Kong Jiangyuan?

Qin fan looked at him subconsciously.

"You know me."

The middle-aged man laughs.

"If you don't know the name of Yuelong club in Macao, it's not too unfair to be thrown into the sea later."

Qin fan smiles and throws his chips on the table, but his tone is surprisingly calm and indifferent.

"You seem to have some misunderstanding about Yuelong."

At the same time, the middle-aged man put his chips in the opposite position of Qin fan and smoked a cigar.

"Fight and kill is the past. We are only interested in doing business and making money now. Yuelong club has done a lot of business in the mainland besides Macao city. Your accent doesn't sound like a northerner. I don't like to talk business with northerners, so most of the business is in the South and coastal areas, just like you mainlanders like to invest in Hong Kong and Macao."

Kong Jiangyuan doesn't like to cooperate with northerners?

But he came from the north.

Qin fan didn't know whether he didn't want to do business with the northerners or whether he had a prejudice against the northerners because of some factors. However, the Dragon gang was in Yanjing, which was just north of the country. Yuelong club, as the branch of the Dragon gang in Aocheng, didn't intersect there at all. This was impossible in any case.

"I won again."

Kong Jiangyuan looked at the three 14 point dices in the color cup, and his face showed a satisfied smile.

Qin fan has only seven red chips left in his hand at the moment.

43 million in a twinkling of an eye on the table lost clean, if continue to lose, until the hands of all chips lost, he will need to fulfill his promise, tell Kong Jiangyuan his true identity.

"It seems I shouldn't be here tonight." Qin fan smiles.

"What? Regret gambling? " If the gambler thinks that Qin Jiangfan will not give you the same money, I will not give it back to you

Kong Jiangyuan's eyes were fixed on Qin fan, but what he said was that he had just won again, and he was excited, and his face was purple.

"I mean, I shouldn't be here tonight. You seem to be in a hurry." Qin fan explained.

"In a hurry?" Kong Jiangyuan looks at Qin fan in a puzzled way.

"Since ten minutes ago, you have to look at your watch every two minutes. You have to leave in less than 20 minutes. I'm afraid you can't win all my chips." Qin Fan said.

This time, Kong Jiangyuan's serious behavior showed a look of surprise for the first time.

He did look at his watch all the time.

He only plays here for an hour and a half at most.

No matter win or lose, they only play for one and a half hours.

It's just his self-discipline.

Now it's less than 20 minutes away from the time. If he plays two or three more games at most, he will have to go.

"Ha ha, I did make an appointment with a friend later, but now you have only seven red cards left in your hand, two at most, and I can win them all." Kong Jiangyuan said with a smile.

He was really interested in Qin fan, a strange, young, rich second generation from the mainland, who had no intention of gain or loss, but was extremely generous.

Macao is a small city with few people, so business can be done at a glance.

It is totally impossible to compare with such a huge market and population in the mainland.

He intends to expand his business to the mainland, but considering the fixed division of his responsibilities, he can't easily cross the line. He can only rely on the local capital of the mainland to expand the market of the guild.

"I hope so." Qin Fan said with a smile, and then made a bet.

"Twelve o'clock, sir, you lost again."

Opened again, beautiful woman lotus official looking at Qin fan, helpless smile way.

"It's OK. I have three more brands to play with." Qin fan frowned, hesitated, and pressed two pieces in.

In this way, even if he loses, he can play more.

"Five minutes to play three." Kong Jiangyuan said with a smile.

"Buy it, get out of hand."

He Guan, a beautiful woman, gave Qin fan a glance.

Qin fan nodded, "continue to press small."

"I'll make it big. Kong Jiangyuan continued to be the opposite of Qin fan.

"Buy it, get out of hand."

"Three, three, six, twelve."

Beauty lotus official lift cup, no accident, Qin fan once again lost very thoroughly.

"For the last time."

Qin fan looked at the various colored chips piled up in front of Kong Jiangyuan and took a breath.

"In fact, when I came to Aocheng this time, my family told me not to expose my identity, and I agreed."

"But I didn't expect to meet Mr. Kong of Yuelong club here."

"I'd like to make friends with Mr. Kong if it's really fate."

"Three o'clock, I'm small."

Qin fan added the last red chip between his two fingers. His fingers overlapped and he flicked the chip out.This is pressure and pressure.

As the name suggests, do not press the size, directly press the combined total number of three color words after rotation, the lowest three times the odds, encounter leopard, is three same points of color, the odds will reach a terrible number!

"Put all your eggs in one basket?"

Kong Jiangyuan smiles.

One million chips on leopard. If he wins, he will win 30 million.

"I like the way you are. When you fight back, you may get unexpected results."

Kong Jiangyuan said with a smile, but he didn't take the leopard as one thing at all. He put a backhand pressure of 10 million yuan on Da Shang. As long as he pressed against Qin fan, no matter where he pressed, he would never lose.

"Buy it, get out of hand."

The beautiful lotus official's eyes swept on the table.

After everyone has finished the bet, hold the three dices tightly in the color cup, and the beautiful wrist shakes gently. The sound of "Hua la la" dice shakes instantly into everyone's ears.

He Anqi has already gone through the stage of shaking the color cup into a variety of colors.

However, she can decide that the dice in the color cup will present any number she wants!

That's the reason why she was accepted.

She is naturally sensitive to sound and rhythm.

It can turn any kind of natural sound into a scale and get into the ear.

It can easily divide the sound that fluctuates in the air at the same time into several or even dozens of levels she wants in noisy occasions.

He Qiancheng once said that if she had not been sent to study music because her family had been changed since she was a child, then he Anqi would definitely be the world's top music master now, rather than becoming a beautiful official who has been making money in the gray area in Xin'ao city.


The color cup is covered on the table.

He Anqi's watery eyes are scanning dozens of waiting gamblers in front of her.

She was used to the greedy look in the eyes of these people when she let go.

It was as if he was holding a piece of meat in his hand, while the people in front of him were wolves who had been hungry for a long time.

"Come on, let's go! I've put down three million! Put all the profits in tonight. If you win, it will be five million! I have the money to go home and buy back the house I mortgaged! "

"Open up for me! I must win today

"Come on! What's the ink? What the hell time is it? After I win the money, I'll go home to sleep. Don't delay our efforts here! "

It's been more than 12 hours since the opening of the table.

From 2 p.m. until now.

Many people have been fighting for positions here since they opened the table. Even now, even if the money can support them, their spirits are somewhat depressed.

"It's time to drive."

Kong Jiangyuan looks at he Anqi and reminds him.

Up to now, he is somewhat happy. He won 70 million yuan with 5 million yuan. He may also make a very strong friend in the mainland. This is a great joy for Yuelong club, which is eager to open up the mainland market.

"You are the first friend Kong Jiangyuan is willing to make. I hope we can get along well in the coming days."

When he Anqi opened the cup, Kong Jiangyuan said to Qin fan with a smile.

"I hope so." Qin Fan said lightly.

"This, this is true?"

Suddenly, someone stares at the coloring cup and takes it away. The three hues exposed in the sight show an incredible look in their eyes.

"Leopard, you fired leopard! what the fuck! The leopard, 30 times as big, is coming out today


Kong Jiangyuan suddenly turned back. When his eyes were the same as everyone else's, when they were at the opening point, his pupils contracted violently, and he said subconsciously, "how can it be? 3、 "Three ones?"

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