"How dare you threaten me?"

Zhang Deyou did not expect that, in front of tens of thousands of Yuelong business disciples, he Anqi not only took his time, but also dared to speak wild words and threaten himself!

"It seems that it's not a good thing for women to be in charge of the family. He family will hand over Xin'ao city to women like you. He family has come to an end tonight!"


Zhang Deyou roared.

The confidant holding a baseball bat came forward immediately and stared coldly at he Anqi in front of him.

"I have definite information. Kong Sheng's body is now in the water club on the third floor of Xin'ao city. Who's stopping us from going in? I'm afraid we're going to destroy the body. If we don't recognize the account, we'll take our brothers to rush in and demolish the new Ao city. Even if we dig three feet, we'll find Kong Sheng tonight. Brothers, let me go!"


Along with Zhang Deyou's shouting, dozens of people standing beside him also roared, carrying baseball bats to rush up the steps.


A sound from the wooden warehouse pierced the dark night sky.

The person who rushes to the front will never dream that a woman who is extremely cold and gorgeous can even pull out a wooden warehouse and open it so quickly.

The cold and gorgeous face looked down at these people, arms drooping, wooden warehouse mouth directly against the person's head, the son arch alone through the skull, leaving a body lying on the stairs.

"Bring so many people to scare me a woman?"

Angela ho sneered.


Zhang Deyou looked at her in disbelief and dared to open a wooden warehouse in front of tens of thousands of people to kill her own people.

In a hurry, he was about to roar, only to find that the dark wood warehouse in his hand had aimed at his head. He was in a panic. He reached out and hugged his little brother and quickly pulled him in front of him as a shield.


He Anxi looked at him with disdain, put down the wooden warehouse in her hand, and said lightly: "you can go in if you want, but I have to see sun Ruhai. When the time comes, our family will be right or wrong, and we will naturally give you an explanation!"


The dictionary explanation of the word momentum is: the power and prestige shown by people or things.

If Qin fan were at the scene now, he would feel that the momentum she exuded at the moment was better than when she was angry.

However, the momentum of hearing people's thunder is the majesty condensed by those who have been in high positions for a long time. No matter how much they practice, ordinary people who are not in this special class will not be able to reach the skin even if they practice for a lifetime.

Then he Anqi's momentum is a look of contempt.

This kind of eyes, anyone with her, will feel that their own experience, family, as well as the hands of the energy are not worth mentioning.

This is a woman honed in the blood and knife wood warehouse.

A small waiter, who can get involved in new Australia City, and join the ho family as an outsider, can't be underestimated, even more incalculable.

"Thirty seconds to go."

Seeing the silence, he Anqi raised her hand and looked at the time.

"Thirty seconds later, if the real identity of the murderer has not been found out, you should go to Kongsheng to admit your mistake first. Other people have been here tonight and all of them have left Xinao city. You are no longer needed here."

It's time for Angela to go to the security department to find out the real murderer?

"Manager he..."

The Deputy Security Manager hesitated for a moment and was about to speak.


He angqi didn't look at it. She directly pointed a wooden warehouse on his shoulder.

"You are always responsible for the security of the water club on the third floor. After you die, at least you can let your family live the rest of their lives at ease. If you go by yourself, someone will collect your body for you."

He Anqi's words directly let the Deputy security manager go to the ice cave.

He trembled and looked at he Anqi. The water club on the third floor and the guest room area on the fourth floor have always been his security area. Usually, he is loyal to his duty. He hasn't let anything happen there for three years. But today, that is to say, tonight, I don't know what happened. He had a tummy all night and ran to the toilet several times. He couldn't stand and didn't stay God, shuihui, which had never happened in three years, let Kong Jiangyuan die. He knew that he would not live until dawn tonight, but he didn't expect that the people of Yuelong trade had not been solved, so he Anqi gave him a death notice.

"Well, I see."

The Deputy Security Manager sighed deeply.

"This month's salary will be directly paid to my wife, and if they ask me Why do I die? Please tell them, manager he, I'm fighting with gangsters... "

"I know how to tell them. Don't worry about it."

He Anqi is very disgusted with this sentimental parting. She believes that the city of Australia after midnight belongs to her. In addition, no one or anything can make her heart shake. Even life and death are just a curtain call, which is not worth exaggerating.The departure of the Deputy security manager makes Zhang Deyou look at he Anqi with some vigilance.

"Even my own people dare to open a wooden warehouse. Miss Qiao of Aocheng is really worthy of her reputation!" Zhang Deyou said in a low voice, biting his teeth.

"Thank you for your praise, but as long as sun Ruhai doesn't come today, you can't even say that Po Tian can step into my new Australia city. If you leave now, I'll invite all brothers to have a snack tonight, OK?" He said with a smile.

"Good!" Zhang Deyou gritted his teeth, "if I don't go in to find Kongsheng, we brothers of Yuelong trade can go in and play cards for a while, right?"

With that, Zhang Deyou took people to walk up the steps.

"I'm sorry, new Australia city is closed tonight, and we won't receive customers." He angqi still said with a smile.

Zhang Deyou's step, like a knife like eyes scraping on he Anqi, biting his teeth, said: "he Anqi, boss he, today this matter, you who must die?"

"I said, no one can enter this door tonight without sun Ruhai. What do you think?" Angela ho smiles.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Deyou burst out laughing!

"In that case, I, Zhang Deyou, on behalf of Yuelong business, have to come back to apologize to Ho's family later."

"I'll go in anyway tonight to find out the whereabouts of Kong Sheng."

"Rush in and search for it!"

If tens of thousands of people are ready to move, they will follow Zhang Deyou to rush directly into new Australia city.

"Who dares!"

He Anqi a Jiao drink, coldly looking at the front of ten thousand people.

"All the disciples of Yuelong business, listen to me! If one of you dares to intrude into Xinao city tonight, I, he Anqi, swear with my life that from now on, he family and Yuelong will be irreconcilable and never die. I, he Anqi, will certainly use all my life's relations and strength to fight with Yuelong business and trade to the end. You'll kill me

He angqi is almost biting a mouthful of silver teeth, to say these words!

Word by word, all in front of everyone's ears.

Actually let tens of thousands of Yuelong disciples stop, standing in the same place, looking at the city of new Australia, also showed a trace of fear.

He Anqi is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there are GD and FJ people in he family behind her.

What's more, what she said just hit many people's hearts.

Kong Jiangyuan's life or death can't be determined by a phone call. What's more, sun Ruhai hasn't appeared up to now, and others haven't said that he won't let us in. It's just that Zhang Deyou's identity is too low to negotiate directly with he Anqi, the first elder sister of Aocheng.

"Boss he, you don't have to be so angry. You just want to see sun Ruhai. I just can't get in touch with others now. I don't know where he's going for recreation. But I can wait for an hour at most. No matter sun Ruhai comes or not, I'll take people to Xinao city tonight to fight with you

"Back up!"

Zhang Deyou waved to the sky and stepped back at the same time. He whispered to an unimportant attendant beside him: "sun Ruhai can't stay. Now let's inform the other side and kill him directly. Then try to get a picture of Kong Jiangyuan's body from it. No matter what, we should rush into Xin'ao city this evening and let he family and Yuelong trade fight in an all-round way! ”

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