The speed at which the employees in the warehouse carry the goods far exceeds Qin fan's imagination.

One or two hundred people shot at the same time, and the wooden box with the goods suddenly piled up a hill in the open space ten meters away from the back door.

"These people's physical strength is almost exhausted. After su Jian starts to take action, everyone goes out to help Qu Zhihai open the way, get rid of these people, carry the goods and leave here directly."

Qin fan looks at the Confucius' children who are still busy at the back door. Although they are numerous and fast, it is impossible to transfer all the goods in the warehouse in a short time. After all, the highest shelf in the warehouse is seven or eight meters. In the case of a raging fire, they can only move the goods in the middle and lower levels, but the top one has no time to care 。


At this time, I heard a loud "boom" from the northwest. Then someone next to me stretched out his finger. Suddenly, a fire burst into the sky in the distance. It was also very dazzling in the thick smoke.

"Warehouse 12! Su Jian, they have it

Mu Kang saw this and said suddenly.

Qin fan nodded and glanced at the firelight rushing into the night sky. Then he quickly returned to the back door of No.7 warehouse.

Obviously, such a strong explosion attracted these people's attention at the first time. Many of them just rushed out of the gate with wooden boxes, then stopped at their feet, looked up and looked in the direction of warehouse 12.

"Someone sneaked into warehouse 12. Except for team 1 who stayed to see the goods, all the others came with me. They must have set off the fire in warehouse 7. Don't let go of any of them. If you kill one, you'll get a reward of 500000 yuan and catch one million alive! Brothers, follow me

The security manager clenched his teeth, looked in the direction of the fire in warehouse 12, and gave a loud order.


At this time, the fire in warehouse 7 has been gradually controlled, and most of the goods have been moved from the warehouse to the outside of the back door. Only some people need to finish the final finishing work in the warehouse with fire guns, while others follow him and go straight to warehouse 12 to catch the troublemaker tonight!

At the same time, more than half of the people guarding the goods in the back door warehouse disappeared, leaving less than 30 people to guard the goods, even less than Qin fan had predicted.

Besides standing around and keeping alert, most of these people seem to be relaxed, sitting on the ground, rubbing their arms and thighs, which are almost unconscious, for tens of minutes, carrying hundreds of goods, including heavy and huge bronzes. They feel that their whole life's strength has been spent in these areas Clock, the whole body up and down tired, especially after sitting down, not even the strength to stand up.


At this time, MUKANG led the people to stand up slowly from the waste incineration pool, staring at the people behind the door, and raised his hand.


Just as the security guard facing the burning pool turned his head and looked at another place, MUKANG didn't hesitate. With a command, the first one rushed out of the burning pool. His body was like a ghost lightning, and instantly appeared behind him. He raised his hand to clasp his throat, and the other hand to hold his head at the same time. His two arms staggered, and he heard a "click" Crisp ring, suddenly, the dead body fell to the ground, but in the middle of the way, MUKANG was holding with his hand.

But Rao is so, the slight sound of bone fracture still attracted the attention of other people nearby. Four or five security guards in charge of guarding the Kong family just turned around, but suddenly several figures came out from behind them and ended their lives with the same action.

"Don't move, as long as you cooperate, I'll let you live."

After solving the problem of the security guard in charge of the guard nearby, MUKANG showed up around the goods, took out the wooden warehouse and pointed it at dozens of people sitting on the ground to rest.

These people were stunned, but they didn't have any desire to resist.

Although there are a large number of them, they can't even stand up. Are they still talking about fighting against these people who hold the wooden warehouse?

"You don't want to kill us, just say what you want to do. Of course, only if we can stand up." An employee of a distribution center said helplessly.

"Can't stand up?"

Qin fan was standing beside him. He wanted to wait for the truck to come and let these people help him carry the goods. But he didn't expect that all of them were tired and turned into waste. Suddenly, his face was inevitably disappointed.

And this is the moment.

All the people on the scene felt that Yu Guangli's dazzling headlights flashed. Then, the light column came towards the people. At the same time, three or two empty containers opened the car.

"Qu Zhihai, they are here."

Looking at the three Liang truck coming, several people look at each other and get out of the way one after another to let the car grow into a dragon like line at the back door. Then the container door opens, and Qu Zhihai, Cao ideali, and several Su family children jump out of the car and walk towards Qin fan and MUKANG."What's the matter? Why are you burning?"

After Qu Zhihai got off the bus, he looked at warehouse 7, which was still smoking heavily. As he asked, he saw a mountain of wooden boxes of goods piled up in front of him, as well as the employees of the distribution center who were all squatting on the ground, holding their heads down.

"Don't talk nonsense. Hurry to move all the goods to the car with these people. It will take ten to five minutes to move as much as you can. When it's time to leave, move now. If you have anything to say, you can wait until you go back."

MUKANG now knows exactly what Qin fan is going to do. He orders directly to Qu Zhihai and doesn't want to delay another second.


Obeying orders is their inherent duty.

After receiving the order, Qu Zhihai couldn't help but take out the wooden warehouse and point at dozens of staff of the distribution center on the ground, saying: "I don't care what you are going to do now, you should stand up and carry the goods for me immediately, otherwise, I don't mind letting more charred bodies in the fire scene. Do you understand me?"

These dozens of employees wanted to explain that they had just moved these goods from the warehouse in a few minutes, and they couldn't walk any more. However, as soon as they opened their mouths, Qu Zhihai fired a few shots on the ground and set them on a dazzling cremation. They were so scared that they jumped up from the ground like a frightened rabbit. Without saying a word, they began to move the wooden boxes of goods on the ground Container trucks.

Qin fan was stunned to see all this, but he listened to MUKANG standing beside him and said with a smile, "Qu Zhihai is stimulating their potential. If you don't force yourself, you will never know what you can do."

Soon, although the speed of moving goods this time was not as fast as that of moving goods out of the warehouse, it was better to move goods from the ground to the container with a short distance. Moreover, Qin fan's people took over. In 15 minutes, the three containers were almost full, and they were all picking up antiques. Seeing that the time was almost up, Qin fan waved his hand, All the containers were closed, and Qin fan and others got on the truck one after another. With one order, they left in the smoke.

In the car, Qin fan looked at the time, less than five minutes from the meeting time he had agreed with Su Jian.

In general, if the task is successfully completed, they should be on their way to the appointed place or have arrived at the appointed place by now.

But when several people drove away, they seemed to hear the sound of gunfire coming from warehouse 12.

"There should be nothing wrong with Sujian. After all, all the people in the distribution center were attracted to warehouse 7 by us. They only went there when they heard the explosion. The gap in the middle was enough for them to evacuate safely and meet us at the meeting point."

Qin fan looks at Su Yuyan, who is sitting beside him with a worried face, and asks Mu Kang.

"Well, there should be nothing wrong. The gunfire just now is probably just seeing people running away and firing warning shots. Maybe they have arrived. Let's hurry up, see people later and evacuate here first. As for the others, we'll talk about it later."

MUKANG concentrated on driving, stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly advanced.

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