"Why are you here, van?"

Seeing Qin fan's appearance at such a critical juncture, Shen Jianping's heart jumped and wanted to blow him out.

But seeing the faint smile on Qin fan's lips, he suddenly realized a problem.

Hu Qing, escorted by two professional bodyguards, had to fight for two lives to break into the hall. How did Qin fan walk in?

In this moment.

Shen Jianping suddenly recalled some information about Qin fan's recent activities that he had sent to him a few days ago.

Immediately steady heart, nodded: "on the road nothing happened?"

Qin fan grinned, "it's all right. It's just that the two dogs in front of the villa are in trouble. It took a little time to solve them..."

Shen Jianping nodded. Before, he was worried about the danger of leaving Qin fan alone in guanzilou. But now it seems that his son has grown up, and he does not need to worry too much about many things.

However, compared with Shen Jianping's calm analysis, Chen Menglian is much more emotional.

She threw off her husband's hand and rushed to Qin fan, groping desperately on Qin fan with her hand. At the same time, she asked anxiously: "fan fan, are you really OK? Do they do anything to you? Don't worry. These people don't dare to do anything to your father. We Shen family must have received the news. Decent people rush to rescue us. Now hurry out, I don't need your help here! "

Facing his mother's concern, Qin fan gently smiles, grabs her hand and says gently, "Mom, I'm ok. Today I'm here to help you teach these unfamiliar dogs how to bully my parents. Other people can sit back and watch, but I No way

"Qin fan, who are you calling dogs?"

Chen Lei's face sank when he heard the words, and he stared at Qin fan coldly, scolding him.

Qin fan calmly raised his head and said with a smile, "whoever is not familiar with the food is the dog."

"You Chen Lei managed to control the situation in the Lingtang. Now he is called a dog by a rash boy! "Qin fan, are you too small? I'm your uncle! You dare to call your uncle a dog. Believe it or not, I will abolish you now and let you crawl out of the hall! "

"Uncle, I think you misunderstood. I didn't say you were a dog..." The dog shakes his head and says, "all these things are done by me."


All the leaders in the hall were enraged.

They all know that Qin fan is Shen Jianping's folk legacy. After 20 years as a loser, he has just entered the Shen family and become the young master of the Shen family.

However, in today's mourning hall of Chen Zhongliang and the gathering of the leaders of Shen, Chen and Long Gang, he even uttered wild words. All these people are dogs!

This is obviously to find fault!

Great treason!

"To die! Do you know, Lizi, that you even scolded your three uncles? Is that how the Shen family was brought up? "

"Kneel down and apologize, or I'll make your life worse than death!"

"Beast! Now that you dare to come here today, I'll hand over Shen's shares with your parents, then go back and continue to be your farmer! "

In the mourning hall, the Shen and Chen families roared.

Resentment, rage, disdain, hatred Many emotions, with the emergence of Qin fan, began to roar boiling!

Shen's elders, who have been standing on one side all the time and have never dared to speak for Shen Jianping, can't bear the bitterness in their heart at this moment. They point to Qin fan with a ferocious face and yell at him furiously!

Qin fan's return to the Shen family was originally a matter of the Shen family.

However, this means that after a hundred years of Shen Jianping, the equity of Shen's group, which can be divided equally, is in Qin fan's hands again!

To cut off one's fortune is like killing one's parents!

What's more, in this tens of billions, hundreds of billions of equity struggle.

How can these Shen elders not hate Qin fan to the bone!

And standing on one side of Kong Yang, at the moment of seeing Qin fan, his pupils contracted violently, his muscles around his eyes were beating wildly, and he was staring at Qin fan with his devil like eyes!

When enemies meet, they are very jealous!

During this period of time, Qin fan took a series of actions against the Dragon Gang, which he saw in his eyes.

In addition to solving Chen Lei's problems, the more important task of this personal visit to Nandu is to kill Qin fan, a bastard who dares to break the Dragon Gang's commandments and challenge the Dragon Gang's dignity!

However, now it seems that all the preparations we have made before have no chance to play.

Qin fan dares to rush into the villa garden surrounded by many people It's like looking for death!

Kong Yang looked at Qin fan's eyes, from the beginning of the venom, independent become, gloating.

"It's noisy..."Qin fan listened to the abuse and rebuke coming from all directions, shook his head impatiently and asked: "old Chen is also the meritorious elder of our Shen group. Since he is dying, you will arrange such a small hall for him. Is it a little too chilling for future generations?"

"Hehe, why are you here today to help me? It's too small for my father's hall?" Chen Lei laughs, "then you should urge your father to sign the equity transfer agreement. As long as I get the absolute control of Shen's group, let alone a small Lingtang, even if I burn the whole villa garden to bury my father, I can do it easily!"

Equity transfer agreement?

Qin fan picked his eyebrows and said to Chen Lei with a smile: "uncle, you don't need to do anything. I've done what you want to do for you..."


At the moment when Chen Lei was wrong, Qin fan whispered: "open it for me!"


Accompanied by a mechanical agitation of the tremor, all of us suddenly felt that the whole Lingtang began to shake violently!

It's like an earthquake.

Overhead "boom" helicopter propeller rotation sound began to become more and more ear shaking, then, with the construction of the hall of four steel plate swing left and right, suddenly! There was a deafening sound of "boom". The huge steel plates on all sides fell out and smashed on the ground, splashing dust and smog. Everyone couldn't help but close their eyes. In the deafening sound, they were waiting for the end of the upheaval

One second

two seconds

five seconds

ten seconds

It took half a minute for everyone to feel that the surroundings seemed to have returned to calm. Then they slowly opened their eyes. But when they saw clearly what was happening around them, they were numb and looked at the new scene.

The Lingtang is gone!

The four huge steel plates that make up the walls of the hall fall on the ground all around, just like a blooming lotus! The steel surface of the roof is also being lifted on the steel cable by two armed helicopters and slowly pulled away

At the moment, dozens of people in the hall are all exposed to the air!

However, on the periphery of the steel plate on the ground, I don't know when, quietly standing in rows of armed soldiers!

Each of them has a resolute face and a murderous eye. The bolt in their hand has already been loaded. Just waiting for a command, they can pull the trigger and wipe out the enemy in front of them!

Chen Lei is stupid.

Chen Feng brothers are stupid, too.

Kong Yang, who has always been full of confidence and feels that the situation is firmly controlled by himself, widens his eyes and looks at everything in front of him in disbelief!

My people?

Where are my dragon gang members?

This time he came to Nandu, he led hundreds of dragon Gang elite in person! In order to win Qin fan and Shen family at one stroke and bring Nandu into the control of Longbang!


When he felt the cold handle of the gun had been firmly held in the palm of his hand, his eyes crossed with an imperceptible poison. Suddenly he raised his hand, rushed to Qin fan and pulled the trigger.

"Be careful, Fanfan!"

Standing beside Qin fan and staring at Chen Menglian all around, he finds Kong Yang's move.

Panic, even too late to use too many words to remind Qin fan, directly step forward, with their own body, in front of Qin fan.


There was a shot.

Kong Yang watched his arm and flew away from his shoulder!

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