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Qin fan is very satisfied with this pair of high heels.

9800 yuan.

It is completely worthy of the temperament of Shangjiang Yanzi.

Then, leaving the mall, Jiang Yanzi drove Qin fan to his villa in feicui valley.

Qin fan hasn't seen Zhou Lulu for several days.

When she opened the door, she stood in front of the French window in the living room, stretching lazily.

Custom made nurse skirt, white knee stockings, beautiful face, moving posture

As well as stretching, chest button after button taut, there are signs of burst at any time.

Qin fan thinks that he is very happy now.

What's more worth a man's heart than seeing a nice little nurse standing at home stretching as soon as he gets home.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Zhou Lulu wakes up from the beautiful scenery of the courtyard, turns around and faces Qin fan.

"Hello, young master, you are back."

Zhou Lulu's tone was a little weird.

There's been a lot of intimacy.

Sometimes, Zhou Lulu's courage gradually grew up, and often played a little joke with Qin fan.

Qin fan didn't care, so he said he was thirsty. He fell into the sofa and rubbed his shoulder with some fatigue.

"It seems that shopping with a woman is still a very physical work. Even if a beautiful woman walks with her, it's a little hard to cope with it."

Qin fan now admires women like Jiang Yanzi.

He is a man, wearing sports shoes shopping are so tired.

If you think about Jiang Yanzi's nearly 9 cm high-heeled shoes, he is just like nobody else. I feel a little embarrassed.

However, women wearing high heels do have an unusual taste

Qin fan was thinking, Zhou Lulu brought a cup of hot tea from the kitchen, then sat beside Qin fan and asked thoughtfully, "shall I rub my shoulder for the young master?"

Qin fan nodded, just as he was tired.

Men are eager to meet such a thing:

first, there are beautiful women to throw themselves in their arms.

2、 There is a beautiful woman willing to let you into her arms.

Now, Qin fan is enjoying the second kind of happiness.

Although it is separated by two layers of clothes, Qin fan's back can still feel the softness of Zhou Lulu's chest.

That body naturally sends out the elegant fragrance like orchid and chrysanthemum, and also becomes more and more intense because of her exciting action.


Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Yanzi knocked on the door of the villa.

"My parents, they're home already?"

Qin fan changed his new shirt with Zhou Lulu's help and went out the door to ask.

"Well, Mrs. Shen and his wife arrived in Nandu an hour ago. We'll go by the back door now. It's just in time."

Qin fan, stunned, stopped opening the door, turned to look at Jiang Yanzi and asked, "why do you want to go through the back door? Is the gate broken? "

Jiang Yanzi looks embarrassed. She has just come back from Shen's house. It has been blocked by several relatives of Shen's family. Outsiders can't get in at all. Shen Jianping is also embarrassed to let the security guard drive people away.

In a word, the reason why Shen's relatives blocked the gate made Jiang Yanzi feel boring.

At present, because of Shen Jianping's relationship, as long as the relatives of the Shen family can get a job in a subsidiary of Shen's group, or in connection with construction projects, they all make a lot of money.

It's just that it's hard to balance the desires.

The only relative who came here today is from the Shen family's own house, that is, the same family name in the same village, but there is no blood relationship.

His name is Shen Guohui. With more than ten members of his family, men, women and children, he blocked the door of Shen's house early this morning.

The reason is that when his son got married this year, he didn't pay enough for the bride price. He wanted Shen Jianping to give him 400000 yuan, and then buy a suite and a BMW three series for his son. At the same time, he asked his son to work as a manager in a subsidiary of Shen's group. Otherwise, he would go on a hunger strike, and the whole family would starve to death in front of Shen's house.

Originally, Shen Jianguo is not short of this money, and he usually takes cash to help these relatives in his own house.

But this time, seeing this group of people lying at their door, swearing a lot, and eager to call their names directly, he said that he was a white eyed wolf and a selfish villain. When Shen Jianping got angry, he couldn't take out any money. Your own wife forced me to come.

So, up to now, the gate is still blocked by the relatives of their own house. Qin fan and his family will have to go in through the back door later.

It's impossible to hide this matter. Jiang Yanzi tells Qin fan the truth.

"Don't worry too much, young master. These people are making trouble at the door. If you can't get in, it won't affect your family gathering.""Nothing I've seen this kind of thing a lot in the countryside. It's just that I can't see any relatives who live better than myself. Then I ask for money in the name of family affection. I can handle small scenes. " Qin Fan said with relief.

"Well, you mean, let's go through the gate?" Jiang Yan Ziwei was stunned, and his tone was a little embarrassed.

"Let's see what's going on first, and wait until we get to the right place."

In fact, this kind of way to deal with Qin fan's relatives in the countryside is not to let them leave.

However, he has just accepted his marriage with Shen Jianping and his wife. Without their permission or appropriate opportunity, if he rashly does so, he will leave a voice. It seems that he can't wait to be in charge of the Shen family.

"Well, all right." Jiang Yanzi nodded and said.

Jiang Yanzi drives to baihualu villa No.2 to meet Qin fan's parents, and then drives to Shenjiazhuang garden in the eastern suburb.

This is also a private fairy Mountain National Park.

With the whole fairy mountain as the back garden, the European style villa like a castle is hidden among the green mountains and waters, mysterious and full of noble temperament.

According to Jiang Yanzi, private ownership of castles and manors is not allowed in China, so Shen Jianping got approval in the name of geological development through the relationship between the capital and bought the Geopark, and then spent a lot of money to build this villa of European style castle scale. Only he, Chen Menglian and housekeepers lived here.

Around the old castle villa, there are "grape manor" and "the first pasture in the East" with pastoral style in Western Europe.

In summer, it's a summer resort. In winter, you can see snow, ski and eat game

Cows, ponies, sheep In the pasture, it can be seen everywhere.

Originally, Qin fan thought that it would be luxurious enough to buy the whole baihualu and build a private sanatorium in it. Now, such a comparison is just a comparison between the big and the small.

After listening to Jiang Yanzi's introduction, Liu Guifeng opened her mouth wide and sighed: "it would be better if we planted a vegetable garden in it and raised some chickens..."

"Look at your insight!" Qin Zhigang took a look at his disheartened mother-in-law. "What's the point of planting vegetable garden in such a good land? We'll build a cattle shed and pig shed directly. We'll kill pigs and stew their heads for the new year. That's fun. I'm really ignorant."

Qin sat in the co pilot's seat and couldn't help looking at Jiang Yanzi.

Jiang Yanzi is focusing on driving, but her mouth can't help but draw a charming smile.

The pink Bentley mushang slowly drives into the beautiful national geopark, fairy mountain.

Along the way, the scenery is picturesque and beautiful everywhere.

endless grasslands, cascading Indus woods, lakes and hills everywhere, blue sky and white clouds, and cows and goat ponies under the protection of giant dogs, so that everyone in the car is just like the most beautiful fairy tale world in northern Europe.

Along the smooth mountain road, the car finally stops in front of a big villa with European castle style.

"It's so big."

After getting off the bus, Qin fan raised his head and looked at the ancient castle in front of him.

It's like a building from a fairy tale world.

The white walls, the blue roofs, the pointed towers, the buildings and the doors and windows arranged in an increasing way made Qin fan feel familiar though he saw them for the first time.

Well It's a bit like what we often see on TV, the castle of Dinis

When Qin fan was immersed in the beautiful appearance of the castle, he heard Jiang Yan Ziwei, who was beside him, say, "why is everyone gone?"

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