Chen Lei, caught in memory, suddenly wakes up.

"340 billion market value..."

He murmured, looked up at the document in fauber's hand, and asked, "is this the shareholding certificate of lightning Pharmaceutical Group?"

Fauber nodded. "Exactly."

"What about the shares of Shen's group?" He said in confusion.

"I gave Zhongliang 49% of the shares, and Zhongliang changed it into the absolute holding of lightning Pharmaceutical Group. Shen group has been helping him to manage this foreign pharmaceutical company over the years. In nine years, it has increased its market value from less than 10 billion yuan to 340 billion yuan through the listing of new tuberculosis drugs and the rapid global coverage of the market. This is what your father left behind in his life I've kept the only thing for you for nine years. Now it's time to return it to its original owner, but you've driven out such a heartless thing! "

Shen Jianping looks at Chen Lei and says coldly.

"No way impossible! I've been in Shen's group for so many years, how can I never know that lightning Pharmaceutical Group is our subsidiary! And it's in M country. I remember that I had a market negotiation with their general manager before. Why didn't he tell me that lightning medicine belongs to Shen family? "

Suddenly, Chen Lei looks like he's mad. He looks at the people in front of him with red eyes and roars.

"You must be acting to deceive me, deliberately making this lightning medicine, so that I can give up the shares of Shen's group. I tell you, it's impossible! It should be mine, it must be mine! No one can take it! "

Chen Lei simply can't accept all this.

For today, he has worked hard in the Shen group for decades, and even spared no effort to fight against the whole Shen group. He gave up the stable annual salary of billions, and also cooperated with the Dragon Gang, the enemy of the Shen family. He has done countless murders and pirated activities, just to take half of the equity of the Shen group today!

But now.

Fu Bo and Shen Jianping told him in front of him that Chen Zhongliang had already approved these things?

These are the wealth that he can easily obtain, but they all come to nothing because of his painstaking efforts for more than ten years

Chen Lei can't accept it anyway!

It's like when you are struggling day and night to get something you love, someone suddenly comes forward and tells you that this thing is yours, but because of your various behaviors during this period, you have lost the qualification to get it

Chen Lei looks at the two people fiercely. He wants to eat them alive. Only in this way can he get rid of them!

Facing Chen Lei's hysterical clamor, Fubo shakes his head disappointedly and sighs: "I thought that the three questions before the master's death could awaken your last conscience, but I didn't expect that you were so insane that I had to return this document to the original owner according to the master's will..."

Fubo said, turning to hand over the holding documents of lightning Pharmaceutical Group to Shen Jianping.

"Be careful, fauber!"

Shen Fubo is about to pull the trigger. He suddenly turns his gun at Chen Jianbo with a cold smile.

"Go to hell, old man!"


There was a gunshot, which exploded suddenly in the Lingtang.

Fubo, holding the document in his hand, turns his head numbly and looks at Chen Lei in disbelief. Suddenly, it turns dark and the whole person, the dead body, falls to the ground.

This old man, who has served Chen Zhongliang for 30 years in the Chen family, never dreamed that he would die in the master's hall. He was shot dead by his own son with a document that the master cared about most.

Blood hole, on fauber's chest.

The blood flowed from the muzzle of the gun and wet the clothes on the chest. Even the 340 billion share ownership document was soon soaked with blood and dyed red!


Shen Jianping strode forward and held Fu Bo in his arms from the pool of blood. After checking his pulse with his hand, he suddenly raised his head and stared coldly at Chen Lei, saying in a low voice, "Chen Lei, you dare to kill Fu Bo!"

"I dare?" Chen Lei laughs, "Shen Jianping, when I'm dying, how dare you ask me? The 49% equity of Shenshi group, and the holding documents of lightning medicine, which should belong to me, you must sign for me today! Otherwise, you and Chen Menglian will not want to leave here alive today! "

"Kong Yang, if you don't come out now, when are you going to wait?"

With Chen Lei's sudden drink, Kong Yang, who has been hiding in the crowd, shakes his head, pushes away the crowd and walks into the sight of the crowd.

In his forties, he was dressed in black plain clothes and black cloth shoes with thousand layer soles under his feet. He was playing with two heavy "Buddha's head" walnuts in his hands. With a trace of fun in his eyes, he was examining the angry Shen Jianping and others.

"Ha ha, I didn't think I was needed to appear today. It seems that your family affairs have to be dealt with by an outsider like me..."The voice of middle-aged people is full of disdain. It's like these people sitting here are not the group chief executives or department directors at all But some bugs, garbage, so casual!

"Kong Yang?"

When hearing the name, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly become sharp, and he looks at Chen Lei in the same way. ,

others may not know much about the name of Kong Yang, but Chen Feng, who has lived in Yanjing all the year round, knows it like thunder!

The leader of Yanjing Kong's transportation group holds more than half of the private transportation lines in China, but he never interferes in the management of these transportation lines, because these transportation lines are actually managed by hundreds of transportation companies, but Kong's transportation group can bring them together, manage them in a unified way, distribute market resources in a centralized way, and then draw dividends from them.

This is a very considerable income.

This seemingly empty handed White Wolf move, but because of an irresistible reason, let it exist for more than 20 years, and indestructible, just because, Kong Yang, is the Dragon Gang!

The Dragon Gang never set foot in shopping malls, but because of its terrible underground ruling ability in China, all businessmen are afraid of it and easily get the profits they want.

Chen Feng's eyes immediately become complicated when he sees that Chen Lei actually pulls Kong Yang.

"What's the origin of this little brother? How dare he speak wildly in front of the people of Shen and Chen?"

Shen Jianping frowned slightly. He had never heard of the name of Kong Yang, but he could clearly feel that this person had a different atmosphere from those present.

"Oh, Shen Jianping, you're really confused now. You haven't even heard of the name of Kong yangkong flag bearer. No wonder the Shen family has been frustrated in the fight against the Dragon gang. Up to now, they haven't even won a fight!" Seeing Kong Yang's appearance, Chen Lei sweeps away the shrinking in front of Shen Jianping. Instead, he raises his head and says with high spirit.

"Dragon Gang?" Shen Jianping knew the origin of this man just by a second thought.

However, he looked at Chen Lei with some difficulty and asked, "Chen Lei, do you know who your father hated most in his lifetime?"

Chen Lei disdains to say: "what?"

"Those who dare to do harm to Shen Shi!"

Shen Jianping suddenly let the whole audience tremble!

"In his whole life, your father nearly threw his life in the wilderness for the sake of Shen's group several times. He even dragged his last half of his life to find me and told me that the biggest enemy of the group had been eliminated. But you, in your father's hall, actually recognized the thief as your father and let the Dragon Gang interfere in the family affairs of Shen and Chen families!"

Shen Jianping looks at Chen Lei angrily, his hands trembling with anger and says: "I can tolerate the stupid things you did in the group before, and even let you take the group's money to buy the island, raise women, and do some outrageous things. But it's all because your father used to work hard for the group. I don't care with you, but since you are here recently In front of my father's body, I can't tolerate you, Shen Jianping, if I do things that are inferior to animals! "

"Where is the Shen family guard?"

Shen Jianping yelled.



At the entrance of the silent hall, a group of people in strong black clothes suddenly rushed away. Each face was full of fortitude. He was the orphan of the Shen family whom Dong Ming had cultivated for more than 20 years!

"Beat the animals of Shen's group to death

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