Chen did not expect that Qin fan would talk to her about money at this time.

Chen's group now also does appear the situation of capital chain fracture, but how does Qin fan know?

Looking at Chen Sixuan's confused eyes, Qin fan grinned: "what's the matter, can't you tell your husband?"

Old man, honey?

Chen Sixuan's cheek "Shua" to fly a touch of bright red, immediately glared at Qin fan, not angry, said: "someone, what nonsense."

Although she also called her husband Qin fan, she was alone when they were together. Outside, Chen Sixuan kept the pride of the goddess president.

Qin fan only laughs at Chen Sixuan's teasing.

If you want to solve the current economic crisis of Chen group, it is not enough to rely on yourself and Bailey investment company.

It takes the power of the family.

It happened that when I came back from Hong Kong Island this time, I didn't report to my father. When the matter of feicui valley was solved, I went to xiannupo to report the situation of Hong Kong Island and help my goddess daughter-in-law solve these little troubles.

Qin fan thought, Yu Guangli saw master Huang scurrying around the living room like a headless fly. He was desperately wiping the sweat on his forehead with the sleeve of his Taoist robe. He kept muttering: "it's not right. How can it point at me? I'm a great immortal! How can it be unclean and evil... "

Hearing this, Qin fan and Chen Sixuan look at each other.

Then Qin Fan said with a smile, "I don't think there's any problem with the compass. It's a problem with people."

"Fart!" Master Huang raised his sinister eyes and stared at Qin fan, "you can do it. You can try it."

"Mentally handicapped..." Qin fan looked at master Huang disdainfully, then looked at him again. The pointer in his hand pointed straight to his "Tianchi", and said faintly, "the needle does not stop turning, the master dies quickly, the Yin Qi lingers, and he hangs white every day. Generally speaking, if the compass pointer keeps turning and can't identify the position, there must be evil people staying here. If people stay in this place for a long time, they will die soon. If it's serious, we have to hang white banners and hold funerals every day until all the people die... "

With that, Qin fan looks at Chen Sixuan with a frightened face.

"Qin fan, how do you know that when master Huang was measuring here before, the pointer was spinning around all the time, and what he said at that time seemed to be similar to you..." Chen Sixuan looks at Qin fan in a hurry.

"Ha ha, don't worry." Qin Fan said with a cool smile, "this is just one of the cases, and the other is that once the pointer in master Huang's compass stops rotating, no matter how it swings, it points to the same person, then it proves that..."

"Prove what!" Master Huang yelled coldly, "Feng Shui is a secret skill. Is it something you can covet?"

"Master Huang, don't be nervous. I didn't say anything, but I really know something about feng shui. For example, where you are standing now, it is said in the book of changes that everything can be divided into two kinds of eight trigrams. For example, this room can be made into two kinds of eight trigrams by taking the beam as the center, giving birth to congenital eight trigrams: Qian, Kan, gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dou, and corresponding to dark Eight trigrams: Sheng, Shang, Xiu, Du, Jing, Si, Jing, Kai... "

"Businessmen live; those who hurt their minds get sick; those who rest their minds get far away; those who hide their minds; those who view their minds are lucky; those who die their minds are fierce; those who open their minds are promoted..."

Looking at master Huang's incredible eyes, Qin Fan said with a smile: "master Huang, feng shui compass pointer orientation means evil attachment, and now you are just standing in the injured position in the dark gossip. I'm afraid of Mr. Chen's illness. Even if I think about it well, it's very difficult..."

Master Huang was surprised. His first reaction was to calculate the location of the eight trigrams in the living room according to the location of the eight trigrams.

Then, when he found that he was really standing in the "injured" position at the moment, his heart suddenly thumped. Without saying a word, he directly jumped to the side, away from the previous position.

"This time is xiumen..." Qin Fan said faintly.

"Ah?" Master Huang was stunned again. He pinched his fingers, changed his face and jumped back.

"This time it's Dumen..."

"Now it's dead door again..."

