All the muzzles are aimed at Dong Ming's head.

More than a dozen Black Muzzles, like the eyes of death, stare at Dong Ming, who is about to die.

Chen Lei steps forward, grabs Dong Ming by the neck and says with a cold smile, "fight, continue to fight. Aren't you good at fighting? Why not? Today, I want to see if it's your fist or my gun

At the end, Chen Lei suddenly puts the silver gun in his other hand on Dong Ming's head, presses his arm down, and tries to make Dong Ming kneel down in front of him, kowtows and pleads for mercy.

What surprised him was that no matter how hard his hand was, even though the hard muzzle of the gun had worn blood on Dong Ming's head, Dong Ming still stood in front of him like a stone, letting the blood flow down his forehead to his eyes, and staring at himself. His eyes made him feel scared.

"Draft it!"

Under the palpitation, Chen Lei suddenly raises his hand and smashes the butt of his gun at Dong Ming's temple. Dong Ming's eyes turn black and falls to the ground.

"Chen Lei, do you want to kill people?"

Chen Menglian angrily says that Dong Ming has been with her for nearly 30 years. For her, she is both a servant and a relative. Chen Lei dares to shoot Dong Ming in front of her today. Chen Menglian will not let him go anyway.

"Ha ha, it's just a dog, sister. If you dare to let your dog bite your family today, then you should be ready for the dog to be killed..."

Chen Lei says coldly. In Chen Menglian's eyes, he suddenly raises his silver gun and pulls the trigger at Dong Ming, who is just about to get up from the ground.


One shot in Dong Ming's right leg.


One shot hit Dong Ming's legs again.

Two large bloody holes, visible to the naked eye, spattered with blood.

Dong Ming just stood up straight and fell down again.

"Uncle Dong!"

Seeing this, Chen Menglian was shocked and rushed to help Dong Ming up from the ground.

But unexpectedly, the foot under the step just stepped out, has been steady and powerful palm, has firmly grasped her arm.


With tears in her eyes, Chen Menglian turned her head and looked at her husband.

Shen Jianping didn't say anything. He got up from his chair, stepped over to Chen Lei, looked at him faintly and asked, "you dare to kill my people."

The dictionary explanation of the word momentum is: the power and prestige shown by people or things.

Qi is formed according to the situation, and Qi nourishes the situation.

Shen Jianping, a commercial evil unknown to the media and the public in China, is unwilling to be seen through his emotions at any time.

Just like now, his eyes are clear and calm, like a pool of stagnant water. However, compared with his four eyes, Chen Lei seems to see the passage connecting hell under this pool of stagnant water.

With a gun in his hand, he looks at Shen Jianping stupidly, just like a child who has made a mistake in the face of parents' questions.

"You dare to kill my people."

Shen Jianping,

asked again.

"I, I, what if I kill you! It was your dog that moved me first. I, a Cheap slave, ate us and used us. Now he dares to fight me. He won't die. How can I stand in the world after Chen Lei! " After hesitating, Chen Lei roars hysterically.

People fear to the extreme, is angry!

On the other hand, Shen Jianping's calm face without any fluctuation.

"It's mine." Shen Jianping corrected.

"So what? It's just a dog, brother-in-law. I'll call you brother-in-law now. Now you let me shoot him. I can let you let bygones be bygones. We can sit down and have a good talk about anything. But if you dare to protect the dog today, my Chen family will be endless with you!" Chen Lei covers Dong Ming's swollen face with his hand and roars as hard as he can.

"A dog..." Shen Jianping nodded, then quietly looked at Chen Lei and asked, "Dong Ming eats mine and uses mine, which is a dog of the Shen family. You have eaten mine and used mine for so many years, but why do I think you are inferior to Dong Ming?"

Chen Lei was stunned. Then he looked at Shen Jianping incredulously and asked, "are you here for me, and am I your dog?"

