At night, only a security guard in his fifties was left at the gate of the clinic.

Su's sword has been scared to keep up with others.

So when Qin fan walked into the gate, he had a smooth journey. At night, there were no other patients. Qin fan estimated that there were few doctors. It was very rare for such a small clinic to keep a doctor or be on duty in the middle of the night.

This also let him before has been tense heart, temporarily relaxed down.

Fewer people means less exposure.

After all, this is the active area of the Kong family. It's always right to be careful.

As for blood transfusion, the clinic does not have such conditions. Moreover, according to the regulations, gunshot wounds need to be reported to the superior hospital and local relevant departments. However, under the gaze of so many people, doctors know that they can not do so, He can only do his best to complete the simple operation and try to slow down the injury of Su Yun.

"He Shao."

Seeing Qin fanlai, Su Jian's frown finally showed signs of relief.

"The doctor is treating the wound for him, and I have contacted the nearest Su hospital. The operating room over there is in a state of preparation. As soon as it is over, it can be sent to the hospital for rescue immediately."

Su Jian came to meet Qin fan and said as he walked.

Qin fan nodded and looked at the closed door. "You can take it back after the operation. I believe that with this lesson, they won't go to the Kong family without permission. Of course, whether Su Che and Su Yuyan are willing to go with you depends on their own wishes."

Qin fan's words can be regarded as a solution to Su Jian's heart knot.

Originally, he felt extremely disrespectful of Qin fan's bringing Su Yun's three brothers and sisters in his action tonight.

This is clearly threatening people, and does not regard the lives of the three brothers and sisters as human lives.

But listen to Qin fan now so say, pour is oneself with the heart of villain degree gentleman's belly, moreover, oneself also elder than he several dozens of years old.

"I hope we can easily sit down and have a drink when we meet next time. Recently, there are too many things. I really don't want us to meet each other in such a place and perform deadly tasks..."

Su Jian also began to take the initiative to make friends with Qin fan. In terms of the action tonight, Qin fan indirectly helped him by burning the warehouse. Otherwise, there would not be so many people sniping at warehouse 7. Su Yun and Su Che would not be able to live.

Brave and resourceful.

This is what Su Jian said in Zhou Lulu's wechat. Since she went to Rwanda, she has little contact with Qin fan. When she suddenly received the news from Qin fan tonight, she naturally seemed very excited.

"Congratulations. I've discussed with the group. When you come back, I'll apply to the medical department for you to be the president of Shengde hospital. At the same time, I'll take a part-time job as the leader of the infectious diseases department of the medical department. You'd better come on and don't let everyone down." Qin fan thought about it and replied.

He didn't discuss with the group in advance, because he didn't need to discuss at all. When Zhou Lulu came back, he directly ordered the appointment of the Ministry of medicine.

"Thank you, Qin Shao, but I received a message from Xia Meng two days ago. She said that her task was going smoothly, but because of the sudden rainstorm in northern Rwanda, she was temporarily trapped in the mountains and couldn't get out. She could not leave until the rain ended and the soil dried up. After she came out, she would call you as soon as possible If so, don't worry. "

The intelligent Zhou Lulu naturally knows that Qin fan's real purpose and reason for sending a message to her so late. After thinking about it, she tells him.

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