
When Shen ER was still complacent.

Jiang Yanzi raised her hand and slapped him in the face.

"You go on."

Jiang Yanzi's face was cold and her eyes were fixed on Shen er's without any fluctuation.

"You, how dare you beat me?"

Shen Er covers his face and looks at Jiang Yanzi in disbelief.

"How dare you son of a bitch hit me? I'll be damned... "


Jiang Yanzi raised her hand again and slapped Shen er's left face again.

"Two, then say:" light at her

"I'm not your mother!"

Shen er's eyes were red. He grabbed Jiang Yanzi's shirt in one hand and clenched his fist in the other hand. He was about to hit Jiang Yanzi in the face.

"Lying trough, you dare!"

Qin fan did not expect that Shen Er, such a big man, would really hit a woman.

He had been sitting on the chair did not move, quickly stood up, two steps ran past, a grasp of Shen er's fist.

"Go to your mother, even women are fighting, Shen family how you such a worthless thing!"

With the last experience of fighting in KTV, Qin fan grabs Shen er's wrist and kicks Shen er's stomach as soon as he raises his leg.

At the same time, Shen Er grabbed Jiang Yanzi's shirt collar, and the buttons cracked.

"Put it on!"

Yu Guangli saw this scene. Qin fan's nose was hot. Without saying a word, he took off his newly bought jacket and wrapped up Jiang Yanzi's upper body. Then he picked up the glass cup on the table and threw it on Shen er's brain melon seeds.

"You're a jerk, you're going to have a try!"

Shen Er gets up from the ground and stares at Qin fan with disdain.

Qin fan really hesitated.

He took the glass cup and looked at Shen er's arrogant expression. He muttered in his heart. Ma'am, President Wu said that things here are not as cheap. If such a good glass cup is destroyed on this son of a bitch's face, I think it's really heartbreaking!

Shen Er also noticed the change of expression on Qin fan's face. He came to Qin fan with more arrogance, pointed to Qin fan's nose and said, "you're dirt..."


The glass cup made by the top Italian designer is directly broken on Shen er's face.

"How dare you hit me?"

Although the glass cup is broken, valuable things have a common problem: not strong!

Shen ER was startled, but when he found that his face was intact, he immediately looked at Qin fan with pride and said sarcastically, "come on, little bastard, go on? Do you know how much this cup costs? Huh? Come on, you can smash it at will. If you don't pay for this cup today, and you can walk out of the gate, I'm not a Shen! "



Shen Er felt dark in front of him, and then he had a stomachache, and he fell to the ground.

"I'm not your mother! I'll kill you

Shen Er is lying on the ground. After touching his face with his hand, he looks at his bloody palm. He is as crazy as he is. He climbs up from the ground and will fight with Qin fan.

Qin fan holds a glass in his hand, and he is also helpless in his heart.

Just copied a cup, who can think that it is not a valuable and fragile glass cup, but a tea cup with thick wall.

So hard, it didn't break.

The quality is simply fantastic!

But looking at Shen Er, who rushed over like crazy, Qin fan was also a little scared. He was pulling Jiang Yanzi away.

"Shen Er, you dare to make trouble here!"

Suddenly there was thunder.

Uncle Dong strode with him, followed by Shen Jianping and his wife, and a middle-aged man Qin fan had never seen before.

"Uncle Dong, you're just in time. This son of a bitch dares to smash me with a water cup. It's bloody!"

Shen Er turned his head and immediately went to Uncle Dong. He pointed to Qin fan and said maliciously, "now ask the security guard to catch this dog named Qin. I have to break his paw today, and Jiang Yanzi. Anyway, you have to make her kneel in front of me and apologize to me. Otherwise, don't be a housekeeper. I'll leave now Let you go

"Well, I have my own discretion." Uncle Dong agreed and called the security guard outside.

"Even if you kneel down here, I don't dare to wait for your mother to die."

Shen Er grins ferociously, and the middle-aged man behind Shen Jianping's husband and wife runs over. When he sees that Shen er's face is full of blood, he is also furious. He turns his head to look at Shen Jianping and says, "brother, this is our own place. My son is beaten like this. What are you going to do?"

Shen Jianping frowned slightly, "what do you want to do?""In addition to what we agreed just now, you can give my son another 500000 yuan. His face is beaten like this, and he will not be able to go to work for a long time. This 500000 yuan will be regarded as compensation for him, and then go to your Shen family hospital for recuperation. Isn't that too much?" Said the middle-aged man.

"Yes, Dad, Jiang Yanzi slapped me just now. I don't care. I don't want the native woman in the countryside. I will take Jiang Yanzi as my wife and ask my uncle to buy us a villa. Anyway, I don't want to go back to the countryside any more. I want to live in the city and live in such a good house as my uncle!"

Shen Er sneers. Jiang Yanzi, aren't you Niubi? After all, you're not a dog of the Shen family. You have to do whatever I ask you to do. Aren't you arrogant? When you become Lao Tzu's woman, I'll kill you, but you can't even get out of bed.

"Boss, isn't my son asking too much? We are all a family. You don't want to share anything with me, do you? "

Shen er's father, Shen Guohui, asks Shen Jianping in a threatening tone.

"Well, not too much." Shen Jianping said lightly.

At this time, the security guard came into the hall, stood beside uncle Dong and asked, "Uncle Dong, what's the matter?"

"Drag these two men away." Said uncle Dong.


Before the security guard left, Shen Er called out, "just drag this fan away, and you can't just drag him away. You have to break his two arms for me, and then Jiang Yanzi will stay. It's for my wife's sake. I don't care about those two slaps just now. In the future, as long as you listen to me, it's OK."

"Don't you understand? Drag these two bastards out to me, and dare to approach my Shenfu half step again, and break their legs! " Uncle Dong was furious, patted the table and said.


Several security guards stride forward, holding Shen er's and Shen Guohui's arms respectively, and dragging them to the door.

"A group of stupid grass mud horse, you drag the wrong person, grass, let go, a group of blind things!"

However, Shen Guohui and his son struggled, but the security guard showed no sign of letting go.

Shen Guohui looked at Shen Jianping with unbelievable look, and suddenly yelled: "well, Shen Jianping, in order not to buy a car and a house for my son, you can't even use this kind of dirty means. I tell you, it's useless! Believe it or not, when I get back to the village, I'll tell you all the things you've done today, so that you'll never have the face to go back to meet people in your life, let alone the ancestors of the Shen family! "

"Wait a minute!"

Uncle Dong suddenly opens his mouth and stops the security guard.

"Yes, yes, let go of it, you people who don't have eyes, don't let go of it!"

Shen Er struggled violently, then looked at Uncle Dong as if he was coming for help. He couldn't wait to say, "Uncle Dong, hurry up, let them release me. I don't care about what happened just now. Are you deaf? Let them let me go

Dong Shumian walked to Shen Guohui and his son, completely ignored their words, turned his eyes to Shen Er, and said faintly, "do you know who you want him to kneel on the ground just now, who is the person who calls you father?"

"Just a poor loser surnamed Qin, uncle Dong, do you really take him seriously? This is the Shen family. You dare to speak for an outsider. If you want to do it again, let his mother loose now. Otherwise, I'll drive you out of here every minute. You old son of a bitch, you are shameless! "

In the face of Shen er's clamor, Dong Shufei didn't get angry. Instead, he nodded with a smile, bent down in Shen er's ear and said, "this poor loser surnamed Qin is our master's own son. If you don't die today, I'm afraid God can't see it any more."

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