This is not only a change of color on the face of Yuan Lao of Shen's group in the Lingtang, but also the face of Chen Feng brothers standing on the side at the moment.

Shen Jianping scolds Chen Lei as one of his dogs. In this way, doesn't it mean that the whole Chen family is also his dog?

Chen Ping's eyes are burning. He is about to go to find Shen Jianping for his theory, but he is held by Chen Feng and shakes his head at him, indicating that he should not act rashly.

Facing Chen Lei's question, Shen Jianping shook his head and said, "no, you are not a dog. The dog is loyal, but you are unfaithful."

"Shen Jianping has been supporting you for more than 20 years. Since you had nothing, he has brought you into the company, started as a department manager, trained you step by step, from the branch office to the headquarters, and then from the headquarters to the vice president of the group, and handed over such a large overseas market to you. I watched you go from having nothing to parking in the garage now He went out in a luxury car, took a private plane, bought an island in Australia, built a bridge to raise a woman, and spent 90 million US dollars in his own name, becoming king of Lichtenstein for more than a thousand days.... "Shen Jianping looked at Chen Lei quietly and asked, "in this world, are you tired of the things you can enjoy with money? So now I've got the idea on my head. I want to have a try. What's it like to be the president of Shen's group? "

Seeing that Chen Lei didn't speak, Shen Jianping said with a smile: "the dog thinks he is a lion because he has given more face. I'm afraid that now, you think you are a dragon?"

Chen Lei didn't expect that at this moment, Chen Jianping would take the initiative to say this to himself.

He didn't know what Shen Jianping was going to do, just like he hadn't been able to guess his mind for more than 20 years in the group.

"You, what you're talking about, I don't understand at all." Chen Lei denied it.

"You don't need to understand. Anyway, what you don't understand and what should be done have been done. Now that you feel that Shen group can't accommodate you, I've decided that from now on, the board of directors of Shen group will formally expel the vice chairman of the board of directors, vice president of the group, overseas marketing director, Chen Lei from the board of directors and the group. You have 24 hours to go back to the group to clean you up Of course, there will be security guards following you in the whole process, so as not to cause unnecessary losses and trouble the public security organs to help me get them. "

Shen Jianping looks at Chen Lei and says faintly.

There was a dead silence in the hall.

Several senior members of the group who came with Shen Jianping, you look at me, I look at you, and I find that each other's eyes are full of incredible, so Chen Lei was fired? Chen Lei, the spokesman of the Chen family, vice chairman of the board of directors, vice president of the group, and with an annual income of more than 10 billion yuan, has been swept out of the house like this?

Shen Jianping raised his head and looked around in disbelief. Then he pointed to one of the elders and said, "you, Tianxiang, from today on, you are responsible for all the work of Chen Lei. You go back to handle the handover now and report to me in the office tomorrow morning."

The director of the board of directors of Tianxiang group, who was called Tianxiang, pointed his finger to his nose and asked in disbelief, "Mr. Shen, are you talking about me?"

Shen Jianping nodded.

"Well, then I'll go back now?"

Tianxiang is a little confused. He was originally in the board of directors of Shen's group and was ranked at the bottom of the middle. But today, he has become the third core figure of the group. He thinks it's a little unrealistic.

But when he hesitated to look at Shen Jianping and decided whether to leave or stay, he suddenly heard Chen Lei say in a cold voice: "you dare to go back and have a try. Believe it or not, I can't let you walk out of this gate alive!"

Tianxiang was stunned and did not dare to move.

Are you kidding? The Chen family are still standing here. Now they are replacing Chen Lei in front of them. What's the difference between this kind of behavior and seeking death?

At the same time, Chen Feng finally asked: "Mr. Shen, it's not very good for you to decide such a big business in such a place with a few words?"

Shen Jianping smiles. He looks at Chen Feng and Chen Ping and asks curiously, "your company has started to intervene in the personnel transfer of our group now?"

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