Seeing that he put himself on the stage, Jin can knew that once his words were written, he would make the audience laugh. Not only did he lose face, but even the Jin family would be slapped in the face!

"I don't feel very well today. Yesterday I went to bed with a cramp in my arm. I couldn't write without writing." Jin can thought about it and explained faintly.

Hearing the words, Qin fan laughed in his heart. The boy was just sitting in front of him, and he was playing with the little girl who came to serve the tea. Now he can't even pick up his pen. If he can believe his words, can't all the sows go to the tree?

"What's wrong with your arm?"

Third Master Kong was disappointed when he heard the speech.

He didn't think so much about it. At his age and experience, Jin can and Qin fan were children who didn't understand anything in his eyes, and naturally believed in what they said.

"Oh, it's a pity. Is the third master so interested in seeing your handwriting with his own eyes, but his hand is still broken. It's a pity that someone doesn't seem to give the third master such face..." Li said with regret.

"What does it mean to lose face?" When Jin can heard the speech, his face was a little ugly. "Jin's calligraphy is famous in China. I just don't feel very well today. If you don't believe it, you can pick out any Jin's family and write a copy. It must be a skill that can win the first prize."

"The Kim family?"

Liputi looked left and right, and finally fell on Jinlan, who had been silent and sat beside Qin fan.


Jin Lan felt Li Puti's eyes, raised her head and pointed to her nose.

"Yes, there are only three people in the Jin family today. Master Jin can't participate in the competition of the younger generation, and your second brother's arm is broken. So as a representative, shouldn't you represent the Jin family and write a word for master Jin alone?" Li asked with a wink.

Before moving, Li Lan was able to perceive the meaning of her mind.

It is a calligraphy contest between Qin fan and Jin can.

When she arrived here, she became the only one among the young children on the scene who could write a picture of longevity for Kong San Ye without taking part in the competition.

In other words, this is equivalent to that she will personally present a "longevity picture" to Mr. Kong on behalf of all the second generation disciples present today

It's a face throwing thing!

Jin Lan's face was a little excited. When Jin can heard that Li Puti suddenly changed his words, he turned his head and stared at her and said, "it seems that's not what he said just now?"

"Why not? The third master just wanted to see the words written by the children of the Jin family. He didn't say how to compete or add any color to them. It's a good chance for you. It's a pity that your hand is broken and you can't write. So Jin Lan has to write for the third master to celebrate his birthday. " Li said with a smile.

"You Jin can wanted to explain, but at this time, he heard Kong Sanye light mouth, interrupted him.

"Bodhi is right. Don't compete among young people. Since your arm is injured, let Jin Jinlan, on behalf of you four families, write a word for Laojiu. "

When Kong San Ye was talking, his eyes fell on Jin Lan.

This is the first time that he saw Jin Lan and heard her name for the first time. It should be a humble son in the Jin family. However, it is obvious that he Sicheng and Li Puti are defending this woman just now. He might as well push the boat with the current and make a human relationship for them.

"Well, Jinlan is ugly in front of the third master."

At this point, Jinlan no longer shirks. She stands up and leans slightly towards the Third Master Kong to show her gratitude.

"OK, take the paper and pen for Miss Jinlan, and write now." Kong San Yeh said with a smile, "I always believe that a person is like a character, and the character indicates the person. Miss Jinlan's appearance and temperament seem so dignified and generous, but it makes me look forward to it. What kind of good characters can the Jin family write to celebrate my birthday..."

Jin Lan sat down, waiting for the staff to move the pen and paper and table in front of him, began to pick up the pen to write.

She seems to have become the most popular one among all the children of the four families.

Many of the children of the other four families sitting in the front row looked back with envy and hatred.

Jin can, in particular, if he had known that this writing would have represented all the children of his family and congratulated Confucius on his birthday.

No matter how ugly the words were, he would not refuse.

This is a rare opportunity to show your face!

But he just wasted it.

At this time, Jin can covers his arm with his hand, which has nothing to do at all. His intestines are already blue. His eyes are staring at Jin Lan, who is writing. He is ready to kill him in front of everyone. He wants to tear the inferior dog of the Jin family to pieces!

And Jin Buhuan, who had been writing in front of him and had never looked up, also looked at him slightly and looked at him with an unyielding look. He could not help shaking his head.

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