"Who are these people?"

Qin fan frowned. Just from this distance, the temperament of these people is definitely not ordinary people.

In addition to their clothes and the silent pace of walking, two words came to Qin fan's mind: Black

Shen Jianping also came to the gate of Lingtang, a group of uninvited guests.

With his experience, he can know the identity of these people better than Qin fan.

But Chen Zhongliang's corpse is not cold, this group of people can't wait to appear in his hall, it's also some too unscrupulous!

Shen Jianping got up angrily and was about to walk downstairs.


Seeing this, Qin fan quickly followed up and asked, "Dad, it's not suitable for you to go on this occasion. Let me go."

"You?" Shen Jianping stopped to look back, looked at Qin fan with some worry, and said, "I'd better go. Today, your mother and I came here to mourn your uncle and grandfather. Besides, there are many directors in the group. If I don't show up, they will come to me."

Chen Menglian also stood up and said coldly, "I'd like to see who is so bold and dare to make trouble here in front of our Shen and Chen families. Even if my uncle dies, they don't forget that I'm still alive!"

With that, Shen Jianping and Qin fan were not given time to react. They turned around and walked downstairs.

Shen Jianping loved his beloved wife very much. Seeing this, he told Qin fan to stay here and not to move, and hurried to follow him.

Qin fan stood in the attic on the second floor, watching Shen Jianping and his wife leave and walk to the entrance of the hall. Those Shen and Chen families, who had been waiting for a long time nearby, came forward one after another, lined up behind them and stepped into the hall.

Looking at the parents around so many people to protect, Qin fan slightly raised the heart, also temporarily put down some.

More importantly, uncle Dong is in this group.

Qin fan looked at the ability to bustle extraordinary Lingtang, now quiet, then took out the mobile phone, dial a number out.

"Qin Shao."

When the phone is connected, Chen Zhiguang's weak voice rings in his ear.

"Where are you?" Qin fan asked.

"Lakeside villa." Chen Zhiguang whispered.

"Isn't the meeting over yet?" Qin fan Leng for a while, all this time, how people have not left.

"Well Qin Shao, it's not convenient for me to talk at the moment. You should be at my grandfather's now, right Chen Zhiguang seems to be avoiding Qin fan's question.

"Well, you know all about it?" Qin fan sighed.

"Hoo..." Chen Zhiguang breathed deeply and said in a low voice, "I know you have a lot to ask me now, but I can't answer you anything. I'm with my grandmother now. She asked me to stay here for a few more days. I'm afraid I can't help you with things outside. And during this period of time, don't call me any more. I'm very busy and I don't have time. Goodbye."


The phone was hung up.

Qin fan holding the phone in his hand, in situ Leng for a long time.

What does Chen Zhiguang mean?

Has the Chen family changed? Or did he change his mind?

Qin fan shakes his head. With his understanding of Chen Zhiguang, he will not overthrow what he believed the day before in such a short time, unless he is in trouble now.

What's the trouble?

Qin fan sat down and thought over what Chen Zhiguang said before he hung up.

"With grandma..."

Qin fan's eyes flashed for a moment. At the same time, he heard a noise coming from the Lingtang downstairs. Suddenly, he got up and rushed down to the Lingtang.

I'm in the hall now.

Chen Zhongliang's body is placed in a transparent glass ice coffin. His black-and-white photos are hung on the wall. Wreaths and elegiac couplets are placed on both sides. In the fire basin in front of the ice coffin, the flame stirs the black ash and rolls in the air. In the mourning hall, there is a strong smell of burning paper.

Right now.

Chen Menglian is standing in front of the ice coffin. Meimou stares at Chen Lei and the people in black behind him coldly. She says in a low voice, "Chen Lei, as a son of man, you dare to cremate your father's body in full view of the public. Are you still a human being?"

Just now, before Chen Menglian and Shen Jianping had time to express their condolence in front of Chen Zhongliang's body, Chen Lei waved his hand and told the people behind him to carry the body with the ice coffin and send it to the crematorium for cremation. In spite of indignation, Chen Menglian even began to doubt whether Chen Lei had ulterior motives in doing so. After all, Chen Zhongliang died suddenly In such a hurry to cremate the body, even the nervous Chen Menglian smelled a different smell.

Chen Menglian's words, let the Shen family people standing behind her, also talk one after another.

"Yes, it's too hasty to cremate the corpse before it's too cold to prepare for the most basic condolence.""In that case, why should we set up this hall? Did I come all this way to cremate the dead? It's too unruly. "

"And do it in front of Mrs. Chen, don't you take our Shen family seriously?"

All the people who spoke were those who followed Shen Jianping and his wife to mourn this time.

They are all members of the Shen group. They used to have a good relationship with Chen Zhongliang. They are very dissatisfied with Chen Lei's current practice.

"Ha ha, since you know that Chen Zhongliang is my own father, and I am his own son, as a filial son, I naturally do not allow my father's face, which has been destroyed by the river, to be exposed to the three lights. You can visit and discuss it and insult my father's spirit in heaven." Chen Lei looks at the people in front of him with no expression and speaks calmly.

"Shame on the dead?" Chen Menglian frowned, "since you are worried that we will disgrace the dead, why do you set up this mourning hall, put this ice coffin, and put your father's body in it to inform us to mourn?"

Chen Lei shook his head. "It's not my arrangement. What you see in your eyes is all done by Ah Fu, the housekeeper. When I come back, I don't know anything about it. And like you, I've only been here for a short time. Just now I've scolded Ah Fu severely. So, now you should let me carry away my father's body?"

The crowd suddenly fell silent.

In fact, Chen Lei's words are not unreasonable. Chen Zhongliang's body is swollen too seriously. The whole body is full of corpse gas due to drowning. Its volume has expanded a circle. Its skin is white and its tongue is turned out. It looks like a drowned ghost. Many people just came in and saw him at the first sight, and they were shocked. Some people even almost spit it out on the spot. The expression on their face is very different As ugly as it is.

It's no wonder that Chen Lei is so angry. After all, it's hard for any child to see someone show such a gesture in front of his own father's body.

"In this case, please send Mr. Chen's body to be cremated as soon as possible. This morning, I will be buried in peace, so as not to disturb my soul..."

A senior member of Shen's group once had a good relationship with Chen Zhongliang. After hearing this, he sighed for a long time.

Chen Lei nodded at him, then turned his eyes to Chen Menglian: "excuse me, sister, can I take my father's body away and cremate it now?"

Chen Menglian was slightly stunned. She didn't expect that things would develop to this point, but she felt that Chen Zhongliang's death was strange. When she hesitated, she heard her husband standing beside her and said, "it's light."

"Brother in law Xie."

Chen Bing nodded to lift the coffin and the body out of the coffin.

"Wait a minute."

But at this time, Shen Jianping suddenly clapped his hand on the ice coffin, glanced at the group of people around him and asked, "it seems that you are not from Nandu, are you?"

Chen Lei was stunned and quickly said, "these are some of the slaves my father raised when he was near the river. He never shows them to others. His brother-in-law doesn't know them, which is what he should take for granted."

Chen Leiheng returns to Heng, but in front of Shen Jianping, he is still very astringent. He maintains the respect of his brother-in-law.

Shen Jianping took a look at him, then patted the crystal coffin beside him with his hand, shook his head and called, "Dong Ming."

"Home owner." Dong Ming stepped forward.

"Take someone to guard the exit of Lingtang, and then arrange the forensic doctor of Linjiang city to come here. Today, I want to see how my brother, who has been fighting with me for half his life, was drowned by the river in front of his own house!"

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