Qin fan's heart throbbed with fragrant jade.

It is said that first love is always stuck in a man's throat.

I can't swallow it or pull it out.

But always inadvertently remind you of its existence.

Let you suffer for a while, and then disappear in the invisible.

Qin fan looked at Lin Xue with pear blossoms and rain in his arms. He breathed softly, reached out and patted her on the back rigidly, and said, "well, it's safe here. No one can do anything about you."

Lin Xue raised her head and asked with tears in her eyes: "really, are you really willing to protect me?"

"Well." Qin fan gave her a confident smile, raised her fragrant shoulder with his hand, and said, "don't worry, no one can hurt you here. You can rest assured. When you are well hurt, I will send someone to send you where you want to go."

"Will you stay with me all the time?" Lin Xue said biting her lips.

"Yes." Qin fan smiles. At the same time, Yu Guangli sees a flash of white light at the gate, followed by a huge fleet of container trucks driving slowly to the gate.

"Go back to your room and have a rest. Tell the people at the door what you need and they will help you with it."

Qin fansong opened his hand, stood up straight and said.

"Well." Lin Xue nodded cleverly, but she hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "my mobile phone has been taken away by your people. Before I left, I told the fans that the time for the broadcast has passed for a long time. If I don't inform them, I'm afraid they will call the police, and the broadcast won't start for no reason, which has a great impact on the reputation of the anchor. Now I'm living on this for money..."

"Cell phone?" Qin fan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "well, you go back first. I'll find someone to send your mobile phone to you later. What else do you need to tell them? Only if conditions permit, they will try their best to meet it."

"Well, if you're busy, I won't disturb you."

Lin Xue looks at Qin fan reluctantly. When Qin fan walks towards the gate, she turns back and enters the room and closes the door.

When Qin fan came to the gate, Cheng Hui had already arrived at the commander to open the gate and put the refrigerated motorcade into the mountain.

A total of 13 large-scale container charging refrigerated vehicles enter slowly in the shape of a snake, winding up towards the charging pile area on the hillside.

Zhang Zihao got out of the car and came over to Qin fanhui and reported: "Qin Shao, everything has been done. I handed over to the refrigeration company in the name of Su's fable. All the vehicles were directly driven by our people in the yard. There is no tracker on the vehicle. It's safe along the way and ready to load."

"Tell the people above to load the goods. It's hard for you all the way. Go and have a rest. There may be a hard fight in the evening."

Zhang Zihao has always been careful and steady in his work. Qin fan is very relieved about this.

"No, I just squinted when I was waiting for someone in their company. Now I'm in good spirits. If there's nothing else, I'll check the security preparation again to avoid any mistakes." Zhang Zihao said with a smile.

"Well, I can't hold on. I'll change you." Qin Fan said.

The conversation between men is so simple, it doesn't need too much advice and sensationalism. After the information communication, Zhang Zihao goes to inspect the guard work. Qin fan is still at the door, waiting for the endless figure to come as soon as possible.

"There are not enough people..."

Qin fan sighed deeply.

After last night's World War I, the loss of Shen's security forces far exceeded his estimate.

Half of the security staff were killed in the streets on a rainstorm night.

Even the elite force of the security department led by Jianghe himself was not spared.

In such a big Emerald Valley, there are only less than 10 members of the "Hunter" operation team, and about 100 remnant members of the security department.

Once the Dragon Gang attacks strongly, even depending on the terrain where it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, if there is no reinforcements, it is afraid that it will not be able to support until dawn, and the mountain will be stained with blood and the corpses will cover the whole valley.

Qin fan looks down at the time. It's more than 16 hours since Bai Jianjia sent him a message. Last night, Bai Jianjia told him on the phone that she would lead Bai Jiajun to arrive in 12 hours to help Qin fan break the attack of the Dragon gang and win the contest.

Bai family is the first martial arts family in China. With the help of Bai Jianjia and Shen and Bai families practicing martial arts, the Dragon gang will be eradicated on the spot and will never suffer.

It's just that four hours after the appointed time, Bai Jianjia suddenly lost contact with Qin fan. When he thought of the Chen family's closed door attitude recently, he had a bad premonition.

"Since we can't count on others, let's fight to death!"

Qin fan bit his teeth and turned to walk behind him.

But I didn't notice that in a small room nearby, a pair of eyes were staring at me through the glass. That kind of eyes were full of resentment, reluctance, jealousy, and the malice that I couldn't turn back

Another night, began to slowly come to the southern city.Shen Jianping sits in his study in xiannapo National Geopark, looking at a thick pile of loss reports on his desk with a dignified face. For a long time, he doesn't say a word.

"From working hours this morning to an hour ago, a total of 13 senior executives of various departments of Shen's group were involved in a car accident on the road, three of them died on the spot, eight of them were seriously injured, and they were still being rescued in ICU. The remaining two of them were also injured to different degrees. Shen's group has been established for more than 20 years, and has not encountered such a tragic situation today!"

Shen Jianping whispered to himself, ignoring Wen renting and Chen Jianmin who were sitting opposite at the moment.

"Second brother, the results of the accident investigation have not come out yet?" Shen Jianping raised his head and his eyes fell on Shen Jianmin.

Shen Jianmin sighed, "I've turned to order people to do it, but the situation is not optimistic. The Dragon gang has a lot of evidence and handle from the people in the system, and uses it as a threat to intervene in the investigation of the case. Those who don't want to pretend to be snakes also all leave home and watch the fire from the other side. If I want to order something now, I have to fight first I'd like to make a phone call to ask the administrator if he is at work and if he is free, let alone control the overall situation... "

"The means of the Dragon gang are so terrible, even inside you, they have been elevated?" Shen Jianping did not dare to think about it.

"It's not just them. I also received the above call before I came here. As long as the recent events in Nandu do not harm the people or disturb public safety, don't interfere. Someone will deal with them." He shook his head.

"What about the outcome of the treatment?" Shen Jianping slapped the table and said angrily, "what I read just now is the latest information. In addition, before that, several research bases were destroyed, and the lower level personnel disappeared without any reason, and more than a dozen group companies, large and small, were forced to shut down because their employees didn't go to work! Why don't they solve these problems? The result of the solution, why hasn't it come out yet! "


Shen Jianping was so angry that he slapped his face on the table. His eyes were full of blood, just like a wild animal.

Hearing that renting and Shen Jianping had known each other for such a long time, it was the first time that they saw him so impolite.

We all know why Shen Jianping is so impolite.

Two people looked at each other, Shen Jianming hesitated for a moment, or gently opened his mouth and asked: "elder brother, are you angry about the things that happened in my sister-in-law's family?"

Shen Jianping looked at him, "how to say?"

Shen Jianmin shook his head and sighed: "although the Shen family is the top business empire in China, they are always controlled by their sister-in-law's family in terms of rights. The old lady over there is also a timid person. At this critical moment, instead of helping the Shen family, she will not go out. Instead, she will recall all the Chen family members to avoid risks in the lakeside villa and say yes Listen to me, this is to protect the people and avoid burning themselves. If it's hard to hear, it's to cut off their family ties with their sister-in-law! This kind of villain behavior is really disgusting. After this incident, I suggest that elder brother reconsider the relationship and cooperation with the Chen family. In the future development of the Shen family, he must not let his understanding be held by these villains. If elder brother can't wipe away his face, let me say that I want to see what face these despicable people have and face the Shen family again! "

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