"Master Jin, I've been here all night. If you want to leave, don't worry about it for a while?"

But when Jin Buhuan stepped back unconsciously, the shadow on the steps suddenly turned his head, and his eyes fell on him.

Jin Buhuan steps a meal, stay in place, did not know how to answer.

"Master Jin, you have such a good relationship with Kong Buyu. Seeing him like this, do you have the heart to leave him alone?" The dark shadow spoke again, and this time, the tone of his voice, with a trace of fun.

"Well Kong Buyu has a good relationship with the people outside. I'm just here to celebrate his birthday. There's something wrong with him. He can't leave, so he can only accompany him around. But now that you Kong family are dealing with the internal affairs, I won't bother you any more. I'll leave first. "

The expression on Jin Buhuan's face is hard to see when he talks!

The other side obviously came prepared.

If you can list Kong Buyu's accusations one by one, then you will know their private activities!

Jin Buhuan looked at Kong Buyu and the dark Julong hall in front of him, gritted his teeth, and then said with a smile, "and there's something at home today. The deputy heads of the Jin family and the heads of the rooms have made an appointment to get together later to talk about something. I'm the head of the family, so I can't be absent. Otherwise, they must think that something happened to me here When the time comes, I'll bring a lot of people from the Jin family. I'm afraid it's not very good for the relationship between the two families. "

Jin Buhuan deliberately says that all the Jin family members are waiting for him at home, and he knows that he is in julongge now. The purpose is to make the other party afraid. After all, the Jin family is the head of the four families in Yanjing. Once something happens to him, no matter who the other party is, I'm afraid it's not easy to explain afterwards.

"Talking about things?" Dark shadow laughs, "the Jin family is really a good custom. If you gather people to talk about things in the middle of the morning, aren't you afraid that it will affect everyone's rest?"

"Rest?" Jin Buhuan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "family affairs are the major events. Everyone is working for the family. Thanks for the family's care, it doesn't matter to sacrifice a little rest time..."

"I don't think master Jin has to go back tonight?" Black shadow interrupted him and said, "it's so late, it's dark and windy, and it's on the mountain. It's a small matter to let you go home alone so late. If you meet a villain on the way, it's a small matter to lose your life. But if the other party doesn't kill you, it makes you lack arms and legs. I'm afraid it's not so good for you for the rest of your life What do you say? "

"Thanks for your kindness, I don't need to stay here. I really have something important to deal with at home tonight, so I can't stay any longer. When you Kong's family has finished dealing with the family affairs, I will visit you again in person. I'll make an apology to you for today's affair. Goodbye!"

Jin Buhuan is about to leave!

But when he just turned around, the temple suddenly jumped! The raised leg also slowed down instantly, and then in his ears, he first heard a clear sound of breaking air, and then it seemed that something was fast approaching him, "Ding Dong" sound, hit his feet.

Red Throwing Knife!

When Jin Buhuan lowered his head and saw the red knife under his feet, sweat immediately came down from his forehead. At the same time, he clenched his teeth and asked in a low voice, "what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean much. I'll stay with the master of the Jin family. I hope the master of the Jin family won't deny my face." Dark shadow way.

"You know I'm the head of the Jin family!" Jin Buhuan suddenly turned back, and the anger in his eyes could not be concealed.

"You know you're the head of the Jin family!"

The dark shadow suddenly burst to drink, instantly suppressed Jin Buhuan's momentum.

"He usurped Lian Kong, monopolized more than ten industries, and constantly provided him with funds to commit crimes inside and outside Kong's home! Jin Buhuan, your accusation is to destroy the stability of the Kong family and the Dragon gang. If I offend outsiders, I will be punished. If outsiders offend me, I will be punished! "

"What are you talking about?" Jin Buhuan's pupils contracted violently.

But at this time!

Kong Buyu, who had been holding his wrist and screaming in a low voice, suddenly stood up, looked up and stared coldly at the shadow on the steps. His voice trembled and said, "so what! Don't say you have announced all my charges today. Even if you convict me now, how can the whole Kong family and the Dragon Gang help me? "

"No one can move you?" The shadow sneered in a low voice.

"Kong Jiangyuan is dead, Kong Nantian is dead, Kong Xin is gone, the dragon and tiger army is destroyed, more than half of the people in the" seven kill army "listen to me. Even if you are Kong Xin's person, what capital do you have to read out my accusation now? You have lost. You don't have any chance to turn the tables. Kneel down! Ask me to forgive you, I will let you die a whole body, let your whole family, are buried with you Kong Buyu let out a shout!

He has Kong Zhen, he has cloud family, he has seven kill army!

No one can kill him here!

But black shadow listened to words, but it is indifferent smile, "Kong Bu language, you see first, who is sitting behind me!"

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