As they walked, the father and son said that accompanied by Dong Ming, they left the airport and walked into the terminal from the private passageway.

But as soon as they walked out of the passageway, they were immediately frightened by the situation in front of them.

Countless enthusiastic fans holding up their brands to pick up the plane, journalists fighting against the long and short shot guns, responsible persons of relevant departments in Nandu, and a large number of security guards in black suits struggled to maintain the order of the scene

"Which star has such a big name? It seems that only when my cousin came last time could it cause such a sensation?" Qin fan walked by the side passage and looked at the scene doubtfully.

However, when his eyes noticed the signs in the hands of these fans, his steps stopped immediately.

"Autumn ink?"

Qin fan was confused to see that all the signs were uniformly written in color and autumn ink, as well as some love graffiti. He turned his head in surprise, looked at his father behind him and asked, "my cousin has come to Nandu?"

Seeing this, Shen Jianping shook his head and said, "I don't know. The Chen family hasn't been in touch with us for a long time. They wanted to get rid of all the relationships with us for the first time. Chen Qiumo came to Nandu suddenly today. Maybe it's just the schedule. Every autumn is the time when these gymnasiums are full of concerts. If you want to go there Look, we can arrange the people below to buy tickets for you... "

Shen Jianping's statement is very particular.

Chen Qiumo is Qin fan's cousin, and she has the best relationship with Chen Menglian. When she comes to hold a concert, how can she even try to get her servants to buy tickets again?

It is obvious that Shen Jianping still has some attitude towards the Chen family, so he can say such a thing.

"No, I'm so busy recently. I'm going to have a good rest at the seaside for a few days. Let these fans watch the concert. I won't join in the fun."

Of course, Qin fan could hear some meaning from his father's words. He waved his hand pointlessly, turned to leave and left the airport through the passage.

Qin fan just walked out of the airport when the phone rang.

He raised his hand and looked at the caller ID on the screen, frowning.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that Qin fan suddenly stopped, Shen Jianping asked curiously.

"It's my cousin." Qin fan whispered.

"Take it. Maybe it's just for you." Shen Jianping said.

Qin fan hesitated for a moment. His impression of this big star cousin is always good.

Since the first time they met in the school auditorium, the star cousin has been taking care of herself, and their personal relationship is very good. However, in this storm between the Shen and Chen families, Chen Qiumo has adopted the same attitude as many Chen family members and kept silent.

No initiative, no contact.

It's like the world has evaporated, completely leaving the relationship with the Shen family.

Qin fan's behavior has long been deeply rooted in his heart. At the most difficult time of the Shen family, Qin fan more than once imagined that Chen Qiumo could call one day to tell him the current situation of the Chen family. Not all the Chen family are willing to do this, or some people are always on the side of the Shen family

But, No.

Now that the Kong family's affairs are settled, on the first day of his return to Nandu, he saw so many fans holding up the Chen Qiumo brand at Nandu airport. He could not describe his feelings in words.

While meditating, the ringtone stops.

"Let's go. I'm hungry too. Go home."

Qin fan put down his mobile phone, in Shen Jianping's puzzled eyes, strode to the opposite team, and bent down to get in.

"Go and find out what Chen Qiumo is doing in Nandu this time. If it's her personal behavior, all the green lights will be open. If it's a sign from the Chen family, then inform all departments. From now on, Nandu will never have any position of the Chen family, no matter who."

Seeing Qin fan getting on the bus, Shen Jianping explained in a low voice.

"Yes, sir." Dong Ming stooped to answer.


It's in the terminal building of Nandu airport.

Chen Qiumo listens to the unanswered reply from the mobile phone microphone, hangs up the phone, looks at the Rolls Royce team that has just left, and sighs deeply.

"How dare he not answer your phone?"

The girl stood beside Chen Qiumo, her hands in her pockets, with an angry expression.

"Maybe I didn't hear that. He just came back from Yanjing. He has a lot of things to deal with. He's a little busy, so he should take it for granted..." Chen Qiumo murmured.

"No matter how busy he is, can he be more busy than you? It's too much, even if you don't answer the phone, I think he just put his nose on his face! No, when did our big star Chen get bullied like this! I'll go to him now and ask him to apologize to you face to face! "

The girl said angrily that she was about to leave the terminal and go straight down.

