"Go to the sanatorium and see Dad. Do you want to go with me?" Chen said coldly.

"I'll go to see my father, of course, and he can go. Why can't I?"

Li Peizi gave Qin fan a white look, got up from the sofa and went upstairs to change clothes.

Qin fan took a look at Chen Sixuan, "do you really want to take her?"

Chen Sixuan nodded, "since the accident happened at home, my sister has never known about her father's situation. She doesn't know exactly what his father's mental state is now. Let her have a look. If she is a daughter, she should be restrained and stop making trouble everywhere."

"Sorry..." Qin fan sighed.

Chen Sixuan said with a forced smile: "you don't have to tell me that. I told you a long time ago that I would not interfere in any of your life. Go to see Xia Meng when I have time. Now that things in the Dragon gang are not as serious as before, I always let her stay in the hospital. I'm afraid it's not good for her physical and mental health. Besides, after leaving the hospital, I can often accompany her to relax. What can I do I'll try my best to help. Don't worry. "

Qin fan's heart moved. Since the influence of the Dragon gang went deep into Nandu, he did not dare to show Xia Meng to others, for fear that he would attract the attention of the Dragon gang and hit Xia Meng with the trick.

And this time back from Hong Kong Island.

Received a secret letter from Bai Jianjia.

Kong Nantian, the second leader of the Dragon Gang, suspects that the hijacking of the Jockey Club's cruise ship is a big play directed and performed by the president of the Jockey Club, Liang Shirong. Now all the anger is poured out on the Jockey Club. The forces of the two sides are surging in Hong Kong Island, which may cause violent conflicts at any time.

In a short period of time, the attention of the Dragon gang will definitely no longer focus on itself, let alone on Nandu.

After such a long time of infighting, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and let Xia Meng safely leave the hospital.

However, too many things happened during this period of time. Qin fan still doesn't know whether he can go to see Xia Meng again as before.

The outside world is treacherous and unpredictable, but summer dream Or the simple summer dream before

Qin fan sighed deeply. Seeing that Li Peizi had changed her clothes and went downstairs, he nodded gratefully to Chen Sixuan. The three men got on the bus and drove toward the sanatorium in the suburb.

All the way speechless.

Although Li Peizi in the back row always deliberately wants to stir up the conversation, Chen Sixuan, the driver, never cares about her until the car arrives at the gate of the sanatorium. After getting off the car, she tells her: "Dad's situation is good and bad. If he asks about your situation during this period, you'd better not talk about it, so that Dad's spirit will not be stimulated again and what will happen A bad situation. "

Although Li Peizi is unruly, she can tell the difference between father and daughter.

Qingzhu sanatorium is located in the beautiful feicui mountain in the northern suburbs.

The car entered the gate at the foot of the mountain and went up the road around the mountain. Finally, three people got off at the gate of a two-story building built with green bricks and tiles.

Although Qin fan felt that the environment of Shengde hospital was superior enough.

But he did not expect that there would be such a geomantic treasure land in Nandu, hidden among the green mountains and leaves.

If it's not a neat and clean road, there are angels in white everywhere, and monitoring safety measures are installed everywhere.

Qin fan even thinks that this is not a sanatorium, but a real paradise.

"This emerald mountain was built a long time ago. When my father was doing real estate development, he bought the land for the development of high-grade villas. However, after the industrial transformation, he gave up most of the real estate business and invested in new industries. He built this land into a sanatorium. Unexpectedly, he would live in it so soon."

Seeing Qin fan's eyes full of surprise, Chen Sixuan explains.

However, the actual situation, she did not finish completely.

At the beginning, Chen Tianyang really planned to use this land to build a top villa community.

But later I saw that the sanatorium built by the Shen family in baihualu attracted many important people to live and recuperate, and thus established a huge network of relationships. I also moved my mind and spent a lot of money to transform the mountain, and built a luxury sanatorium which is one of the best in China.

But he only miscalculated one step.

Shen Jianping built Shengde hospital for communication because he already had such a huge network.

But Chen Tianyang is the richest man in Nandu.

There's nothing richer than Nandu.

Naturally, you don't have to curry favor with those who do business.

But in terms of location, I dare not come to such a luxurious place.

Over time, they can only lower the entrance threshold, charge fees, and become a National Sanatorium, attracting those rich people from other places to live and cultivate, but they have been unable to make ends meet.

Qin fan is very satisfied with the environment here.

It's not too far from the city center, and the scenery is very good. The design of one room for one person with green bricks and tiles makes him feel like he grew up in the countryside."Well, if only I could buy it, I would be my own home..."

Just as Qin fan looked around and sighed about the beautiful scenery, he saw that the door of the second floor building suddenly opened.

Two girls in white nurse's clothes, holding the old man who thought he was old, crossed the steps and walked slowly towards Qin fan.

It seems that there are at least 70 years old people.

All over the place.

Face is wrinkled, rickets figure can only rely on the support of the nurse, can barely walk, just like a pair of, drooping will die.

"Dad, dad?"

Until the old man came to the three and stood still.

Li Peizi suddenly looked at the strange old man in front of her like a fool. It was just the familiar feeling between her eyebrows, and the kind of hard feelings revealed in her eyes

Li Peizi shuddered all over her body, her teeth clenched her lower lip tightly, and two lines of clear tears flowed from her eyes. After a moment, she finally couldn't help but pounce on the old man!

"Dad! How did you become like this? What's the matter with you, Dad I'm wrong, I'm really wrong I'll never leave again. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry... "

The sound of pain, mixed with moving cries, made Chen Sixuan, who was standing on one side, blush slightly and hold her fists together.

Since the accident in the Chen family, my father has been growing old with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole person seems to have been drained of all vitality.

White hair overnight, every day will only hold once a family of four photos, mouth repeatedly dead wife, Li Yuzhen's name.

I don't know anyone.

Even his own daughter, Chen Sixuan, was turned away as a stranger.

So every time Chen Sixuan came to see him, she just stood quietly outside the door, looked at her father through the window, and even couldn't get close to him.

She can't remember how many times she dried her tears, how many times she woke up in the morning, and her pillow was wet with tears.

Now I finally see my sister back.

How can she not be moved by this scene? The former president of Goddess could not keep her cool appearance. The big tears fell from the corner of her eyes one by one, and her whole body was shaking.

"Well, don't cry."

Chen Sixuan's trembling shoulder was suddenly pressed by the palm of her hand. Qin fan came up to her and looked at her with emotion. He could not tell who was the richest man in Nandu. He still remembered his high spirited when he met him for the first time. Once they were compared, he could not help feeling that fate made people confused and things were unpredictable.

Chen Sixuan didn't look back. Instead, she just hugged her hand on her shoulder. She didn't know how long she had been looking forward to this scene. She didn't know how many times this scene had appeared in her dream. Now that her dream has come true, she heard her sister's promise that she would never leave Nandu again and that she would accompany her father. She was even more excited and speechless. She leaned on her body Qin fan's chest rippled with tears.

However, while Qin fan was looking at the touching scene, he also noticed that although there were beautiful mountains and rivers, there were a lot of red paint splashed on the walls of some buildings. Although they had been cleaned, there were still some traces indicating that something unusual had happened here.

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