After eating the breakfast made by the president of goddess, Qin fan drove away from feicui Valley and came to an executive family home in the center of southern metropolis.

Qin fan stopped the car at the side of the road, took a look at the SMS, went to the gate and said to the security guard, "Hello, I'm looking for someone."

"Which owner are you looking for? Do you have an appointment?" Asked the security guard, with a calm attitude.

"I'm looking for Wang Nian." Qin Fan said that Wang Nian, who is in charge of the health care of the whole southern province, lives in it. Qin fan contacted him through Chen Sixuan.

In terms of medical and health care, the Shen family should have more say than the Chen family.

However, since the Shen family's incident was completely avoided, the Shen family has been completely isolated and helpless. Everyone regards the Shen family as a hot potato, and no one dares to touch it. For fear of being burned, they carry the pot with the Shen family.

No matter what kind of promise Chen made three years ago, he will keep his promise as long as he keeps his promise.

So Qin fan took Chen Sixuan's business card and came to the door.

This is the so-called East is not bright, West is bright, black South has north, do not worry about no room for maneuver.

"Which unit of which building is he in, can you call him here?" After all, it's a high-level family home, and the security is still very conscientious.

"Mr. Qin? Sorry, I didn't pick you up at the gate of the community. You can come in directly. My house is in unit 1, building 3. I'll wait for you downstairs. " The man said in a low voice.

"All right, see you later." Qin fan hung up and said.

"I went in myself."

Seeing that the security guard's eyes fell on the Passat just stopped at the side of the road, Qin fan explained.

This is a basic cognition that needs to be mastered when dealing with the upper class. Finding these people in public, whether it's private or business, luxury cars and fancy clothes will never be accepted by this circle. These things will not arouse the favor of each other, but will provoke right and wrong for no reason.

Qin fan smiles and thanks the security guard, then strides into the community with the salute of the security guard.

In the surveillance video, it's still a little fuzzy. In reality, Wang Nian has no low pixel camouflage, and looks much older than what Chen Sixuan introduced.

Chen Sixuan said that Wang Nian is 57 years old and in his prime. After his term of office is over, he still has a chance to go further. But in reality, Wang Nian's hair is already half white and he is wearing a pleated shirt and grey trousers. He is not a provincial giant, but an old man who is busy for his life.

Before Qin fan came downstairs, Wang Nian quickly welcomed him and said with a smile, "Mr. Qin, I'm really sorry. I was feeding my daughter when you called, so I didn't go out to meet you. Please don't blame me."

Even though Wang Nian has a special status and real power, he still has the respect for Qin fan.

"Yes, I thought it would get better with the increase of age, but I didn't expect that there was still no way at all when I reached this age. I also used the systematic relationship to find many famous medical experts at home and abroad, but I still haven't seen any effect up to now..." Wang Nian said bitterly.

"Don't worry too much, Mr. Wang. There is no way out." Qin fan comforted, "there will be a solution."

Under the guidance of Wang Nian, Qin fan walked up the stairs to the fifth floor of the unit building. As soon as he stood in front of a red anti-theft door, he heard strange noises from inside the door.

"No, I must have fallen again!"

As soon as Wang Nian heard the voice, his whole body twitched reflexively. Then he quickly took out the key and was about to open the door.

"Wait a minute." Qin Fan said.

Although he didn't open the door, he could hear what was happening in the room at the moment.

Strange calls, the sound of tables and chairs overturning, and the sound of unknown objects landing, all indirectly present a bad scene in the room at the moment.

"You never know what Qianjin can do without your help."

Looking at Wang Nian's worried face, Qin Fan said.


Qin fan can see the scene of the living room facade without entering the door.

On the floor of the living room are tables, chairs, basins and bowls that have been overturned. Broken glass is scattered all over the floor. Among them sits an 18-or-9-year-old girl, wearing a long black skirt. She looks new. Her face is very beautiful, but it is somewhat similar to Chen Sixuan. Her skin is pale, which is the reason why she has not seen the sunshine for a long time.

The girl sat on the ground, her limbs were stiff, and her posture was similar to that of trying to stand up from the ground. At the same time, her eyes were fixed on the uninvited guest standing outside the door, and she cried: "get out! Fool, get out

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