"Here comes Kong Nantian."

On a bell tower on the third floor outside the funeral home, he Anqi, wearing a black lady's suit, overlooks the funeral home and whispers.

"How dare he send someone."

Qin fan stands beside he Anqi. Although his height is not as high as he Anqi's, he can still see clearly what happened in the yard of the funeral home from this angle.

"But is there too few of them?"

Now the whole lotus district is under the protection of Yuelong business. Their hands are at every street entrance and intersection. Even the more than ten people in the yard of the funeral home come in under the banner of the Kong family, but they just come in. If they really want to do something, I'm afraid it's far from enough to see.

"Do you think Kong Nantian will give up?" He Anqi's beautiful eyes looked at the people in the yard and said faintly, "in fact, these people are not here to do things at all. Now the Lianhua district is monolithic, and the people outside can't understand the situation inside. Later, even if they are blown out, it can be regarded as the goal. But I'm afraid there will be a bigger storm waiting for Yuelong business. Don't believe it Over there, Kong Nantian's people are almost there. "

Following the direction of he Anqi's finger, Qin fan turns to see that in the corner of the West Street, which is also the most marginal periphery of the blockade line of Lianhua District, people are moving towards that side one after another.

These people are all dressed as ordinary servants, men and women, young and old. They have nothing to pay special attention to. They are like the residents living nearby. They gather here to watch the fun.

"What's the matter with these people?" Qin fan didn't understand.

"Did you see the man in the middle of the crowd who was wearing a red T-shirt with the big dragon seafood printed on it?" She asked.

"Dragon seafood?"

Qin fan's eyes searched through the crowd and found the young man in red in he Anqi's mouth, but the words of Dalong seafood were too far away for him to see clearly.

He was curious about angel he's eyesight.

Before he came to Macao city, he had heard that people who can dominate in new Australia city can become the same in their eyes, ears and hands. It's very simple to win houses and cars, not to mention overnight wealth.

But he Anqi is the kind of woman whose eyes, ears and hands are different from ordinary people.

At such a distance, Qin fan couldn't even see the words or pictures written on her chest, but she could see the "dragon" seafood written on it. It was really incredible. She was just a strange woman.

"What happened to him?" Qin fan asked, squinting.

"His name is Li Futian, and his nickname on the road is mouse. He is very famous in the bottom world of Macao city. He is a full-time snake head who is specially responsible for pulling dirty people into Macao. It is said that this time, he spent five million to rent hundreds of fishing boats to travel between Hong Kong Island and inland areas, and transported a lot of people with irregular identities. Now he is here, do you think Will the people around him have nothing to do with him? " He Anqi said lightly.


Qin fan's eyes suddenly chilly.

It's true what angel said. Although the onlookers outside seem to have nothing to do with each other and have nothing to pay attention to, if you look carefully, you will notice that these people are young people in red T-shirts.

After they got here, they all approached the young man in red for the first time, then stood aside as if nothing had happened, and watched the blockade line. There were more and more people. After almost three minutes, Qin Fangu roughly estimated that the number of people who had arrived and stood here alone had exceeded 200.

"So many people? It's not going to be a fight, is it? "

Qin fan frowned. He was just confused, but he didn't worry. After all, in broad daylight, and in public places, how could these people get together? Can you still fight with Yuelong business here openly? It's lawless.

"In the early years, it was really possible."

Angela ho chuckled.

"But it's definitely not going to work now. Everyone is making the law, but it's inevitable that there will be too many onlookers gathering here later, and there will be some uncontrollable situation. For example, someone falls down and needs to be sent to the hospital urgently. Do you think they dare not lift the blockade? What if it's Kongsheng's hearse passing by at this moment? Don't go down with me today, there will be a good play soon. "

Qin fan's eyes widened when he heard that he saw a church hospital less than 200 meters away from the crowd.

And looking at the road that was cleaned in advance and the security personnel along the way, 50 meters ahead of this place is the only way for the hearse to leave Lianhua district and go to the basic cemetery today. Once the hearse passes by and the blockade line is swept away by these people, the consequences will be unimaginable


Thinking of this, Qin fan took a breath of air.

He couldn't conceive of the scene.

But one thing I don't understand is why did Kong Nantian do it?

What's the benefit of insulting Kong Jiangyuan's hearse? In addition to psychological relief, any actual benefits can not be obtained from it. On the contrary, it will stain the reputation of Feilong society, which is totally not worth the loss."Who said that the person who attacked the hearse must be Kong Nantian?"

After hearing Qin fan's question, he Anqi said with a cold hum.

"Look at this first."

He Anqi didn't turn her head and handed the phone to Qin fan directly.

The phone is in his hand. Qin fan looks down and finds that the screen is unlocked. At the moment, a picture of a middle-aged man is on the screen, with his name and information below: Zhou Kun, a 49 year old employee of he's enterprise Guangdong branch.

What does that mean?

"Look back." He Anqi reminds a way.

Qin fan dares to slide the picture after hearing that. After all, turning the picture to the next one without the owner's permission is the easiest way to break the fetid youth friendship.

One by one ID photos, and the information and identity of the characters in the photos are the contents that he Anqi wants Qin fan to see.

"You look at these photos, and then carefully compare the group of people below. Most of the people who come here are employees of he's company's branch. They asked for leave when they got off work yesterday, and they were transported here early this morning. They will be the ones who will impact the hearse later. Do you still feel that this matter has nothing to do with who, and it has nothing to do with us?" He Anqi looked at the distance gathering more and more people, voice some sigh.

, "we received the news early in the morning. When Kong family was in the morning today, he issued a" dragon killing order "to Kong Nantian and Confucius's eye liner in the city of Australia. He demanded that the hearse should be impacted on the funeral procession of Kong Jiang Yuan today, and all the accusations should be placed on our home.

The Dragon slaughtering order is the most severe way for the Kong family to issue orders. Once the Dragon slaughtering order meets all the tasks that are ready to be carried out and being carried out, they must immediately put down their tasks and participate in it unconditionally. It can be said that it is a national mobilization without any negligence or neglect.

"So serious?" Qin fan frowned and asked subconsciously, "since you know the purpose of the action in advance, why don't you stop it directly? No matter how powerful the "dragon slaughtering order" is, this is your territory after all. Wouldn't it be safer to send someone ahead of time to stop all this? "

"There is no evidence." He Anqi shakes her head and says, "although she has arrested a group of people according to the situation in her hands, compared with the Kong family who are mixed up in various groups and strata, it is still a drop in the bucket. Moreover, boss he has his own consideration. The Kong family has been rooting here for too long, and there has been no suitable reason and opportunity to catch them all. Today, these people just pour out and give them a chance We have a great chance. Let's wait for the good play to start, and then we'll go down and support Yuelong business. "

While talking, the group of people in the courtyard of the funeral home have been driven out by sun Ruhai. Although these people are scattered after they leave, they can see clearly from the top of the three story clock tower. After they leave the blockade area, these people go around the block, from every corner, straight to the same target as you, people in red!

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