They left the Julong Pavilion and stood in the shade of the gate. They didn't leave for a long time.

"The attitude of the third master is very obvious now. If you learn from Yuelong business and succeed in the transformation, you will be the next leader. Can't you just say that the position of the leader has been assigned to the fourth master? It seems that our plan is correct. Kong Jiangyuan is not removed. In the future, everyone will have to follow him to beg for food! The third master is just a fool. He has forgotten what the root of the Confucius family is. How can it develop in the future? "

Kong Zhen's face turned red with anger. He didn't dare to fart in the hall all the time. He was scolded by Third Master Kong. His anger was enough to ignite the whole Julong Pavilion.

"What are you talking about?"

Kongbuyu looks at the servant who is busy at the door in the distance, and scolds kongbuyu in a low voice.

"Anyway, Kong Jiangyuan is dead. Now the biggest problem is to transfer the contradiction between Macao and Macao to he family, and let Yuelong trade fight with he family. Otherwise, give the third master enough time to find out that Kong Jiangyuan's death has something to do with us. Do you think the third master will choose to preserve the strength of Kong family instead of pursuing this matter, or take the opportunity to kill his relatives To avenge his favorite old four and transform the Kong family completely by the way? "

Kong Bu Yu lowered his voice and said in a low voice.

Kong Zhen certainly understood the meaning of his words.

Kong Jiangyuan was the first elder to leave the Kong family and help them lay such a great foundation in Aocheng. He has the deepest friendship for him.

Even the transformation of the Kong family supported him with both hands.

If the three of them didn't act fast and get rid of the hidden danger ahead of time, otherwise the leader of the lower class, except Kong Jiangyuan, would not have any chance to compete with him.

"But what happened last night has been solved by the woman named he Anqi!"

Kong Zhen thought of the information that came in the morning, and he couldn't help it.

"Tens of thousands of people in Yuelong trade were stopped at the door by a woman for more than half an hour, and they failed to get in. They also found some Yuelong orders. Now that the people are gone, the bodies are also transported to the funeral home. It's estimated that the memorial service will start soon, and now they still want to plant their lives on who, do you think it's possible?"

Kong Zhen said with gnashing teeth.

"What do you think the attitude of the ho family in this matter will be?"

Kong Buyu looked at him and asked.

"Why ask?" Kong Zhen looked at him speechless, "is he Anqi's attitude not obvious enough? He family obviously doesn't want to follow the muddy water and is eager to show that they can get rid of the relationship between Kong Jiangyuan's death and him. However, they can't get rid of it if they want to get rid of it. How can we say that old four also died in his family's territory? As brothers of the Kong family, we can't say this without asking ourselves! "

"Well, in addition, we have to find a way to get the man named Zhang Deyou out of sun Ruhai's hands. This man has a lot of secrets about this matter. Once he can't bear the pressure of Yuelong business, it's not only the second guy, but also the two of us, who have to be expelled from the Kong family. It's very important You have to ask for it yourself. You can't miss it, you know? " Kong Buyu said seriously.

This morning, Master Kong's temperament changed greatly, which undoubtedly sounded the alarm on their heads.

In the eyes of Confucius, Kong Jiangyuan's weight is far more than the other three of them.

The next leader has been confirmed!

If you don't kill, you'll never get ahead!

"I know, I'll talk to the second man about it and ask him to arrange people to do it. Today's Macao city will surely have a pot of porridge in Luancheng. Since Yuelong business likes porridge, let them drink it slowly!"


Kong Zhen smashed his fist on the tree trunk beside him. The tough bark cracked and the leaves floated all over the sky.



Aocheng, Yin.

Today is destined to be an uneventful day.

Most of the docks in Macao city have been shut down, and more than two-thirds of the island's transportation lines have been shut down. In the past, only ships waiting to be moved are left at the bustling docks. However, there are no workers here. The ship owners gather in groups to play cards and drink. They look like they have nothing to do.

At this moment, the lotus District of Aocheng.

Because of early reporting, Lianhua City, known as the middle class gathering area, has long been blocked.

The entrances and exits of main streets and roads are blocked by yellow cordon.

It is forbidden for outsiders to come in and out, and issued a statement in advance to the residents living here: there are large-scale activities here today, so as to minimize going out, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes.

"Today, when the chairman of Yuelong commerce and trade is at the funeral, there will definitely be people making trouble. Keep an eye on them. If something goes wrong, you and I can't afford to blame them."

Liu Changhua, who is in charge of today's regional security, is sweating in every block to patrol the security measures.

"I tell you, today's security is very important. If there is any problem here today, please don't do it. Take off your clothes and go to the wharf with me to carry the goods. Do you understand me?"Yuelong freight trading company has an unquestionable reputation and status here.

In many things, their actions and behaviors will be related to the stability and development of many industries and regions. The closure of several ports today because of Kong Jiangyuan's funeral is the best proof.

This time, someone called in person to ask about the safety protection in the vicinity of Lianhua funeral home, supervised it and paid close attention to the developments in this area. If anything happened, they would thunderbolt to ensure the successful completion of today's meeting.

Now, the funeral home in Lianhua district.

Hundreds of young people in black suits and white cloth straps on their shoulders are busy.

Wreaths, Wanlian, handwritten eulogy and all kinds of condolence have all started ahead of time. Items have been delivered one after another and filled the whole funeral home. Even outside the main gate, chrysanthemums are swarming at the moment. Couplets and wreaths have been put out on both sides of the street for thousands of kilometers. All kinds of people are shuttling back and forth. It is half a year before the beginning of the condolence ceremony Hours, many things need to be prepared, including today's internal safety inspection and confirmation.

"It's about to start."

In the mourning hall filled with wreaths of elegiac couplets, sun Ruhai, wearing a black suit and a white cloth belt tied on his shoulder, is staring at the time, but the tension in his eyes cannot be concealed.

"I received the news that just before dawn today, many snakeheads brought people from Hong Kong Island and the mainland into Macao, and they all lost the news after they left the ship and went ashore. They must immediately find out where they would go and what they would do. If these people were allowed to enter the mourning hall, the consequences would be unimaginable..."

Sun Ruhai stared at the ice coffin in front of him and said in a low voice.


Standing behind him is the security manager of Yuelong cargo trading company. He was also the hall leader before the transformation of Yuelong trading company. He is ruthless and can handle everything in detail.

"What's more, the people who come here to mourn Kongsheng today are all tasks that can be called by people from all walks of life. The he family and Pauli will also send people to come. The internal security measures must be done well. If you don't have enough people, you can transfer them from other places directly, but don't be too ostentatious. After all, it's Kongsheng's funeral ceremony. Let him go quietly, so that he won't leave a voice after his death and become an Australian The city people's spare time talks. "

Su Ruhai explained.

"Today, I understand with vipers Even if all the brothers in the security department give up their lives, they will let Kong Sheng go peacefully and never let those gangsters make trouble! "

The poisonous snake gnaws its teeth. Kong Sheng's death is equivalent to the collapse of heaven for them. But at this moment, they have to do their own job and send Kong Jiangyuan to the last stage.

"Then you go to work. I have to go to the supervision department. Today, the general manager's office is here in person. I have to go and have a look, so as not to be told that if Kong Sheng has gone, Yuelong business will have no rules."

Sun Ruhai said, with the snake step away from the hall, toward the opposite European style building stride past.

At this time, at the corner opposite the funeral home in Lianhua District, several people in yellow and blue uniforms were holding guard sticks to guard the intersection, but their eyes were still fixed on the door of the funeral home, and they did not leave for a moment.

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