"Here comes the Chen family."

With a low cry, Wang Tianhao raised his head and saw a beautiful shadow slowly approaching on the way down the mountain.

"Mr. Chen."

As Chen Sixuan approached the gate, Wang Tianhao immediately brought people to meet him and said anxiously, "Hello, Mr. Chen, is Huang Jun in your house now?"

Chen Sixuan nodded, "exactly."

Wang Tianhao took a deep breath, with a happy smile on his face, and said respectfully, "please let Mr. Chen borrow the road and let me wait to go in. I'll find out this mess by myself and avenge Wang's ancestors!"

"Yes, kill the dog, kill him, let his body feed the dog!"

"If you dare to insult my Wang ancestors, I'll dig their graves and let them taste the humiliation of their ancestors!"


The people behind Wang Tianhao are excited.

Seeing Chen Sixuan's cold face, Wang Tianhao felt a little sorry and said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Chen. You know what ancestral hall means in Guangdong Province. Huang Jun cheated at the grand ceremony of ancestor worship and insulted our ancestors. Now it's hard to find him. Everyone is very excited. It's true It is inevitable that... "

"I know." Chen Sixuan spoke calmly, with no expression on her face.

She is a very cool character, indifferent as ice.

It is only in front of Qin fan that he can't keep his air.

"So..." Wang Tianhao asked for instructions with a smile.

Although he was not long in Nandu, he had heard about the name of this cool and gorgeous female president.

It seems that although the Chen family is now down and out, the temperament of the rich family is not so easy to throw away.

"People, you can't take them away." Chen Sixuan looks calm.

"Why?" Wang Tianhao didn't understand and asked, "it's the Shen family who called to ask us to be important. Why don't we go in?"

The Shen family, a giant in Nandu and even in the whole of China, must have said hello to the Chen family since they can call themselves. However, for a Chen family who is on the decline, they can't ignore the greeting of the Shen family.

"This man also cheated my father and nearly killed him! I need to keep him and let him pay for some of the things he has done. " Chen Sixuan said lightly.

"But..." Wang Tianhao got married for a while. Even though he knew that Huang Jun must have done something bad in the Chen family, he was found on the spot and was detained here.

However, when he found Huang Jun and wanted to take him back to the village, he had already told several patriarchs of the clan on his way here. Now they have called the whole clan together to wait in the ancestral hall, waiting for them to take them back, and then asking questions to solve their grievances.

Now Chen Sixuan says that if he doesn't let people go, he won't let them go. How can he go back and explain to those clansmen?

Seeing Chen Sixuan's non cannibal face, Wang Tianhao thought for a moment and said, "otherwise, you can take me in first and see if this Huang Jun is the person we are looking for, and then discuss what to do next. What's Chen's general idea?"

Chen Sixuan frowned, nodded and said, "well, you can come in with me alone. Others are waiting outside."

In other cases, if Chen Sixuan dare to say this in front of Wang Tianhao, the most successful middle-aged generation in the Wang clan, even the Chen family must pay enough price to calm the anger of the Wang clan.

After all, the Chen family is only the richest man in the southern capital, and there are many descendants of the Wang family in China.

It's just a Chen family. They haven't paid attention to it yet.

Just as the early Li family certainly did not take Chen Tianyang seriously.

However, since they came here this time, it was the Shen family who said hello. They could ignore the Chen family, but they should be polite enough to face the real Chinese business empire of the Shen family.

"Well, you wait outside. I'll see you and come back."

Wang Tianhao nodded and respectfully extended his hand to invite Chen Sixuan to lead the way ahead. Under the gaze of the Wang family, he stepped into the feicui valley.

On the way.

Wang Tianhao followed Chen Sixuan closely and took the initiative to say, "Mr. Chen, I heard that Chen's group seems to have encountered some small troubles recently. I don't know if there's anything I can do for you. For the sake of taking me to see Huang Jun today, I'd like to help myself."

Guangsheng people, look at the patriarchal clan bigger than the sky!

It is absolutely obligatory to do anything related to the patriarchal clan, leaving no leeway and doing it well.

Along the way, Wang Tianhao carefully thought about the whole process.

Faintly feel, want to let Chen family hand over Huang Jun on his own initiative, certainly won't be like at the beginning of the road, think so simple.

We are all businessmen. We are very clear about the rule of equal exchange of interests.I've heard a lot about Chen's group recently.

"Thank you. We sisters will solve the Chen family's problems by ourselves, so we won't bother Mr. Wang."

Chen Sixuan walks forward with a high posture, but does not turn her head back. She turns down Wang Tianhao's request.

"Well It's natural, but I've heard that in the past more than a month, Chen's group's investment in several major projects outside the southern province has been repeatedly hindered in procedures and process. We Cantonese believe that it's fate for us to get together. Since Mr. Chen has helped us so much, then your investment outside the southern province is just within my rights. We can help Mr. Chen and communicate with him in the future Chen Group's long-standing business cooperation is also a long cherished wish of Wang Tianhao. "

Wang Tianhao said all the time and Chen Sixuan listened quietly as they walked along the mountain road.

Chen Group's current financial difficulties are entirely due to three blind foreign investment projects.

This is the first time that Chen's group has invested so much capital in other provinces.

Although all aspects have already said hello, everything seems to be going on in an orderly way, but at the critical moment, they have encountered problems in procedures, as well as all kinds of troubles in project development.

Chen Sixuan is very clear that this has touched the interests of local enterprises.

This time, however, Chen's group stretched out its hand so long that it was unable to provide assistance.

Although Chen Sixuan knows that these are all the old guys in the group who want to disintegrate their rights while their father is seriously ill.

However, their share proportion in the group is too large, although they strongly oppose it, it will not help in the end.

Chen Sixuan saw that the Chen group, which her father had built up, was about to collapse.

If at this time, Wang's clansmen, who have a very dense network of clansmen, are willing to help themselves, it is naturally the best.

But not right now.

"Thank you for Mr. Wang's kindness. We'd better meet Mr. Huang Jun first, and then talk about other things." Chen Sixuan responded coldly.

In the middle of a conversation.

They have arrived at the gate of the building where Master Huang is being detained.

At the door stood several bodyguards in black suits. Seeing Chen Sixuan appear, they came up respectfully.

"Bring people out." Chen said.


The bodyguard turned to enter the door and dragged out master Huang, who was still in a very bad state, with his arm on his arm.

"Yes! Even a broken Chen family dares to fight against Laozi. Do you know who Laozi is? I don't want to go out to inquire. In those days, even the Wang and Cai clans in Guangdong Province were respectful when they saw Lao Tzu. They didn't dare to fart. But today, you dare to catch Lao Tzu. Believe it or not, waiting for Lao Tzu to go out will make you die. You regret what you did to me today! "

Chen Sixuan frowned at master Huang, who was lying on the ground and full of swearing. He said in a cold voice, "Huang Jun, don't look up. Let's see who's coming to see you!"

"I don't care who he is! Chen Sixuan, you rotten whore, you are lucky that you didn't let me have sex with you this time. But you must go out alone. I tell you, don't let me see you outside. If I meet you, I will... "

Master Huang got up from the ground while cursing.

But when he first saw Chen Sixuan and then Wang Tianhao, who was standing beside him at the moment, he was stunned.

"Huang Jun, do you still recognize me?" Huang Tianhao sneered.

"Wang, Mr. Wang..."

Master Huang stares at Wang Tianhao and whispers twice. He turns his eyes up and faints on the ground.

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