"Ah, can you do it or not? It seems that if you don't force the old man to death, you don't want to give up..."

Qin fan covered his forehead with a long sigh.

"Say you're a bull. You can't even find a student, a scene or a door. Say you're a vegetable. You know how to jump on the Dumen."

Qin fan looked at master Huang with a sneer, sweating and jumping up and down in the living room.

At the same time, uncle Dong's voice sounded in the headset: "yes, young master, I have found out all the details of master Huang."

"Talk about it." Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Master Huang, his real name is Huang Jun, and his original name is Huang Tiezhu. He was born in dahuangzhuang village, Jinniu County, WF City, SD province. He dropped out of junior high school at the age of 13. He followed his parents to farm in his hometown. Later, he began to wander around the world. He followed a fortune teller in Jinniu county and cheated a lot of money. Because he offended a famous clan in Guangdong Province, he fled to Hong Kong Island. After that, he changed his name and spent money to repack himself and shake himself As soon as he changed, he became a top feng shui master from the mainland. He continued to cheat on Hong Kong Island. He not only cheated money, but also cheated many rich wives by using various kinds of magic drugs. This time he came to Nandu, he was chased and killed by Zhang Dong, a famous rich businessman on Hong Kong Island. The reason is that the pair of teachers and disciples used the excuse of the great master to pass on his merits to make Zhang Dong's wife pregnant... ""Well, what about these people?" Qin fan asked in a low voice.

"I have informed the two clans in Guangdong Province who were cheated by the master and apprentice, as well as Zhang Dong of Hong Kong Island. Zhang Dong has now reserved the earliest flight to Nandu. As for the two clans in Guangdong Province, they are in Nandu and on their way to feicui Valley..." Said uncle Dong.

"Well." Qin fan turns off Bluetooth and ends the conversation with feng shui master on the other side of the phone.

At the same time, I finally found a yellow one on the forehead

"Huang Tiezhu!"

Suddenly, a burst of drink, master Huang scared directly jumped up from the ground.

"Who! Who is calling me

Master Huang heard that someone was calling his name. He was surprised and subconsciously replied. Then when he saw Qin fan's smiling eyes, he immediately reflected it. He became angry and said in a low voice: "how dare you investigate me?"

Qin fan took the teacup on the table with a smile, sipped it gently and said, "so, do you admit it?"

"You Master Huang looks at Qin fan insidiously. He goes to Hong Kong Island from the mainland in anonymity, and then returns to the mainland after gilding from Hong Kong Island. He has long been a well-known feng shui master in the upper class circle of the mainland. However, he did not expect to be told his life experience in such a place. This man is Qin fan whom he hates the most. He immediately attacks his heart with malice and looks at Qin fan with a sneer.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin fan didn't understand.

"I laugh at you dying!" Master Huang stood up straight and regained his momentum when he entered the door. He looked at Qin fan coldly and said, "don't think I don't know you've done something on my compass. I've been in geomantic omen for so many years. Don't think these little tricks can hide from my eyes. I tell you, if you want to take food from Huang Jun's hand, you're afraid you'll have life to take it and die!"

Master Huang's words are not aimless.

He has been wandering the world for so many years, and he knows a lot of gangsters.

I've dealt with a lot of things for him.

Master Huang hasn't paid attention to children like Qin fan who don't have enough hair.

Qin fan laughs: "you are threatening me."

"It's up to you, you're not in Laozi's eyes..."


Chen Sixuan's face was covered with frost, and his voice interrupted master Huang's next words.

"Huang Da Huang Tiezhu, what's the matter with you? Is it the same as what Qin Fan said? He is a liar at all

Chen Sixuan's beautiful eyes are full of anger. Although you don't have much hope that master Huang can save her father's illness, she always treats master Huang as a guest of honor to the Chen family.

But I didn't expect that master Huang would speak rudely to Qin fan again and again.

He even threatened to do harm to Qin fan!

Chen Sixuan looked at master Huang coldly and said in a cold voice, "come and see off!"

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