Xiannupo National Geopark.

Qin fan sat on the cane chair at the door, looking at the challenge book in his hand, his face misty.

"Challenge? How can the Dragon Gang challenge us? Does he think this is an ancient arena? It's ridiculous to be generous with life and death! "

Qin fan shakes the rice paper in his hand,

SHEN Jianping sits opposite him, shakes his head and says: "it's an unwritten rule in their Yanjing family circle. Every time before a war starts between families, there will be a military contest. First, one side issues a challenge letter to the other side, and the Challenger selects the contest place. The two sides choose the contestants within three days The competition of promotion system will be carried out after the selection of candidates... "

"However, this is the rule of Yanjing. What does it have to do with us? Uncle Dong is in a good condition. Just don't take part in it." Qin fan is speechless.

Qin fan was called by Shen Jianping at Jiang Yanzi's home.

It was said that there was something important to discuss.

As a result, it turned out that it was the Dragon Gang's military challenge to the Shen family.

In what era, it's just unreasonable not to compete with the economy, social forces and capital resources, or to compete with each other to win or lose.

In the face of his son's disdain, Shen Jianping has long been expected.

Young people always have young people's ideas.

However, if the family wants to have a foothold in the Chinese family circle, some rules are inevitable.

"If the Shen family chose to avoid fighting against the Dragon Gang, their influence in the circle would be very bad. At least they would make those families who have been looking at us from afar retreat. To tell you the truth, just half an hour ago, Bai Zhengzheng, the owner of the Bai family, called me personally and asked me to defeat the Dragon gang in this contest, and once we were able to win the battle If the Shen family wins, he will not hesitate to announce a formal alliance with us. On the contrary, he will leave us alone. This is the significance and value of this contest. " Shen Jianping said deeply.


For the first time, Qin fan couldn't help but live in front of Shen Jianping and made a rude remark.

"That's why I want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and test our strength and determination to deal with the Dragon gang."

Qin fan shook his head speechless. He could also understand that these big families like to engage in small exchanges to increase friendship and contact.

Moreover, in the essence of Chinese people, they attach great importance to the challenge arena competition.

It's seen as a trade-off between families against external forces.

It's like a four-year sporting event.

Although it seems to have nothing to do with defense, military and economic power.

But it's really a competition of national strength.

If you win, you can win glory for your family and enhance its reputation; if you lose, you will naturally look down on other families, which is certainly not so good.

The Dragon gang has been in Yanjing for a long time, and has engaged in this kind of competition with the four families of Yanjing for many times.

But this is the first time for the Shen family, which has just been established and whose foundation is not stable.

Moreover, Shen Jianping has always wanted to build the Shen family into a big family that has real foundation and can stand for a hundred years in China.

This contest is a good opportunity for him to break the Shen family into the Yanjing family circle.

As the world knows, Yanjing is very exclusive.

This is especially true of families.

But here is the capital again.

The network is huge and complex.

Any new born family, want to become a first-class family in China, must go here once, get the recognition of other families.

Although Shen Jianping is not particularly concerned about this, he has to consider for his descendants and make plans for Qin fan's life in the next 50 years in order that the Shen group can really become the Shen family and blossom and take root in China.

"Since we can't escape, we'll think about how to fight?" Qin Fan said helplessly.

"The letter of challenge requires six candidates from each side to take part in the challenge. Uncle Dong is still in the hospital, and the people in the security department can't count on him. Let alone me, who else can be sent to make up for these candidates?"

"You think the same as I do..." Shen Jianping also had no choice but to smile. "Shen's group has always focused on business, and has never been involved in martial arts. Although it is now said that it is a martial arts performance, there is no lack of Dong Ming, a traditional martial artist with real talent and practical learning. This kind of person is one of the most talented martial arts talents in the world. In addition, with systematic training and cultivation since childhood, he wants to gather up five talents in a short time Besides choosing from the orphans of the Shen family trained by Dong Ming, I really can't think of where else to choose. "

"I have a candidate, but he is not convenient to appear in the sight of the Dragon Gang now." Qin fan hesitated.

"Are you talking about Zhang Zihao?" Shen Jianping gave him a meaningful look.

Qin fan was stunned. "How do you know?"

Since Zhang Zihao was shot and hospitalized in the last mission, Qin fan remembered that he had been removed from the security department, and then he was buried in the "Hunter" operation team. How did his father know he was in his own hands?"Ha ha, don't look at me like this. Don't think that I don't know about the tricks you played in the group. Moreover, if Zhang Zihao is not a useful person, how can I make him your personal bodyguard? However, this person is really good. During his service, he won three national special forces competitions, won the second place in the world special forces comprehensive competition, and won the second place in M country If it wasn't for the other side who manipulated the rules of the game and cheated secretly, the first place would be his. He is a rare talent... "

Qin fan was ashamed when he heard the words.

He really didn't know Zhang Zihao's great achievements before. He only knew that Zhang Zihao was reliable and could play a big role in the critical moment, that's all.

"There are still five days to go before the competition. In these five days, I asked Dong Ming to work hard to select some of the 24 orphans who can be used. You can also have a look in your friends. It's about the reputation of the Shen family and the momentum of the Helong Gang's all-round development. Just win and never lose."

When it comes to the all-round war of the Dragon Gang, Shen Jianping can't help gritting his teeth.

A few days ago, the Shen family stopped work at dozens of construction sites across the country because of harassment. He already knew that if Qin fan hadn't done it in time, the group wouldn't have suffered much loss during this period.

Mentioned here, Qin fan also responded and said: "by the way, Dad, what's the situation with my cousin? What's the conflict between her and my second uncle? Although she has never admitted that she is the Shen family, she has been doing things for her family at the critical moment. Just like this time, she proposed to use hooligans to deal with hooligans to solve the harassment of the Dragon Gang, and contacted many people in this field. "

Since Qin fan received information from various construction site groups, after careful consideration, he contacted his full personality cousin, Liu Yingying.

For two reasons.

First, only she can deal with this matter. Liu Yingying has been living in the underground world all the year round, and she is also the first sister of Nandu, who used to be frightening. She has a better way to deal with these things and can resolve the crisis as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Qin fan is selfish. He can see that Liu Yingying has always been concerned about the family's actions, and constantly finds her hand to help secretly. That proves that her heart has always been in the Shen family, but because of some barriers, she can't face up to the family.

After listening to Qin fan's words, Shen Jianping sighed and said, "it's really easy to say, but it's more difficult to resolve their father and daughter's grievances for more than 20 years than to ascend to heaven..."

"What's the matter, Dad, tell me." Qin fan suddenly came to the spirit.

Shen Jianping shook his head helplessly, "do you know how your second uncle got his position?"

"It should be the help of my uncle. It's all within the scope of work. It should be normal." Qin Fan said.

"Ha ha, it would be nice if things were so simple. When your second uncle wanted to go up, your uncles still looked down upon our family, and even looked down upon our poor relatives. It's impossible to help." Shen Jianping said with a bitter smile.

Qin fan didn't speak. He had already guessed what was going on.

Shen Jianping also gave the same answer in his mind.

"Liu Yingying was born to your second uncle and his ex-wife. In order to get a job promotion, your second uncle found the boss at that time and became his son-in-law, so that he had this achievement today..."

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