Kong Xin, as the head of the Kong family, has an undoubted reputation in China.

He is also the one who has the most contact with the ancient family.

Qin fan can't get in touch with Ying Junyao now. Even if he can get in touch with her, there are some things that need to be done by the Kong family to make the evidence and results more convincing.

But obviously, this is not the time to say that.

"What about the red dragon? Didn't she go with you? " Qin fan looked around and saw no sign of the red dragon.

"She left julongge." Kong Xin said.

"Ah?" Qin fan Leng for a moment, red dragon this is to abandon the letter and escape?

"Well, at present, there are still some of my cronies in the seven kill army. They need to be mobilized by Hong long with my Kong family order, but I saw the leopard team and the snake team here just now. It seems that the "seven kill army" has been infiltrated by kongbuyu for a long time, but the dragon team and the tiger team will certainly not follow their orders to deal with me. What I am worried about now is that if these two teams do not obey their orders, they will be eradicated by kongbuyu. If so, it will be very difficult for them to make a turn this evening. " Kong Xin sighed.

"That is to say, you are not at all prepared for what happened tonight?" Qin fan asked in surprise.

"Yes." Kong Xin said bluntly, "considering that there is bound to be a bloodbath when I announce the successor of the family leader this evening, I personally made friends with housekeeper long and the second eldest son to gather elite people to guard the Julong Pavilion, so as to prevent those who have different intentions to the Kong family from scheming and taking the opportunity to stir up the bloodbath..."

At this point, Kong Xin's eyes swept Qin fan's face. It was obvious that he was worried that the person who came to make trouble was actually Qin fan, but he didn't expect that in the end, Qin fan saved his life.

"However, people are not as good as nature. I didn't expect that Kong Buyu and Kong Zhen had bought the Dragon housekeeper who had been loyal to me all my life. The wolf team was one of the" seven killing troops "that I sent to protect the scene with my family order. Now it has become Kong Buyu's entourage, so all my hopes can only be placed on Hong long If she can call in the dragon and tiger teams as soon as possible, even if the Julong Pavilion is all their people now, I am confident that I can finish the final! I want to take control of this place in my own hands again. "

Kong Xin seems to have great confidence in the dragon and tiger teams. When he mentions them, his dispirited eyes are suddenly dispelled, as if he has recovered to the style of the underground King Kong San Ye.

But at this time, Cao Liqiang, who had been in charge of guarding at the door, suddenly waved to the crowd, and then made a silent gesture.

Someone's coming!

Seeing this, Qin fan's face suddenly turned cold. Subconsciously, he protected Jiang Yanzi behind him. At the same time, Qu Zhihai, Xing Qiang, Zhang Zihao and others immediately took out their guns, made a gesture of letting go, slowed down and walked quietly towards the warehouse gate.

"Give me speed. If you can't find Kong Xin in half an hour, none of the people who participated in the mission today will want to go out alive. Do you understand me?"

"I understand!"

In the dense footsteps outside the door, a low roar, but also a word does not fall, all along the crack in the door, into the ears of the warehouse people.

Qin Fan Yu Guangli is observing Kong Xin's reaction, but to his disappointment, Kong Xin turns a deaf ear to the words of these servants. Now he is only thinking that red dragon can take dragon and tiger teams to Julong Pavilion as soon as possible to create a miracle. The rest is not in his consideration.

"What you said just now is that you have evidence that Kong Buyu colluded with the ancient family and intervened in the transposition of the head of the Kong family, isn't it true?"

A moment later, Kong Xin still kept his original look and asked in a low voice.

"You live first. When you can live, I will tell you something about the evidence. If you can't even survive today, what can you do if you know the evidence?" Qin fan responded in a low voice.

"Open the door of this warehouse and search in!"

All of a sudden, I heard the disappearing steps outside the door, and suddenly stopped.

Then, a rough voice came in from the warehouse gate.

At the same time, Xing Qiang and Cheng Hui want to quickly disappear in the dark corner. Zhang Zihao, Qin fan, Jiang Yanzi and Kong Xin are also hiding behind the wooden box pile. The whole warehouse is silent, but full of strong emotion You're killing me!


Slowly open the door of the warehouse, with a few people's heads exploring the old road.

"One two three four..."

Zhang Zihao fixed his eyes on the four people who first appeared in the line of sight. Then, with the further opening of the door of the warehouse, more than 20 people who were fully armed at the door all appeared in the line of sight. Everyone was standing at the door with guns in their hands, peeping into the environment of the warehouse, and might have to come in and search at any time.Seeing this, Zhang Zihao stretched out his hand and put up three fingers, as if to count down.

"Go in and have a look."

At this time, the leader outside the door also gave an order to enter the door first. Behind him were seven or eight strong men with short guns. Several dazzling flashlight beams shone into the room from the outside. Qin fan and others quickly drew back their eyes and hid their whole bodies behind the pile of wooden boxes, so as not to be discovered by these people for the first time.


Even not counting the people guarding the door, eight armed enemies came in.

In the warehouse, even with Jiang Yanzi and Kong Xin, there were just eight people.

It is not a big problem to solve these eight people with the fighting power of Zhang Zihao and others.

But how to kill these eight people without disturbing more than a dozen people outside is the biggest difficulty at the moment!

Warehouse door, push in from outside.

Qu Zhihai and Cao Liqiang, who have been hiding on both sides of the gate, follow the slow expansion of the gate and keep retreating. Finally, both of them completely hide themselves behind the two door panels, forming the safest secret point.

And Xing Qiang and Cheng Hui, who are standing in the front foot, also disappear at this time.

Eight people in the warehouse, only breathing, still reverberating in the air.

Qin fan could even hear his heart beating. He tried to hold his breath and not let his heart beat so hard. But Yu Guangli saw that in the light coming in from the door, several shadows were being pulled longer and longer. Little by little, they were going to appear beside him

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