Five minutes later.

All the people of the Chen family and the Dragon Gang, dead and wounded, all leave the scene.

Only the elders of Shen's group who came to mourn knelt under Qin fan's feet and kowtowed.

Qin fan looked at these people with some boredom. In his heart, it was like striking while the iron was hot. He wiped out the gang of wall grass who were at the helm of the wind from the group at one stroke.

However, he is no longer an ignorant teenager who used to rely on his emotions.

He has now learned some of the truth that when the water is clear, there is no fish.

Thinking for a moment, he turned his head, looked at Shen Jianping and asked, "Dad, what should we do with these people? You are the chairman of the board of directors of the group, or you decide. "

These people all carry the names of the members of the group's board of directors.

More than half of the core groups are here today.

Externally, Qin fan can be resolute, destroy Chen Feng, fight Chen Lei, catch Chen Ping, kill Kong Yang, and return peace to the Shen family.

But internally, Qin fan thinks it's better to give the initiative to his father.

Shen Jianping has been standing in front of the ice coffin, watching the situation happen.

At the beginning, he also felt that Qin fan must have used the power of herding snow to mobilize so many soldiers to solve the situation in Linjiang villa garden in such a short time.

However, when he saw Hong Xinliang's certificate, Shen Jianping suddenly realized that his son, who had made him constantly remind himself that he wanted to look at him with new eyes, had grown up to the point where he needed to reexamine.

Especially the means of killing Kong Yang.

Shen Longfeng, after all, is the son of Shen Jianping!

"Since everyone is threatened by Chen Lei, let bygones be bygones..." Shen Jianping said slightly.

Wen Yan.

All the senior members of the group, like a long drought and a rainy day, turned their heads one after another and tried their best to fight against Shen Jianping.

"Thank Mr. Shen for his kindness. We will do our best for the group in the future and serve the Shen family until we die."

"Yes, Mr. Shen treats us like a mountain or a sea. Even if he is an ox or a horse, he can't repay Mr. Shen's kindness today..."

"Then I'm willing to donate all my assets, as long as I can continue to serve the Shen family, even if I die!"

Looking at all kinds of people who usually play tricks under their own eyes in the group, Shen Jianping is on his knees now. With a wave of his hand, he doesn't want to worry about them any more.

Where there are people, there are fights.

The disputes within Shen's group have nothing to do with the elders kneeling in front of them. Even if they are replaced, the new group of people will still be like this, without any difference.

Seeing that Shen Jianping didn't care about them, the elders kowtowed like an amnesty and left the scene on their knees while thanking them.

The matter of Chen Zhongliang's mourning hall has been dealt with.

At the moment, Hong Xin turned to Qin fan and said, "I asked for leave in the process of carrying out the task. Now that the matter has been solved, I will go back first."

"Thank you." Qin Fan said gratefully.

The Chen family's affairs are quite complicated.

If only the Dragon Gang sent someone to make trouble in the Lingtang today, Qin fan could give Zhang Zihao a call and ask the "Hunter" action team to deal with these people, but with a little help.

But Chen Jiabi was involved in the upper class, and these people were his own uncles.

It's not safe to deal with it.

Moreover, the situation is urgent, and it is difficult for the nearby reinforcements to get involved in the level of Yanjing. If Hong Xin had not happened to be carrying out the task nearby, today's event would not have ended as well as it is now.

In the face of Qin fan's thanks, Hong Xin readily accepted, but still said with a smile: "you helped the organization so much. This little thing is a small reward for your trip to Hong Kong Island."

"But do you really plan to attend Master Kong's birthday next month?" Hong Xin hesitated for a moment, still exit to ask a way. Hong Xin, as a top secret agent, knows a lot about the details of the Dragon gang. In her cognition, many families and individuals who tried to challenge this underground giant failed in the end. The Yanjing family in the past was no exception, and Qin fan was no exception.

"Well, it's going to be fun that day." Qin fan looked at Hong Xin solemnly, "last time I went to Yanjing, I didn't have enough fun. I just took advantage of the chance of Third Master Kong's birthday to have a good time."

"Play?" Hong Xin tries to understand Qin fan's words, "are you planning to have a good time with Mr. Kong under the eyelids of the whole Longbang hub?"

"Yes, we rural people are most concerned about reciprocity. His dragon gang has been far away and has given me so many gifts. If you don't pay me back, it always seems that I'm not close to human feelings as the young master of the Qin family..." Qin Fan said with a smile.

"You What a lunatic you are! You want to play with the underground Chinese Hong Xin was shocked by Qin fan's words."I do think so, and I have no intention of changing my plan." Qin Fan said calmly.

In fact, after today's events, the Dragon gang and the Shen family are bound to break the previous delicate balance and form a situation of incompatibility between fire and water. For such a long time, the Shen family has been in a situation of passive attack and counter attack. Now that all parties have come to a showdown, Qin fan has decided to turn the defensive into the offensive and hold the initiative firmly in his own hands, which is a painful lesson for the Dragon Gang!

"Unreasonable!" Hong Xin frowned and said, "compared with the Dragon Gang, the people and things you are in contact with are too small. They are different from each other. The inheritance of the Dragon gang for hundreds of years is no joke!"

"What's more, Kong San Ye's birthday is bound to draw away many powerful men to congratulate him. It's the home of the Dragon gang. In my opinion, it's no different from looking for death if you want revenge so rashly..."

"But people can't give up the opportunity that may surpass the present because of some risks." Qin Fan said strongly, "before I was poor, before doing everything, I had to consider whether I could have dinner tomorrow, whether I would go to sleep on the road because of this decision, and whether I could not get up in my life. At that time, I had no choice. I was afraid of failure. For poor people, failure is the most fatal obstacle in life."

"But now it's not the same. I have the capital to go for a fight. If I lose, it's a big deal. I'm going back to my old days, such as sending resumes, looking for jobs and going to work. I've lived for 20 years. Now I've only been living for a few months. It's not unacceptable to go back and get used to it."

Hong Xin looked at Qin fan and heard what he said from the bottom of his heart. He suddenly giggled and said, "the richer the other rich people are, the more afraid they are to die, and the more afraid they are to go back to live in poverty. But it's not too bad for you to say that you were born in poverty."

"But if you can accept failure, you are not afraid that you can't come out alive that day, or that after the failure, the whole Shen business empire will collapse?" Hong Xin doesn't understand, even if Qin fan is not afraid of death, but any man who has a sense of responsibility will not put his family in front of him as a gamble, right?

"Who said I would go on behalf of the Shen family?" Qin fan gave her a white look.

Hong Xin is speechless by his daughter's eyes, but she still doesn't dare to believe it. Qin fan plans to challenge the whole dragon Gang as an individual!

"You, are you going too far?" Rao is an experienced top secret agent. In this short conversation, Hong Xin can't help shivering several times.

"Not too much. I have a personal grudge with the Dragon gang. It has nothing to do with my family. Of course, if you are free that day, you can come to the scene and cheer for me." Qin Fanli took it for granted.

hung heart could not make complaints about it. She watched Qin fan deeply and did not know whether it was right or wrong.

And although she also wanted to follow Qin fan to find out, she had no choice but to nod her head, say goodbye to Qin fan and Shen Jianping, and then turn to leave.

However, before leaving, Hong Xin's heart was mixed and murmured to himself: "the Dragon Gang is the first force in China and the king of the underground world. Although Qin fan is a young man, he has shown his talent and stamina in Hong Kong Island today Are they destined to have a fight? Forget it, I hope Qin fan is just trying to show off in front of himself and make fun of himself... "

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