"Well, this time I'm here to find him. Don't worry. Let's go first for a while. There are so many people who pick up the plane. If it's me, I'm afraid it's hard to feel..." Chen Qiumo holds the girl and shakes her head.She knows how the Chen family has behaved in this period of time, and how much damage they have brought to the Shen family.

Chen Jiaming holds great power, but when the Shen family is lonely and besieged, he chooses to avoid and escape. He lets the Shen family fight alone, which almost makes the business empire of the Shen family disappear completely on the earth.

The price is undoubtedly terrible.

Although the Chen family didn't directly intervene, when a friend is in trouble, falling into the well is often more serious than stabbing him in the face.

Chen Qiumo, however, happened to be shooting in RS during this period.

Originally, she should have come out to stop the storm, but due to the filming Contract, the confidentiality agreement made her unable to contact any outsiders during the filming period. Even if the Chen family could contact her, considering her close relationship with Chen Menglian, all the Chen family members concealed the matter, which led Chen Qiumo to know when she finished filming The events that have taken place since then.

In particular, after learning that all the other members of the Chen family, except those who could not go abroad, had migrated to Australia, they flew over from RS for the first time. After asking their family face-to-face, they took their sister to Nandu on the latest international flight to seek clarification from Qin fan and Shen Jianping.

However, it is obvious that the actions of the Chen family have completely hurt the heart of the Shen family. Qin fan refuses to answer her phone. She really doesn't know whether she can realize her wish when she comes to Nandu this time.

"Let's go. I don't know who told the outside world about my flight time, but since everyone is here, I'd better go and see you, so as not to let them go in vain..."

Looking at the crowd of fans below, Chen Qiumo sighed, put on his sunglasses and turned to walk down.

In the expectation of thousands of fans, the protagonist who eagerly waited for him finally walked down from the elevator of the terminal.

Chen Qiumo!

Today's first Chinese actress!

The total box office of the films starred alone has reached 40 billion!

He also plays in many top Hollywood blockbusters, and is a member of the jury of the world's major film awards.

It has been called the star of China.

Fans are all over the world.

So when some of Nandu's fans learned that she would even say that international flights came to Nandu today, they spontaneously organized to come here to pick up their idols.

When Chen Qiumo appeared, the person in charge of Nandu airport also went over and asked in a low voice, "would you like to say a few words to the fans?"

Chen Qiumo threw all kinds of questions at the bottom.

"Miss Chen, could you tell me that you have been disappearing for such a long time this time? I heard that you are shooting a Hollywood drama in rs. is the news true?"

"Miss Chen, are you going to enter the Oscars and win the movie king when you re cooperate with Hollywood this time?"

"Miss Chen, I heard that the director you are working with this time is Cameron. Do you have any pressure to work with a director of this level?"

"Miss Chen..."

In the face of many reporters' questions, fans have stopped the excitement and clamor. They are also very concerned about Chen Qiumo's next work and quietly wait for the answer.

Chen Qiumo saw that he couldn't hide any more, so he nodded and looked at the fans in front of him with a smile under the sign of the person in charge of the airport. He said: "I'm really shooting in RS during this period, but I can't disclose any details of the film to you now because of the confidentiality contract. I'm really sorry, but I'm sure I'm cooperating with director Cameron I hope you will have a good time in the cinema after the movie is finished. "

Chen Qiumo had a very good way to deal with this situation. After answering several main questions, he had to turn around and leave.

But just as she was about to leave, a very loud male voice in the crowd suddenly rang out: "Miss Chen, you are a difficult person, and I heard that you have a good relationship with a family surnamed Shen in Nandu, and some of their family members are also relatives. However, some time ago, when the Shen family was facing some hardships, you and your family all moved to Australia from Nandu, and they were very happy here I don't care what happened. Is this a signal that you are breaking up with the Shen family and have nothing to do with it since then? "

This sentence is like a shell thrown into the calm lake, a stone stirred up a thousand waves!

Everyone knows that the reason why Chen Menglian has been able to get out of the mud in places like the entertainment circle is that she has maintained a very good reputation since her debut. There is no negative news. She has a relationship with a very powerful financial group behind her. With the support of the financial group, she does not need to curry favor with anyone and concentrate on choosing scripts, but she takes part in those roles that are suitable for her 。

But Chen Menglian broke up with this consortium?

Hearing the news, everyone craned their necks and looked at Chen Qiumo, waiting for her answer.

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