A gunshot pierced the heavy rain sky.

Then, waves of car engine noise, from far to near, river Yu Guang Li see the road, as if hit by a cloud! It's dark. When we get close, a dazzling light suddenly appears in the dark clouds. Dozens of full-scale general SUVs sweep the tens of meters wide ring road with the momentum of blocking the sky. Their posture is like the top of a dark cloud. The deafening roar of the engine is enough to make people nearby feel scared and dare not take the edge at all!

"Damn it

The red dragon scolded secretly.

The shot just now was a warning shot issued by the motorcade. Judging from the trajectory of the shot, it is at least a 12.7 × 99 Barrett sniper rifle. If it is shot, we can only see the body left at the scene, whether it will die or not.

Seeing a large number of motorcades coming, red dragon glanced at the freight car, suddenly a dragon wagged its tail, and the motorcycle hub splashed on the ground, heading in the opposite direction.

"One team left to clean up the scene, others kept in formation and escorted the trucks to the transfer station!"

After the convoy surrounded the truck, it didn't stop. Instead, it slowed down and turned around slowly. Under the command of MUKANG, it continued to escort the truck full of bacteria culture utensils from the western suburb Research Institute, all the way south.

The convoy reached the transfer station one kilometer ahead.

Jianghe didn't get off the bus, but Shai waited for MUKANG to walk to the cab and asked, "are you..."

He has never seen MUKANG, and he has never seen the rescue team in time. They are all strange faces. His strong sense of crisis makes him dare not relax his vigilance at this time.

"Don't be nervous. It's Mr. Qin who asked me to support you. Now that you have finished your task, we'll take the rest of the way." MUKANG said lightly.

"Qin Shao? Is there any evidence? " Jianghe shakes his head. He is very clear about the significance and value of the goods behind him. If he can't deliver them to the final destination by himself today, he would rather die with the car than let them fall into the hands of the enemy.

MUKANG took a look at him, and a smile appeared on his cold face. "If you don't believe me, drive with our team. Qin Shao is at the destination now. If you have any questions, you can talk to him face to face."

With that, MUKANG left and ordered the motorcade to pack up its weapons and start again.

And Jianghe, watching his back as he left, silently released the grenade that he had been holding in his hand and was ready to detonate at any time.

It's three thirty in the morning.

The rainstorm is still not abating.

At this time, at night in the southern metropolis, there is only a valley far away in the southern suburbs, where the lights are bright, and there is an endless stream of vehicles coming and going. The searchlights extending from the foot of the mountain to the valley shine on this quiet place like day, with rain pouring down and people surging.

"Qin Shao, all the 13 convoys responsible for transporting materials from the medical research base are ready to arrive. The goods are being transported. Only the convoy from Xijiao Research Institute is still on the road. It is expected that they will arrive in ten minutes."

After clearing the list of goods, Zhang Zihao went to Qin fan and said.

"What about MUKANG?" Qin fan stares at the last refrigerated car driving into feicui Valley and turns to ask.

"The crisis has been solved, but listen to MUKANG say that the driver doesn't seem to trust him very much. He has to drive by himself. MUKANG is escorting him. He will be there in a moment." Seeing that the transportation task tonight was about to be completed, Zhang Zihao also showed a relaxed expression on his face.

But Qin fan's face is a lot of depression.

Although the last batch of "goods" will be on the scene tonight, it is in exchange for the lives of hundreds of bodyguards of Shen's security department! Qin fan has never suffered such a heavy failure so far! More than 100 lives! Five fully armed convoys were destroyed, and even the bodies were not left!

Thinking of this, Qin fan's eyes suddenly turned red, his cheeks were clenched into a line, and his two hands were clenched together, making an explosive sound.

Su fable, who had been guarding Qin fan's side, saw this scene and gently sighed to comfort him: "Qin Shao, you don't have to blame yourself. In the case that the number of dragon gang members is several times our elite, we planned to carry out a comprehensive encirclement and suppression of this operation on a large scale. However, we only sacrificed less than half of the people, and then we recovered the core resources and secrets of the whole Shen group. This is very important It's impossible to measure the value of this decision. If Mr. Shen knows such a result, he will be very satisfied with your decision. "

Hundreds of people died in one night. Su's fable was no less shocked than Qin fan. However, as the president of Bailey group, she knew that Qin fan's action tonight would have a great impact on Shen's group's foothold and development in the next 50 years. No one could deny the significance and value of these bodyguards' sacrifice, and their families would be treated well by the Shen family until their old age 。


Qin fan breathed deeply, his eyes still fell on Zhang Zihao and asked, "do you have any judgment on the fighting power of the Dragon Gang this time?"Zhang Zihao nodded, "there's no doubt about the inside information of the Dragon gang. I heard from one of the arrested dragon Gang's subordinates that this time the leader is the fifth master of the Dragon gang. He's the core figure of the Dragon Gang, but he's not a big heavyweight. There are at least a dozen people like him in the Dragon gang. Under each hand, there are a group of people with terrible fighting power, and they are resourceful, It's cruel and ruthless. It can't be compared with the people we dealt with before. It can be said that only these people can represent the real strength of the Dragon gang. Qin Shao, in the next few days, you and your family should be careful. "

Qin fan nodded. "I've heard that the fifth master came to Nandu to avenge his son who died in Linjiang. He is bound to fight with my Shen family to the point of immortality. Moreover, the Dragon gang will not send him alone for such a big fight. As far as I know, there are three generations of people who are as famous as the fifth master, and four others are coming Ready to go, I will lead a team to arrive on the day of the competition. In the next few days, the blood will surely dye all the streets and alleys of Nandu and soak the steps in front of my Shen family. So I, Qin fan, Shen family and all the countless lives related to Shen group, will get rid of you! "

Speaking of this, Qin fan suddenly bowed to Zhang Zihao and other "hunters" in front of him, and solemnly said: "get rid of it!"

Zhang Zihao, Cao Ziqiang and Qu Zhihai looked at each other, stood at attention and saluted, saying, "we promise to live up to our mission and pledge to protect the safety of Qin Shao's family!"

At this time, the last refrigerated car from Xishan medical research base finally arrived late and drove into the gate of feicui valley.

As soon as the car stopped, Jianghe quickly pushed the door open and ran to Qin fan for the first time. He looked excited and said, "Qin Shao is really you. I thought these people were also the cover of the Dragon gang. Fortunately, you informed them in time to meet them. Otherwise, the red Dragon's shot would hit me in the head. It's too late!"

"Red dragon?" When Qin fan heard the name, he frowned and said, "do you mean the person who cut off your motorcade is the red dragon?"

"Well, motorcycles, tights and skilled killing techniques should be one of the four Dharma protectors of the Dragon gang you mentioned to me before, red dragon!" Jianghe was afraid when he mentioned her and said: "one person killed our four escorts full of personnel and weapons, and could still retreat when the support arrived. To tell you the truth, Qin Shao, I have been calling the wind and the rain outside for so many years. People like her, who regard killing as an art and are so calm, are really unheard of."

"The art of murder?"

Qin fan was stunned for a moment. He vaguely felt that the word seemed to have been heard somewhere, but he had no time to think too much at this time. The news that the red dragon was still in Nandu was worth his warning. As one of the four Dharma protectors whose value was far above the poisonous Dragon, he knew how to assassinate. If he didn't take precautions, he was afraid that the Shen family would die again before dawn!

"MUKANG, you go to Gele KTV now. Jiang Yanzi is still there. I'm afraid she is in danger." Qin fan called MUKANG and said.

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