In Su's fable's surprised eyes, Qin fan stood up and patted his ass and said, "let's go. I'll show you what those people who can stop your employees from going to work look like."

Su fable nodded, got up behind Qin fan and went out of the villa.

At this point.

Project Department of garden new town, Nandu north ring.

Shen Liangxin, director of the real estate department of Shen's group, Li Shirong, chairman of Rongye real estate group, and Lin Feng, chairman of the board of directors of forestry group, are sitting in the meeting room of the project department, solemnly listening to Huang Qianqian, chief financial supervisor of the project, report on the progress of the construction period of the project site.

In the end of summer, the southern capital is still in the heat.

Especially in this kind of cement tile house.

Muggy and airtight, as if in a big steamer.

The shirt of these big men who are usually in good health has already been soaked with sweat, and the sweat on their heads is flowing to their faces and necks like rain.

Lin Feng and Li Shirong are just fine. They often go to the construction site on weekdays, and occasionally take exercise. They are not too uncomfortable in this kind of environment.

It's just that Shen Liangxin is going crazy.

He was originally fat, one meter eight head, weight close to 200 Jin!

He often swims on the table of wine and meat on weekdays, and his body has been hollowed out for a long time.

Now in this hot and stuffy space, the whole person is just as busy as he just spilled a few buckets of water on his body. He takes paper to wipe sweat on his fat face and neck. The paper towel used to wipe sweat has already laid a full layer on the ground. The Secretary around him is also busy changing the paper towel for the boss between the meeting room and the car. He even has no time to do the minutes of the meeting.

"Well, let's not talk about these details. What's the matter with the power supply? It's the fifth time in the past two days that the power supply has been cut off. Can't the person in charge of the relevant parties come up with a solution once and for all? If this goes on, when can the construction site be resumed, and how can the deadline guarantee given to Qin Shao be completed?"

Shen Liangxin is really hot.

He felt dizzy and his eyes were black, so he quickly interrupted Huang Qianqian's report with a wave, panting.

Huang Qianqian's face is a little embarrassed. Although she is also very hot, she has no idea that she nearly fainted because of the heat and dehydration on the stage just now. But today, everyone is gathered together. She has to stick to it and finish her work.

"The power supply company said that the cable was seriously damaged this time, and the cable channel was filled with a large amount of sulfuric acid and brass liquid that damaged the nearby ecological environment, so it was very difficult to deal with it. I'm afraid it will have to be tomorrow night if we want to restore the power supply smoothly..." Huang Qianqian said in some embarrassment.

"Tomorrow night again, but after tomorrow night, what if the cable is damaged again? Don't we have to stop work again, and we'll sit here staring at each other and let the scheduled construction period pass? "

Shen Liangxin said angrily, "and it's not just the cable problem. Why do we have problems with the generator and voltage transformer we built before? Isn't it that someone has been assigned to guard 24 hours a day? Why is the construction site still damaged artificially and unable to resume work? "

Among the many problematic construction sites, only the huayuanxincheng project site has spent nearly 10 million yuan in the shortest time, specially pulling the voltage transformer and engine to start all projects at the same time on such a large construction site. However, this is the second time that the voltage transformer has been damaged, and this time, the internal equipment has been directly damaged, which makes it impossible to repair It's a small matter. It's just a project of new garden city. But Qin fan praised Haikou in front of Shen's family and wanted to present this project to the world as a national benchmark building.

But now, there are various unknown situations on the construction site one after another to prevent the construction.

Now it's the first stage. The foundation of the new campus of NTU has just been laid.

Shen Liangxin really doesn't know how to face the senior management of the group, let alone Qin fan.

Huang Qianqian sighed and said in a desolate tone: "the people we arranged near the voltage transformer were beaten with a stick in the middle of last night, which led to the destruction of the transformer. Moreover, our three roads for hauling muck have been covered with steel nails. Many workers, including drivers, have also been threatened by unknown people. To be honest, that is to say Even now when the power is on, there are not enough people on the construction site to work, and most of the required materials can not be successfully pulled in from the outside... "

"What's more, those people have been wandering around our construction site all the time. If anything happens, it will be spread out at the first time. But when we send people out, they will be scattered immediately. There's no way to start. They will be scattered and captured. There will be new people coming, and we can't catch them all...." Huang Qianqian sighed.

"And play with us in sparrow war..."

Shen Liangxin sneered in a low voice, pondered for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "where are those people now?""I'm still peeping around outside."

"Well, anyway, I'm not in the mood to hear anything in return. I'm just in the mood to see what's sacred about these people. Even my Shen family dares to interfere in their business. I'm so tired of living!"

"Come with me!"

As soon as Shen Jianping patted the table, he stood up and strode out the door angrily.

When they got to the entrance of the construction site, they didn't have to look at it carefully. They saw seven or eight young people with yellow hair, wearing colorful tight short sleeve shorts, looking around in the shade of trees across the road, smoking in their mouths.

"That's them?" Shen Liangxin asked in a low voice, pointing to the group of people on the opposite side.

"Well, these people are just a part of us. There are also their people in other places who are always watching the situation of our construction site." Huang Qianqian said.

"Lao Zhang!" Shen Liang drinks new low.

"President Shen." A middle-aged man in a suit came forward and answered in a deep voice.

"Go, call some people and catch them for me. I want to know who is so bold and dare to fight against the real estate department of Shen's group so blatantly. If he doesn't say it, he will be killed! I'll take responsibility for the consequences! "


Lao Zhang's name is Zhang Xin. He's from the Security Department of Shen's group. He's also the leader of Shen Liang's team who brought him here to solve the problems at the construction site.

"Go, catch those people for me and bring them to Mr. Shen for interrogation!" Zhang xinphen told the bodyguard behind him.


Twenty bodyguards in suits and with electric batons in their hands answered in a low voice. Then they started to rush towards the shade across the road.

But before these people crossed the road, the group of yellow haired youths started to spit at Shen Liang's new middle finger and ran in the opposite direction. When the bodyguards arrived, they were scattered in different directions and disappeared.

Looking at a group of powerful group bodyguards on the other side of the road, who could not find anyone with weapons in their hands, Shen Liangxin suddenly became angry and said, "it's draft! Is that all you can do? Don't even dare to answer the front, is it a man or not? "

Looking at Shen Liangxin's uncontrollable anger, Li Shirong shook his head and asked, "Mr. Shen, do you believe that now you let these people come back, and those guys will come back here for the first time and challenge you?"

"Really?" Shen Liangxin looked at him incredulously, and then motioned to Zhang Xin to call someone back. He watched helplessly. When all the bodyguards under his hand came back to him, those young people who had already run away and disappeared appeared nearby, and then dangerlang went back to the shade tree step by step, smoking and whistling.

He also rushed to Shen Liang's new middle finger.

"Here! That's it Shen Liangxin's lung is about to explode. As the general manager of the real estate department of the group, when did he see such local ruffians? He was about to get angry when he heard Li Shirong say: "Mr. Shen, these are the local ruffians who have been wandering on the streets of Shijing all the year round. There are a large number of them, and they are thick skinned. They specialize in sneaking things. If you want to deal with them, it's not enough to rely on hard work Yes... "

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