
So many people on the scene have been in the dark for a long time, and their eyes have already adapted to the dark light.

In the face of the sudden glare of several beams, almost all people's subconscious actions are to close their eyes, or turn their heads and cover their eyes with their hands. They can't see clearly where the light comes from and what's going on.

"Who is it! Go to someone and catch him. I'd like to see who has the courage to pretend to be a ghost in front of Laozi in Julong Pavilion! Go

Kong Zhen's vision has not yet adapted from the intense light beam.

He stopped, turned his head to the opposite direction of the beam, narrowed his eyes and yelled.


His subordinates couldn't open their eyes when they heard the speech. They could only roar. Everyone turned their guns and aimed at the direction of the light beam. Whether they could see clearly or not, it was a crazy shooting!

Gunfire everywhere, once again let the quiet Julong Pavilion into a time of turmoil.

Kong Buyu and others, who were on the way, heard the gunshot and immediately stepped forward. They stared at the direction of the power distribution room and whispered: "this old three, you can't really fight with them!"

"We'd better hurry up. Although the Su family claims to be a Confucian merchant family, they are actually more proud than anyone else. If Kong Zhen can't bully them tonight, he'll be angry and kill them again. Don't say whether they can support you to be the head of the family. I'm afraid you won't be able to wipe your ass clean in the next few decades." Jin Buhuan follows Kong Buyu. As the head of the four families, he has a lot to do with the Su family. He knows the Su family's temper very well.

"It's still a small matter. The resistance of the Su family only takes a little time and energy. It's not impossible to solve it. But this time I'm the head of the Kong family. In addition to Kong Xin, outsiders, especially the four Yanjing families, must never use force against him. This is what the man explicitly asked. Otherwise, once the east window incident happened, it would be troublesome for outsiders to know that he was also involved It's big... "

Speaking of this, kongbuyu listened to the gunfire still going on, gritted his teeth and said: "now hurry to the past, I hope the third man didn't do anything stupid, and destroyed all the plans tonight!"

Finish saying, a group of people then no longer hesitate, quicken a pace, toward the power distribution room to rush past.

At the same time, with a burst of fierce bullet shooting, when the light source above was exploded by the bullet, the vision returned to dim again. All the people looked at the source of the light just now, and they saw that the location was actually on the opposite wall. This is the courtyard wall of Julong Pavilion, which formed a large circle around the back of the power distribution room and surrounded the whole mountain The light just came on, and it was a searchlight that they had installed on it for a rainy day.

"Damn it, have you been fooled?"

When he found that the top of the wall was empty and there was no ghost, Kong Zhen burst into a rage and roared: "go to the power distribution room and catch the fish who has missed the net for me. I will break him to pieces!"


The people under his command were also full of anger. Originally, it was just the light that suddenly lit up, which would not make so many of them panic and mess up. The main thing was su Jian's sentence "you all have no chance", which made them still wonder what would happen and what cards were under Su Jian's hands. There was a strange voice in the power distribution room , and suddenly get the headlights, so that everyone lost sight, which led to their panic, so that they made a fool of themselves.

"Go, go and catch people!"

With a roar, several members of the snake team were about to go to the power distribution room angrily, but before they moved, the whole person seemed to be stupid and stood still.

"What about people?"

Looking at the empty floor under the feet, everyone was silly.

Dozens of Su family's children, as well as Su Jian, the deputy head of the Su family, evaporated out of thin air!

It was here ten seconds ago!

Under their feet, one by one, how could they disappear in the blink of an eye!?

"Where are the people! Where are all the people? "

When Kong Zhen found that Su Jian, who had been robbed by himself for a long time, disappeared under his own eyes, he was furious, pointed his gun around and yelled wildly.

Don't pay attention to yourself, repeatedly humiliate and rave, now people are running away

Even the two bodies just killed on the ground were all taken away!

Kong Zhen never felt so angry!

Holding a gun to the air, he pulled the trigger desperately, as if to vent his anger.

"Look, there are people!"

At this moment, a sharp eyed man suddenly noticed that there was a shadow on the gun head behind the power distribution room. Without thinking, he yelled.

"Call me!" Kong Zhen turned his head and roared.For a time, hundreds of muzzles all pointed to the gun head, pulling the trigger!

What kind of scene is it when thousands of bullets hit the same target at the same time?

The splashing cremation lit up the whole night sky, just like fireworks in a grand ceremony. The sound of broken stones even covered up the dense gunfire. The scene was so crazy that even the night birds at the foot of the mountain were awakened and flew out of the woods.

"Stop it! Stop it all

As soon as the gunfire broke out, a quick and violent sound burst out in the middle.

"Stop the fuck!"

Kong Buyu rushed to the scene with people. Seeing all this, he was furious. After shouting a few times, no one responded. In a hurry, he drew his gun in a rage and directly pulled the trigger at the person who shot in the front of the crowd!


One shot went straight to the man's thigh.


Caught off guard, the person who was hit knelt down on the ground directly, and burst into a burst of pain in his mouth.

"Who is it?"

Kong Zhen's first reaction to see someone dare to shoot his own people is that Su Rushi and they have killed him back!

Immediately take the lead to turn the gun head, without saying a word to shoot at the source of the bullet.

"How dare you fight me?"

Kong Buyu stood in the same place, facing the muzzle of Kong Zhen's gun, and yelled in a low voice.

"Five. Fifth master? Why are you Seeing the visitor, Kong Zhen was stunned for a moment. At the same time, he had a bad premonition in his heart, which also rose leisurely.

"Well, old three, you are really good at it now. I don't care if I don't listen to you. Now you dare to point your gun at me. You shoot me. You shoot me now. The master of the Kong family is yours. Is that what you want?" Kong Buyu said in a low voice with a gloomy face.

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