satisfied?"

"Not really." Li Peizi chuckled, "how about you sleep with me tonight and let my sister sleep in the guest room?"

"The soup is ready."

When Qin fan is opening his mouth and wants to speak, he suddenly hears a cold voice from the kitchen door.

Then, looking back, I saw Chen Sixuan in a long black dress standing there, looking at herself with frost on her face.

Ha ha

Qin fan secretly gave a bitter smile. In a few minutes, the soup was ready. How could it be?

"I'm not hungry."

Qin fan laughs awkwardly and consciously sits on the sofa beside him to keep a safe distance from Li Peizi.

Li Peizi also lifted her hair and said, "I'm not hungry." she stood up and went upstairs, took a bath, changed her clothes and went to bed.

But seeing that Chen Sixuan, the imperial sister, was still standing coldly at the door, her eyes almost covered with frost, and her hands were still carrying the soup spoon, Qin fan stood up awkwardly and asked, "are you not hungry, let's go to bed?"

Chen Sixuan unties Tang Sixuan's apron and goes up the stairs.

It's in the room.

Qin fan went into the room and closed the door. Looking at the cold imperial sister sitting beside the bed, she asked with a smile, "angry?"

Chen Sixuan raised her head. Qin fan found that there were tears in her beautiful eyes. Suddenly, she walked forward to squat in front of her and asked, "what's the matter?"

But she didn't expect that, even if she didn't ask, a crystal clear tear suddenly came down from Chen Sixuan's eye socket. She didn't wipe it, so she let the tear across her white cheek and broke it to the ground.

Women's tears have always been very precious.

In particular, Chen Sixuan, who is not good at expressing her feelings, can greet her even when the sky falls, unless she is really sad to the extreme

The four eyes are opposite.

Qin fan sighed.

Chen Sixuan opened her mouth slightly and said, "you have..."

Qin fan nodded, "I want to say that I see a doctor for her. Do you believe it?"

Chen Sixuan didn't speak, but the corners of her mouth were even more shriveled.


Qin fan opens his mouth, but is blocked by Chen Sixuan's fingertips.

"Let me get used to it for a while, I think, I can accept it..."

Chen Sixuan sipped her lips. She still remembers what she promised Qin fan.

No matter what, as long as he needs, he can appear at any time, and for Qin fan's life, she will not interfere.

However, she did not expect that her sister would be so soon

Suddenly, Chen Sixuan feels a warm arm and hugs herself tightly.

Then there was a low voice in my ear, "I'm sorry."

Chen Sixuan's delicate body trembled, and then she heard the voice in her ear continue to say: "no, she is not willing to stay with you. The horse club and the Dragon Gang must be looking for her everywhere now. Only in Nandu can she be safe."

Qin fan left Hong Kong Island by plane and returned to Nandu.

Bai Jianjia had already told him the latest news about the horse club and the Dragon Gang on the phone.

The hijacking of the Jockey Club cruise ship spread all over Hong Kong Island when Qin fan boarded the plane.

More than 20 of the world's top rich have died.

Dozens of bodies of the Jockey Club and the robbers were found at the scene.

Only two protagonists, Zhao Sheng and his girlfriend, Li Peizi, are missing.

This important news made the Jockey Club and Longbang, who had been keeping a high vigilance to the cruise situation, unable to sit down.

Zhao Sheng is the vice president of the Jockey Club. He is in charge of the charitable foundation with hundreds of billions of funds and a large number of information about the members of the Jockey Club. Once he goes against the Jockey Club and acts against the Jockey Club under the control of some intentional people, the Jockey Club will not be able to bear the consequences.

After all, it's impossible for a club, one of the top four in the world, to be clean.Therefore, as soon as the Jockey Club searches for Zhao Sheng's whereabouts, it will carry out the action of rectifying the internal information at the same time. Before dawn, the accounts and member information of the Jockey Club will be completely new and will not give outsiders any opportunity.

As for the Dragon gang.

After learning that Li Peizi is also missing, she is furious.

Li Peizi has always been their trump card in restricting Qin fan.

Although Qin fan knew it was useless.

But at least, they always think so.

So when they learned that Li Peizi was missing, they immediately used their own strength on Hong Kong Island to search for all the information related to the cruise hijacking. However, when they found out that the initiator of the whole incident was the president of the Jockey Club, empress Liang Shirong.

As soon as Qin fan arrived in Nandu, the people of the Dragon Gang on Hong Kong Island had already arrived at Liang Shirong's residence in person to talk about the important people.

As for the outcome of the talks, it is not yet known.

In short, the whole Hong Kong Island has been in a mess.

However, the two parties involved in the incident, one is sleeping in the guest room, and the other, also embracing Chen Sixuan, starts the second round of activities tonight.


Hong Kong Island.

Peak community.

The owners of no more than 30 villas in the whole mountain, almost every one of them can make the whole China a household name.

Halfway up the mountain.

It's in a brightly lit reception hall of a four story European style villa near daybreak.

Wearing a white shirt and grey Plaid trousers, Liang Shirong is looking at the gloomy middle-aged man in front of him.

"Mr. Kong, I think I have seriously explained to you that the hijacking of the cruise ship is just a very accidental hijacking incident. Our Jockey Club has also suffered a heavy loss in the whole incident, including my good partner Zhao Sheng, whose whereabouts are unknown now. But you actually point the finger at me and say that all this is what I call. I think it's not appropriate to talk like this."

Mr Leung has explained to this influential speaker on Hong Kong Island for nearly half an hour.

But no matter how I clarify, this man with a good background does not believe his words.

"Carrier pigeon." Kong Nantian said with a smile: "Liu Zhaolong, the organization and initiator of this cruise ship hijacking incident, has already revealed that he is a person code named" carrier pigeon ". He pays money and weapons, and even helps them secretly install personnel in the cruise ship to help them board and control the ship. I don't think you are unfamiliar with the name" carrier pigeon ", Mr. Liang? Do you want me to explain it for you? "

Kong Nantian.

The second best of the Dragon Gang!

Second only to Confucius.

It is even better than Kong Zhen, who has been eyeing Qin fan.

Living on Hong Kong Island for a long time, he controls the economic lifeline of the Dragon gang. He is the absolute leader of the Dragon gang! Even Liang Shirong, President of the Jockey Club, one of the top four in the world, has to yield a third of his power and influence on Hong Kong Island.

Today, he came here in person to ask Liang Shirong for an explanation.

One is dissatisfaction with the fact that he arranged for people to rob the hostages under his close supervision.

Second, I want to ask whether this is an unintentional loss or a signal that we are about to declare war on the Dragon gang.

After listening to Kong Nantian's words, Liang Shirong laughed, waved his hand and said, "no, there is only one carrier pigeon on Hong Kong Island. Ah Xin, who is in charge of the safety work of the top figures of the Jockey Club, is always with me. Only a few days ago, YG Jockey Club told me something. I asked him to go out and do it, but he still hasn't come back. How can we talk about organizing the hijacking of cruise ships? It's my own cruise. "

"So you can't give me an explanation?" Kong Nantian asked in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, it's none of my business." Liang Shirong said calmly.

"Since President Liang is not willing to say it, I think the people under my hand will help me find out."

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