"Has it begun?"

Qin fan raised his hand and looked at the time.

Eight o'clock sharp in the evening.

In other words, the Dragon Gang's action tonight will be earlier than expected.

"Here comes the man?"

Hearing the voice, Bai Tao raised his head and asked.

"Well, it's estimated that some spies have been solved, but I didn't expect that the Dragon Gang could find it so soon." Qin fan whispered.

Bai Tao was also a little surprised. When she was in Yanjing, Bai Jianjia told her that feicui valley was a secret place specially selected by Qin fan. It was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but she didn't expect to be discovered so soon by the Scouts of the Dragon Gang, and almost sneaked in.

"Go and have a look first. Since the spies can come in, it proves that there are still loopholes in the defense. Take advantage of it and check it again. There's still time."

Qin fan looks at Bai Tao in surprise, and finally understands why the two sisters are so famous in the upper class family circle. The children cultivated by the martial arts family, even girls, have the heroic spirit that ordinary men can't match.

Qin fan even secretly pinched a sweat for Chen Zhiguang, hoping that he was really controlled by the family and could not communicate with the outside world, otherwise in the hands of such a woman, it would be lucky to survive.

"Let's go and have a look first. You and Tang Xin have a rest. I'll contact you if necessary." Qin fan is about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Bai Tao stood up and said lazily, "since I'm here, I won't be a spectator. I'll take a look at the terrain with you, so as to arrange the deployment of my Bai family's children."

"Well, you can go. I'm not very convenient today. Just wait here for your news." Tang Xin sat on one side and said with a smile.

Qin fan nodded, and under the leadership of Zhang Zihao, he rushed to the back of the mountain.

The Emerald Valley is a grand canyon naturally opened up among the mountains.

The whole valley is a gentle slope in the middle. It is a natural place for cultivation and health.

The Scout killed by eagle eye died in the upper stream of the stream on the east side of the valley. The terrain here is not very high and the slope is very gentle. It is a famous scenic spot in feicui valley.

When Zhang Zihao took Qin fan and Bai Tao to the corpse site, the corpse had been carried away from the stream, with leaves under it, so as not to pollute the nearby water source.

"Qin Shao!"

When the bodyguards around saw Qin fan coming in person, Qi Qi stood up and whispered.

Qin fan takes a look at them. Most of the bodyguards stationed in feicui valley are from the Security Department of Shen's group. They are all elite members of the security department. Of course, compared with the elites who died on the ring road, they are still inferior.

"How's it going?"

Looking at the middle-aged man in black nightwear on the ground, Qin fan frowned: "how old are you?"

In his impression, most of the Dragon gang members are young and energetic. After brainwashing by various Hong Kong Island movies, he wants everyone to be Chen Haonan. However, Qin fan can't understand why he still works as a spy at the age of corpse.

"The strong thigh muscles prove that this person is often engaged in leg work, but the weak calf muscles prove that this person's running ability is beyond ordinary people. He should have special training and be a professional intelligence expert."

White peach crouched, slender jade hand on the dead thigh and leg position, low voice to draw a conclusion.

Qin fan looked at her in surprise and asked, "are you sure?"

Bai Tao nodded, "there are also people in the Bai family who specialize in running and action training. Their leg muscle characteristics are very similar to this person, and there are even many people who are not as good as him..."

"And how was he discovered?" Qin fan turned to ask Zhang Zihao.

"By chance." Zhang Zihao said with a heavy look, "originally, there was a special guard in this area. As a result, the man asked for leave for a while and let eagle eye stare at him for a while. He found this man in the sniper mirror. As Miss Bai said, even in this environment with no road, he moved very quickly. He spared eagle eye and fired two shots before killing him."

Two shots in Hawkeye?

Qin fan frowned at the corpse on the ground and murmured, "it seems that the Dragon Gang is going to use the elite force to capture the Jade Valley, but I'm afraid we don't know how much of this force the Dragon gang has for the time being. If it's less, we can rely on the terrain to annihilate this force, but if it's all this force attacking here tonight, it will be a bit of trouble..."

After all, looking at the corpse, Qin fan began to think about the countermeasures.

"Where is it to go down from here?" Qin fan thought for a moment and asked.

"There's no place. It's all woods and there's no road to go down. It takes a long time to get close to the ring road. It's like it's been latent for a long time before it comes up." A bodyguard standing guard here said.

"So early?" Qin fan looked at him in surprise, and the man nodded, "our people have been chasing out along his footprints just now. It took us a long time to get to the ring road, and we found traces of his long-time squatting in the woods at the foot of the mountain, at least for two hours."Two hours?

Qin fan's eyebrows jump. Two hours ago, the Dragon Gang confirmed that they were hiding here. Besides the one who was killed by bad luck, there must be more people hiding nearby. They are eyeing the Emerald Valley and may start at any time.

"Maybe someone has infiltrated here, Qin fan. Can your people recognize the faces of every bodyguard in the valley?" White peach asked.

Qin fan did not speak, but set his eyes on the river standing behind him.

The river pondered for a moment and said, "yes."

"When you get to the middle of the square, you will find out all the spies and white people who are in the middle of the square

"Good." Jianghe nodded, then pointed to several bodyguards standing at the scene, and said, "from now on to gather later, you four should be with me, not to talk to anyone, understand?"

"I understand!" Four people answered.

Leaving the scene, Qin fan was silent all the way.

I found that Li Puti had been waiting here for a long time.

"What's the matter? It looks like you're not in a good mood." Seeing the crowd coming, Li said with a smile.

"If you have a little trouble, you have been in Yanjing all the year round. Do you know that the Dragon gang has trained an elite force who is good at tracking and killing?" Qin fan looked at Li and asked.

He didn't dare to say some of Li Puti's previous feats, but she showed a familiar expression every time she talked about the Dragon Gang, thinking that she might get the answer here.

"Elite power?" Li Puti frowned, pondered for a moment and said, "yes."

Everyone was shocked.

"The power of the Dragon gang consists of three parts: four Dharma protectors, eighteen dragon heads, and seven killing troops You have seen the first two. The seven killing armies are composed of dragon, tiger, crane, snake, eagle, leopard and wolf. There are not many people in each of them, but they have strong fighting capacity. They are the main forces that the Dragon gang has been able to survive for so many years. If today's attack on feicui Valley comes from these seven killing armies, I think the situation tonight may not be very good... "

This is the first time Qin fan has heard the negative emotions from Tang Xin. However, after the presentation, Tang Xin smiles again.

"seven big kill army, directly obey the Dragon Gang Kong three masters, because the rules limit, has not been launched for many years, since Kong San Ye want to break the rules, use seven kill army to deal with Shen Jia, so white peach, you white family disciples can also show their skills tonight, until the meeting is now in the valley to find out their eyeliner, directly kill, not worry so much."

"Public?" Bai Tao's mouth was incredibly wide, "but my sister told me before she left..."

"What she said doesn't count. Bai Zhengze is old and confused. He only wants to protect his family, but can't understand the truth that things hurt others. Now the Dragon gang has used the seven kill army to deal with the Shen family. I believe Yanjing will not be quiet tonight..." Li said firmly.

Bai Tao's eyes widened. Before he could speak, he saw that Li Puti looked down at the time and said, "let all the guards in the valley gather. Bai Jiajun has arrived."

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