After listening to liputi's explanation in a low voice, Qin fan was surprised.

Unexpectedly, a bodyguard beside Kong Xin came from the dragon family, one of the ancient families!

Wei, Ying, long, Yun.

The momentum of the dragon family is far above the cloud family.

It's just that since dragon dance has been independent for many years, what happened to her should have nothing to do with the dragon family.

As for the dragon that follows the red dragon, it is much less impressive.

He was also in his thirties. He was dressed in black and plain clothes. Apart from the scar on his eyes, he didn't attract much attention. Instead, he felt like a red dragon follower.

"This is the Red Dragon..."

Qin fan sighed a little when he saw the red dragon appear on such an occasion today.

This is the first time he saw the true face of the red dragon, but how many times have the two fought indirectly in private, and most of them were dominated by the red dragon. What kind of evil female devil did he think she was? Today, it's pretty good.

After the appearance of the four Dharma protectors, they left the Dragon gathering hall and went to the back of the four top seats in the main hall.

The eight remaining dragon heads of the Kong family are closely followed.

In the battle of Feitsui mountain in Nandu, in addition to the six dragon heads who died there and one who is now being held in the coastal base, there are only eight of the eighteen dragon heads of the Kong family who are frightening!

They are all middle-aged people about 50 years old.

Step out side by side and continue to stand behind the four deals.

Kong Nantian, Kong Zhen and Kong Buyu also came out one after another.

They didn't sit down, but stood on the side of the chair, as if waiting for someone.

Finally, in the spotlight, Kong Xin and Kong Sanye, who had been rumored to be absent from the dinner because of injury today, came to the rostrum in Tang costume, leaning on the dragon's head and walking stick.

In the lawn, all the guests stood up and gave their warmest applause.

It's a huge scene!

With the help of the three leaders of kongbuyu, kongbuye step by step went to the chair and stood in the same place to accept the applause of the audience.

"Good, good..." Kong Xin stood in the same place. Although he was the oldest here, his old but rebellious eyes swept the whole audience!

Suddenly, the scene quieted down!

Qin fan looked at the long-known king of China's underground world and found that he didn't look like an eighty-five-year-old man at all. His hair and whiskers were white, but his glasses were bright and bright. His face was covered with wrinkles, but he couldn't find a small age spot.

It's a bit of fairyland.

What's more, the momentum he exudes is not fierce at all. It gives people the first feeling, but a kind and approachable feeling. The whole person stands there. After the applause, he bows his hands to all the guests and friends and says, "I'm really happy to have you to celebrate my birthday today It's a blessing from my last life. Thank you very much. Please take a seat

All the guests laughed and sat down in their chairs.

The Third Master Kong also sat in his chair. Kong Nantian, Kong Zhen and Kong Buyu also took their seats one after another. There were four chairs full of three, but the one next to him was still empty and didn't know who to leave.

"I didn't expect that you sent out so many invitation cards, and you all sold your face. You traveled thousands of miles to Yanjing and my dragon gathering pavilion to celebrate your birthday. You can still see this scene in your lifetime. It's really a pity to die..."

After taking his seat, Mr. Kong glanced at the guests in the front row one by one.

All the four heads of the four Yanjing families were present.

Shen Jianping, the Shen family in the southern capital, is firmly in the middle.

And the best young children of the four families behind

When he saw liputi, the smile on his face became even stronger. "Look, our little niece came to see me today. Ha ha, it's putting gold on the old face!"

"Granddad Kong is very kind. My father can't be there in person because he has something important to deal with abroad, so he specially told me to celebrate his birthday. He told granddad Kong to be as lucky as Donghai and live longer than Nanshan!" Li said with a smile.

Kong San Ye's eyes looked at Qin fan and Jin Lan behind him, and said curiously, "who is this?"

"Grandfather Kong, this is ho Sicheng, the young master of the ho family in Macao city. Behind him is Jin Lan, a miss of the Jin family. He is also ordered to come to celebrate your birthday." Li explained with a smile.

"Oh, it's the childe of he Qiancheng!" Third Master Kong's face changed slightly when he heard that he had heard of the name of he Qiancheng. In his eyes, he was more respected than Li Cheng.

"I can't imagine that he can attend the old man's birthday party. It's really a great honor. After a while, he will stay and have a good chat with him. I love to hear about your father." Kong San ye said with a smile that he didn't care about Jin Lan."Grandpa Kong is very kind." Qin fan smiles in response.

Qin fan learned a truth from his long experience in society.

At least they don't know where to shoot them on the surface.

The most terrible thing is Kong Xin.

Qin fan can't forget that more than a decade ago, when a family rose in the southwest and just wanted to get a foothold in Yanjing, Kong Xin, the Third Master of Kong, was friendly on the surface, but secretly killed all the other family members overnight, with bodies piled up on the wellhead and blood stained the walls

Shen fan saw Qin's words in the corner of his head.

Seems to want to look back, but do not know what idea, and let him stop this action.

Qin fan knew that his voice must have been recognized by his father.

After all, if you don't even know your son's voice, Shen Jianping, the chairman of the board of directors, is not worthy of the name.

After greeting the guests in the first two rows one by one, Mr. Kong raised his head and said faintly, "I'm flattered and grateful that I'm so loved by you when I'm dying, but I think you all know that I came here from the hospital with half my body. The reason is that you've all heard that No. 13 warehouse of the Kong family was destroyed yesterday Warehouses No. 7 and No. 12 were also burned. Of course, money is something outside my body. At my age, most of my body is buried in the earth, and I don't care about these things very much. I just pity my brother of the Kong family. He died to attend today's birthday party. He went to hell step by step before me and met all the ancestors... "

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