Emerald Valley Villa.

Qin fan put his mobile phone and documents on the table, looking expectantly at Jiang Yanzi sitting opposite.

"Feicui Valley transfer agreement, and Zhang Aiqin's will..."

Jiang Yanzi browed the contents of the will on the mobile phone screen.

She and Liu Yingying don't meet many times, but because they are close to each other and have been to Hainan together, they are still different from other people in emotion.

"Liu Yingying was born to Zhang Aiqin. At the beginning, because she found out that she had advanced breast cancer, she had to leave Shen Jianmin with Liu Yingying, which gave Shen Jianmin a chance to join the Guo family. Only when she worried about the eternal feud between her father and daughter before she died, did she leave this will, hoping that one day she could get rid of the past and recognize her father and daughter. She could only smile if she knew about it in the spring Jiuquan... "

After reading the contents of the will, Jiang Yanzi shook her head gently,

"if Zhang Aiqin knew that the Shen family and the Chen family could develop to the present situation, I'm afraid they would doubt the original choice..."

"Zhang Aiqin left Shen Jianmin first, and then found out that she had advanced breast cancer. In Liu Yingying's eyes, it was her father's abandonment of her mother, which led to her mother's depression. Now Guo Hui has also made a rumor that Liu Yingying was the daughter of Zhang Aiqin and Liu Qiang at that time All these things have caused a lot of psychological shadow to Liu Yingying. I'm afraid that a will can't make her come out of the past as soon as possible in a short time to shield the Shen family from the coming storm. " Qin fan sat opposite with a sigh.

"Do you really think it is safest to let Liu Yingying take charge of the internal security of the Shen family in this contest?" Jiang Yanzi asked curiously.

"Well, after all, my dad and they are just businessmen. They can't cope with the Dragon Gang, which is good at using knives behind their back I've met all the people in his security department, but I can't Qin fan shook his head.

"Where are the rivers? After all, he used to be the underground king of Nandu. He is on an equal footing with Liu Yingying. It should be no problem for him to take charge of these things. " Jiang Yanzi suggested.

"Rivers..." Qin fan sighed, "more than brave but less resourceful. You asked him to deal with brother long before. If Liu Yingying didn't do it in time, I'm afraid we were all planted in brother long that day."

Jiang Yanzi's eyes moved. That afternoon, she didn't expect that there would be a traitor among the people she was taking. If Liu Yingying hadn't noticed some clues in advance and caught the Dragon first, she would have been in a dangerous situation.

"Since you've decided to choose her, I'll go to her in person tomorrow morning. DNA identification is definitely unnecessary. Since Guo Hui can control Shen Jianmin, she can also use her position to manipulate DNA identification. First, calm Liu Yingying's mood. At least let her know that it's the Shen family. She can help Shen family through this difficulty first and do other things later It's not too late to discuss. "

Jiang Yanzi pondered for a moment and then made a decision.

"as for your idea of moving Shenyang's core resources to the Jade Valley in Nandu, I think it can be carried out, but things must be concealed and the rain is coming. If the Dragon help really intends to take this opportunity to launch a surprise attack on Shen Jia, then Nandu must have planted their eyes everywhere and want to be in their eyes. I'm afraid it will be a bit of a hassle to implement it

"What's more, have you considered the first batch of targets that need to be transferred?"

When Jiang Yanzi came back to see Qin fan this time, she found that the boy had grown up so fast, and she was always thinking faster. She suddenly felt that she might not have to rely on the winner to complete the great cause of the revival of the Jiang family. After all, the days of living under the fence made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Well, after considering it, I plan to send Shengde hospital to feicui Valley for the first time, as well as several core research institutes of Shen family in Nandu, including several important research teams within the group They are the backbone of the Shen family. As long as there are these people, even if the Shen family's property is destroyed, I believe that in three years, a new business empire will reappear! " Qin Fan said.


Jiang Yanzi gave him a look of approval and then asked, "what about the second batch?"

"In the second group, I plan to arrange for the financial directors of the major departments of the group to move in. These people have the core secrets of the group in their hands, and let them take the confidential documents to feicui Valley, which will be protected by the" Hunter "operation team, so that the core secrets of the group will not be leaked during this period, causing greater losses."

Qin fan's arrangement is mainly due to the fact that Shen's group is scattered all over the world, involving too many levels and scope. What determines the competitiveness of Shen's group is the piles of thick digital documents in the group's confidential cabinet. Qin fan, who has been tracking and handling Chen Lei's corrupt documents during this period, knows that Shen's group building can be burned down, and these documents can not be found, Never fall into the hands of competitors.

"Well, it's time for the family members of the Shen and Chen families to make the third batch?" Jiang Yanzi asked.

Qin fan nodded and shook his head."What do you mean?" Jiang Yanzi is confused.

"Only the old, the weak, the young and the young are arranged to go there. At this time, the others still have to stand on the front line with the family leader and lead the Shen family to fight the enemy!"

Jiang Yanzi saw a touch of perseverance in Qin fan's eyes when he was talking about going to battle to kill the enemy.

It seems that he is now a commander in chief who sits firmly in the Central Military account and is commanding the Shen family army to fight with thousands of troops.

Why does such a look appear in the eyes of such a young boy?

Jiang Yan's purple eyes twinkled, nodded and said, "but I have a question. You didn't tell the second person except me about these things, did you?"

"Well." Qin fan was silent.

"But since you want to keep secrets, and you want to keep these things hidden, the more secrets you keep, the more manpower and resources you need to complete them. The two contradict each other. How do you plan to solve them?" Jiang Yanzi looks forward to it.

"I have got the absolute control of the medicine department and the Security Department of the group. From 12 o'clock this evening, a group of motorcade from other places will transport them away from the base and send them to feicui Valley in batches. Besides, my people are watching secretly along the way, always paying attention to the risks that may be exposed. Besides, the heavy rain this evening will bring great challenges to my transportation project For natural umbrellas... " Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Rain tonight?" Jiang Yanzi took out her mobile phone in surprise, turned on the weather forecast software, then frowned and said, "I remember these days are sunny, so is the weather forecast. Why do you say there is rain tonight?"

Qin fan grinned, "I said rain, rain tonight."

Jiang Yanzi opened her mouth and was about to speak when a few booming guns drew her eyes out of the window.

There is no cloud outside the window, but once the gun rings, it will last for half an hour!

One after another, one after another!

The whole sky of Nandu was covered by the unknown gun.

Jiang Yanzi listened to the gunfire and frowned for a moment. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Qin fan with incredible eyes. She said: "you, you are really crazy!"

Qin fan shook his head disapprovingly and then asked, "I need to confirm something now. You must answer me truthfully."

Jiang Yanzi nodded, "you ask."

"If the Dragon Gang really made such a big move in Nandu this time, would those people above really sit back and ignore it?" Qin fan asked seriously.

Jiang Yanzi nodded, "yes, since you have been to Hong Kong Island, you must have known by what means the power of the Dragon Gang came from. They have the handle of most of the people above, and use it to develop their power and seek benefits for the Dragon gang. So this time, it's a challenge from Master Kong to your family. As long as the sky doesn't fall in Nandu, no one dares to control it Are you really going to... "


Another burst of fierce gunfire interrupted what Jiang Yanzi was going to say next. They looked out of the window together. The sky was cloudless just now, but now it's cloudy. It's like a heavy rain. It's coming down!

"Nandu, it's going to change..." Jiang Yanzi whispers.

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