In the distant Aston Martin.

Su fable witnessed what happened in front of his eyes.

Although the distance is a little far, she can't hear what cuntou said to Li Shirong clearly, but judging from the face of cuntou pleading and Li Shirong's hesitation, these hooligans should be soft hearted. How can they take out a knife and stab Li Shirong again?

Seeing that group of hooligans is about to escape.

Su's Fables directly hit the accelerator. Aston Martin roared like a wild animal, and the iconic shark's beak burst out with two dazzling cold lights, which suddenly rushed towards the fleeing crowd.

"Forget it, don't go." Qin fan shakes his head and dispels the idea of Su's fable.

"Why, they stabbed the people in the project department, and let them run away like this, it's too unreasonable!" Su's fable gnashed her teeth, but Qin fan did not dare to listen. She slowly relaxed the accelerator under her feet, and the car that was about to rush out gradually calmed down.

"It's no use. Even if you catch them, what can you do? People are stabbed in the face. It has nothing to do with these people." Qin fan shook his head and said.

"We have to catch him. We can't let our people get hurt in vain. Besides, if something happens to him, how can we explain it to his family?"

Su fable also thought that Li Shirong was an employee in the project Department of the construction site. Due to the thinking inertia of the group president, her first reaction was to be responsible for the safety of the staff's life and property.

"No, these people are fighting. They have a good sense of propriety, and they won't be killed. Even if it changes, the good play is not over."

Qin fan looked meaningfully at the inch that had run away in the wasteland, and an imperceptible cruelty flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough.

When people around Li Shirong want to rush him to the hospital.

Li Shirong waved his hand. Although the short knife was inserted into his abdomen, his opponent's hand was obviously very measured. It seemed that only a small part of the three inch long dagger was inserted by him, and the rest was firmly held in his hand, giving people the illusion that they would be stabbed to death by this knife.

Wiping the blood on his stomach with a tissue, Li Shirong blocked the wound with paper, looked around and asked, "how many have you caught?"

"I caught two and the others ran away."

He escorted two yellow hairs who had no time to run far to Li Shirong. Li Shirong frowned at them and sighed, "first bring them to President Shen for interrogation. Let president Shen decide whether they are dead or alive."

Looking at a group of people escorting two Huangmao to Shen Liangxin and others across the road, Qin fan turned to Su's fable and said, "let's go to the railway station."

A dilapidated alley near the railway station.

There are a large number of coolies and poor people who specialize in station business.

They make a living by touching porcelain, soliciting customers and stealing It's the bottom of society.

In the scorching summer, groups of people with bare arms sit around the wall in the shade, playing cards and dozing.


Clear and crisp footstep of high-heeled shoe, untimely ground rings out intermittently in these noisy environment.

Although there is no lack of women on the edge of the business who rely on soliciting customers, this walking machine has rhythm, like the clear sound from the notes, so that everyone's ideas are transferred from the card table and the spring dream, and fall on the owner of the voice.

A woman, to be exact.


How beautiful!

This woman's perfect figure makes it difficult for people to look at her. Her high-end professional ol dress highlights her temperament. Her long hair, delicate facial features and carefully decorated light makeup give people a feeling of pride like a White Swan under her cool expression.

Especially under the uniform skirt, perfect to suffocating legs, shining in the sun, step by step, deep into the crowd.


Throughout the alley, the sound of swallowing one after another.

But no one dares to approach, or even talk to this woman.

Although they are usually bold.

But this woman does not belong to this world.

The invisible pressure of temperament and the strong sense of distance make these people stand on the side and watch from a distance, but dare not play at a close distance.

Finally, the woman stopped in front of a group of men who were playing cards with bare arms.

"Is Liu Yongqiang here?" The woman said coldly, without even looking at them.

Liu Yongqiang?

Several people's eyes fell on the only pot cover head in vest. The envy and jealousy in their eyes were hard to hide.

"Ah, I'm Liu Yongqiang. Beauty, you want to see me?"

Liu Yongqiang hurriedly threw away the last two wangchan cards in his hand, looked nervously at the woman and asked.

"I'm Su fable. Qin Shao is very satisfied with your work. This is the 300000 commission he promised to give you before, and the balance of 200000 yuan will be made up at the reception tonight. Please prepare. I'll pick you up at 6:30 in the evening."The woman put down the Gucci bag full of cash in her hand. After a brief explanation, she turned and walked out of the alley.

In the alley, a dead silence.

300000 Commission, 200000 balance?

What kind of business makes 500000 yuan?

What's more, is it the top goddess who delivers the money in person and drives him to the reception in the evening?

Money, beauty

For these things that they can only think of in their dreams, now they all come to Liu Yongqiang alone!

After a short silence, the whole alley suddenly burst out with a howl. All the people, like the hungry wolf who saw the prey, opened their mouths wide and howled, and rushed to Liu Yongqiang who was still in a daze

And now.

Su's fable opens the door and sits on Aston Martin. The former coldness and arrogance are all gone, leaving a look of embarrassment. His chest heaves violently, gasping, opening the mineral water and pouring it into his mouth desperately.

"How about giving the money to Liu Yongqiang?" Qin fan sat in the co pilot's seat and asked with a smile.

"Ah..." Su's fable finished half a bottle of water in one breath, with a look of survival on his face, shaking his good-looking head and murmuring: "yes, but you really plan to let me come here alone this evening and pick that person up for what reception?"

"Yes." Qin fan nodded solemnly, "and it's not just you. The three golden flowers of your group have to come. Put on your best make-up, put on your most beautiful pair and shoes, and drive your best car, eh Mirage and Maybach. If the group is not enough, I'll ask the concierge department to transfer them for you. "

"But this place..." Su fable can't recall the naked men she saw in the alley just now, and the naked eyes they cast on her

"Don't worry, you don't want Bailey group to return to normal operation. Do as I say. I promise that all employees in the group will return to work on time at noon tomorrow at the latest, and you don't have to worry about your personal safety. What you have to do is to show your personality charm thoroughly this evening. I believe that only a normal man can't do it Stop... " Qin Fan said with a smile.

That night.

More than a dozen top business luxury cars with double flash stop at the intersection of poor alley of railway station.

Three top goddess CEOs of Nandu Financial Street have arrived one after another.

Perfect appearance, exquisite makeup and gorgeous dress

Noble and elegant crystal high-heeled shoes step on the ground which is regarded as the most dirty in the world.

Coolie, who had never been in a taxi before, was invited by beautiful secretaries to sit in the enviable top business cars.

Rolls Royce mirage, Bentley Tim Yue, Continental, and top Maybach

Take these people to the top business building in Nandu tonight: qinxia building!

And, after that day's reception.

A piece of news, spread wildly in the whole underground world of Nandu.

As long as you are at the construction site of Nandu Beihuan new town project, you can catch the people who obstruct the construction site and protect the cables and roads. You can not only get a reward, but also meet with the president of Goddess and attend the reception at the revolving restaurant of qinxia building!

At night, the little people who are wandering on the edge of the underground world all over Nandu spring up and rush to the same goal.

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