It was su Yuyan who spoke.

Hearing the voice, Qin fan looked back at her in surprise. He didn't expect that such a little girl could think of this aspect of things. It's really a bit complicated.

The Su family disciple also raised his head in surprise, but when his eyes met Su YuYan's angry eyes, he suddenly shivered and didn't dare to fart. He put the blue and white porcelain bowl into the wooden box, and then stepped back a few steps.

"In fact, I don't think what he said is completely wrong."

Qin fan thought and said.

"These things are all owned by the Kong family, but in the final analysis, they are all owned by our Chinese ancestors. The Kong family is just keeping them for a while. We directly use the timer to detonate the warehouse and blow up all these things. It seems very enjoyable, but think about it carefully. We are also indirectly destroying our Chinese cultural relics. What's the saying These antiques are yours and mine, but to sum up, they belong to all of us.... "

Qin fan was whispering, when Mu Kang suddenly interrupted, "Qin Shao, what do you want to say? It's just a matter of time. In case we are found by people outside, it will be too late! "

Qin fan nodded and said, "open all the boxes of the antique number, move all the things in them out the back door, and then inform the bus. Later, let them come and take care of them. Move all these things away, and leave none of them!"

A few people stopped talking.

Everyone's eyes looked around at the crowded shelves. Not to mention these things, the bus can carry them. Just screening and handling is an extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive project, and their time is not much. There are hundreds of Su's children sitting outside, in case they are found The consequences will be unimaginable!

But looking at Qin fan's serious eyes, he didn't seem to be joking. MUKANG couldn't help telling him what he really thought.

Whatever is beneficial to the operation and task, they are always outspoken and will not dare to speak out for fear of refuting Qin fan's face.

After hearing this, Qin fan still said seriously: "I've figured out a way. We don't need to move these goods at all. The hundreds of people outside can not only be coolies for us, but also cover other teams to complete the task. Of course, it's a bit risky, but the opportunity is always behind the risk. MUKANG, give me a lighter."

Qin Fan said and held out his hand to MUKANG.

MUKANG was still confused, so he subconsciously took out the lighter and handed it to Qin fan.

"Now, you guys, open all the wooden boxes one by one, and then take out the newspapers and straw and put them in the southeast corner of the warehouse for two minutes. If anyone is lazy and waits for these things to move out, he won't have his share!"

Qin fan turns his head and looks at six Su family children.

Six people dare not hesitate, they come here to receive orders, is unconditional obedience to Qin fan's command, and then protect Su Yuyan.

Suddenly, several people stood up and began to move the wooden boxes one by one from the shelves to the ground. After opening them, they ran to the southeast corner with newspapers and fodder in their arms.

"Well, now you inform Qu Zhihai that warehouse 7 should not be bombed. Let him personally take a few people to the motorcade to get some big trucks carrying goods. When warehouse 12 blows up, they will drive the trucks directly to the back door of warehouse 7, and let their people move as many as they can and only carry antiques to the trucks. Wait for our signal and drive to us I'll take all the things here and let's go together. "

Qin fan looked at this side has begun to busy, then turned his head to MUKANG said.

Mu Kang was stunned for a long time, then nodded his head, turned on the headset, and gave it to Qu Zhihai according to Qin fan's instructions.

"Our scheduled time for detonating is 10:30 p.m. We have to start the operation 15 minutes in advance. Now it's 10:10. We'll start to check our watches and act on time. Don't delay a second!"

Qin fan raised his hand, and everyone together on the time.

Although the people present didn't know what Qin fan wanted to do and what the task was like, they were still on guard according to his instructions and ready to take action in five minutes.

At the same time, MUKANG quickly worked out a second plan in his mind. Once Qin fan made any mistakes in this plan, he immediately started plan 2 to ensure everyone's safety.

"How's it going? Have you finished all the newspapers? "

Looking at the time has passed three minutes, Qin fan shouts to the corner.

"Ready." The children of the Su family responded.

Qin fan nodded and said, "I'll light all these newspapers and so on. Let's go out from behind and find a place to hide. No matter what happens in the process, don't care. We'll make plans after su Jian starts to act!"

During the conversation, the time had already reached 10:15. Qin fan stood up first and walked to the southeast corner. Looking at the mountains of newspapers and straw, he turned to MUKANG and said, "go and get the door. Don't let them in so fast, and don't let them in too fast. Everything you bring will be burned up.""Burn?" Then he held the wooden wooden box, and immediately nodded his head.

At the same time of leaving, Qin fan lights the lighter directly and lights the sundries in front of him instantly!


After lighting up, Qin fan didn't look back. He immediately took Su YuYan's hand and ran to the back door of the warehouse.

"Open the door

In just a few seconds, the thick smoke from the burning of newspapers and dry straw has filled the whole warehouse.

MUKANG also ran over at this time. Without saying a word, he directly opened the door with a pair of pliers, quickly opened the door and rushed out.

Behind the warehouse, there was a neat open space.

Usually used to deal with waste.

One hundred meters ahead, there is a waste incineration pool. After leaving the back door, the group rushed to the incineration pool without hesitation, squatted down quickly, and then gasped for breath.

"Qin Shao, I know what you're going to do. You're going to light up the warehouse first, and then let them come in to put out the fire. If the fire can't be put out, they'll move the goods outside the warehouse. In order to minimize the loss, the process will be very fast. But when they can't move much, Su Jian is ready to detonate warehouse 12, and they'll send a lot of people to deal with it As for the situation over there, we can take care of the rest of the people who stay here, and then let Qu Zhihai and them drive over. We just need to move the goods to the car, right? "

MUKANG at this time looked at the smoke rolling 9 warehouse, wide eyed, turned his head to look at Qin fan asked.

Qin fan nodded and affirmed his statement.

"But you let Qu Zhihai drive to the back door. If they open the front door and transport the goods to the square, they will be blind." MUKANG asked.

"When we split up, I heard Su Jian say that he planned to go back to the same way after blowing up the warehouse, and then join us again. Since their retreat route is ahead, for the sake of safety, they should not expose so many goods to such an open and dangerous position. Of course, it is also possible that they will do so, but there is no chance We all have 50% or 50% confidence in transporting the goods here. Besides, do you know why I asked them to move newspapers and other things to the southeast corner? " Qin fan asked.

"I know! The southeast corner is at the gate of the warehouse. Once the fire spreads, the fire there will be the biggest. It's hard for people to get in. How can they move the goods from there? It must be through the back door! " Su Yuyan said excitedly at this time.

Qin fan gave her a look of approval, and then stopped talking. Yanjing looked straight at the location of No. 9 warehouse. Newspapers and straw were inflammables, and there were so many wooden cases in stock in the warehouse. In less than two minutes, he could see where he could see the smoke rolling and the fire growing.

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