3D copy printing technology has been used in various industries of the society.

Architecture, medical rehabilitation, machinery, office

It can not only greatly save the cost and time of replica construction, but also the precision and plasticity of the finished product can not be replaced by other products, which can be called the precursor of the fourth industrial revolution.

Su fable had invested a lot of money in the research and development of this technology company before, and she also went deep into the research laboratory and workshop to learn about it. So when she saw this familiar scene, she immediately thought of this advanced science and technology, and then widened her eyes and looked to Li Puti for an answer.

"What you said is not accurate." Liputi said with a smile, "3D face reconstruction technology has been broken down by major laboratories many years ago, and the technology is quite mature. It can perfectly copy the same two faces, even the hair and wrinkles are highly consistent, covering the face of a stranger, so that the closest person can't be well distinguished even at close range."

"But the drawback of this technology is that because it is a solid-state replica, another person can only make a slight facial expression change after wearing this face, but can't make it fake, so that the wearer can make a significant free expression change."

"It's just like taking the same picture on your face. Its limitations and non personalization are bound to make the technology stagnate for a long time after completion and fade out of the asset market."

"But this does not mean that there is no capital to continue to invest in this research. For example, the Medical Science Research Institute in Xishan and the Donglin medical research society in the island countries compete secretly. Once the two groups first break through this seemingly unattainable technology and quickly occupy the market, then it will reach an unprecedented height in the capital market and international strategy."

"Therefore, Qin fan, as the first experimenter of 3D dynamic face re carving technology directed by Shen Qingshan tonight, seems to have a good effect on the whole. At least he cheated Lin Xue and Lin Hao, who are familiar with him. No matter how long they can last, at least the goal has been achieved. He has won enough time for us, and let Lin Xue and Shaxing, two lurking people who have a great threat to our internal environment, come to our own If Kong Zhentian doesn't want to die tonight, it will be very difficult to kill each other. " Li said faintly.

Su's fable was completely stunned.

3D dynamic face reproduction?

"That is to say, it's not Qin fan who just stood with me and then exchanged himself with Lin Xue as a chip? But other people with Qin fan's mask? " Su fable said in horror.

"Not all of them. At least before Qin fan went down, he was the one you know very well. But since he left the crenel, Qin fan has left the feicui valley. The hostage in Kong Zhentian's hand who was cut off is just a victim named Meng. His figure and age are the same as Qin fan. He is a guard selected by Qin fan when he was in Linjiang city, His brother died in the battle with the Dragon Gang the night before yesterday. He had a blood feud with the Dragon Gang, so he volunteered to be Qin fan's substitute. He put on his mask to confuse Kong Zhentian and find out his position accurately. "

Liputi said this, then glanced at Su's fable and said: "so far, only the people present and Qin fan know about it. Moreover, Qin fan doesn't intend to make it public in a short time for commercial purposes. So after leaving this container, you should know how to explain it to MUKANG people, They have to stay here until the last minute, and all this needs your help. "

So it is

Su's fable recalled all kinds of things Qin fan took as hostages after leaving the crenel, and said with a smile: "I say Qin fan is not the kind of person who doesn't want to see a woman, and besides, Kong Zhentian is not dead. How can Qin fan have an accident?"

When Qin Tiankang and I saw that they were in a panic, they were relieved to say that they were in danger!

Li Bodhi nodded: "thank you."

Can I venture to ask, Qin fan, is he still in the Emerald Valley?

Before leaving, Su fable hesitated and asked curiously.

After all, the Dragon Gang is now in the city. Apart from guarding these refrigerated trucks, she really can't understand what more important things Qin fan should do.

But unexpectedly, liputi said with a bitter smile: to tell you the truth, I don't know where Qin fan is now. We agreed to use a double to lead Kong Zhentian to show up, and then the sniper killed him. But after the two men exchanged their positions at the crenel, they disappeared. I suspect he went to Baitao to check the whereabouts of the Hawks. Anyway, since Kong Zhentian hasn't seen through yet As a stand in, Qin fan is still very safe, so don't worry too much.

Su fable, oh, just as she opened the door to leave the container, a gunshot from the emerald Pavilion made her look pale, her foot was unstable, and she almost fell out of the container.

"Qin, Qin fan?" Su's fable trembles.Li Bodhi gave her a white look. "Qin fan is really a romantic seed. So many women don't know whether he is busy or not. Don't worry. It's estimated that Lin Xue has got it. Go to comfort MUKANG. If something happens here later, don't mention Qin fan. Everyone here will not live tonight. Do you understand?"

"Ming, I understand." Su fable nodded, jumped quickly and ran towards the crenel.

Right now.

It's down the hill.

Kong Zhentian looked at Qin fan, who had fallen unconscious on the ground. He spit on the ground and said with disdain, "Damn, I think there are many powerful people. If you force me to cut my tongue, I'm not dumb. I'll make your mouth cheap. Today, you want to die. I'll find someone to stop his wound. Later, I'll have to use him to deal with those bastards on the mountain I can't wait to know how wonderful this business tycoon's face will be. Ha ha ha

"ha ha, nineteen years old son, just found a few months, we were chopped into a human *, Shen Jianping was not angry on the spot, he has been lucky enough to live." Lin Hao, standing on one side, couldn't help laughing when he saw Qin fan.

Then he looked at Kong Zhentian and said, "in fact, I always think it's too cheap to kill Qin fan like this. I don't know if the fifth master has heard of the circus in Thailand?"

"Circus performance?" Kong Zhentian shook his head and disdained to say: "when you go to Thailand, who is going to see such boring things? You can see the exciting things on Pattaya or Elizabeth. But you are too young to play. When this is over, I'll take you directly to pack the ship. I tell you, don't look at the human demons on the ship, but the figure and face are comparable What's more, men know most about men. You know... "

Looking at Kong Zhentian's obscene expression, Lin Hao almost spits it out directly. Although he likes to play with women, it's hard for him to accept playing with men, even if the other person has no signs of men.

"I'm not talking about animal circus performances. I'm talking about living circus performances, dwarfism, gigantism, and deformities from all over the world..."

finally hinted at what Kong Zhentian meant by his suggestion. He laughed and said, "you are a natural material for bad guys. You chop up Qin fan and send it to Thailand circus to perform money for us. Ha ha ha ha ha * * it is really a good way to do that. Take a picture and send it out to see who else in those so-called families dares to fight against our dragon Gang, OK! Just do it as you say. It's really fun. Go and ask what's going on up there. If you don't take the initiative to surrender, you can take Qin fan as a hostage and kill him directly. I'd like to see if these running dogs dare to shoot their masters! "

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