Late at night four days ago, on the eve of Tiansheng group's announcement of early delisting, someone from the winner called Qin fan to tell him that if he wants to keep the financial department of the Shen family, he must be seriously injured and his arm must be broken, and take the initiative to abandon Tiansheng group, so as to avoid the attack of severe sores and go deep into the bone marrow.

And also told him that the cloud family secretly found the capital behind everything, as well as the operation schedule.

In this way, Shen Tianming announced his delisting in advance. Yuelong business and Chen's group not only smashed each other's plan, but also made yuntianlong lose tens of billions and left a spark for the Shen family.

But similarly, the price Qin fan has to pay is to lose the winner's aid.

At the same time, Qin fan knows that no matter whether he accepts this condition or not, the winner will not interfere in the whole thing in the future. This is just a saying. The existence of the ancient family is detached. They don't need to explain too much to themselves. They just need to tell themselves the result.

This matter has been hidden in Qin fan's mind for a long time. He didn't intend to tell anyone and tried to solve the crisis by his own ability. However, under Chen Sixuan's repeated questioning today, he had to tell her the truth.

"In other words, the winner won't give us any help in the future, will he?" Chen asked.

"Well, the winner is afraid of the power of the paper treaty and doesn't intend to interfere with the secular world. It's up to the cloud family to get rid of the past and return to the previous state of seclusion." Qin Fan said.

"He's gone all over. What about us?" Chen Sixuan frowned and said, "the whole thing started with the secret wrestling between the two families. Up to now, we have completely fallen out with the cloud family, but he is afraid of the treaty and wants to quit. What can we do?"

"The relationship between us and the Kong family has always been just a personal feud between the two families. The winner and the two families have never left any traces. How can we pull this kind of detached ancient family into the water with imagination?"

Qin fan shakes his head. Although they all know that the fight between him and the Kong family is just a result of the winner, there is no substantial evidence in his hand.

And even if there is, Qin fan has offended a cloud family, how dare he fight with another ancient family winner?

This time, Qin fan really felt a deep sense of powerlessness and sadness, and then thought of using Chen Sixuan's relationship to find Wang Nian and try his best to find a way out for the Shen family.

Qin fan's previous calm momentum suddenly dissipated. He sat on the sofa with his eyes full of decadence and looked at Chen Sixuan with a bitter smile.

"The reason why we were able to defeat the Kong family before, in fact, the winner's help is very important. Now there is another cloud family. The ancient family thunders, causing more losses to the family group than I expected. Although the Shen family has enough strength to fight back against the cloud family, how can we be like a hermit ancient family without actual evidence What about the war? But if we don't find the cloud family, no matter who we fight with now, we are just wasting our strength in vain, and we can't even hurt a hair of the cloud family. "

Qin Fan said all the words he had repressed in his heart recently.

After that, the whole person is like a ball that has been let out of breath. The whole person completely sinks into the sofa and looks out of the window with both eyes. The whole person presents an unprecedented decadence and hesitation.

Chen Sixuan just looked at him and did not take the initiative to comfort him. Instead, she asked, "in fact, you know that the Shen Kong family's affair is actually a conspiracy of the ancient family. You not only get involved in it, but also know that the result may not be as good as you think, but you still do it and act as a winning chess piece against Kongdian. Why?"

Qin fan didn't speak and looked out of the window with empty eyes, but his face changed a little.

"In fact, you can use this to test the real strength of the ancient family, and then get the help of an ancient family. You can turn the Shen family from a modern business empire into a family that can stand in awe of the ancient family and take root in this land for hundreds or even thousands of years, so that the incense you add, your children and grandchildren, can enjoy this honor from generation to generation and inherit it forever, Is that right? " Chen Sixuan looks at Qin fan with burning eyes and asks.

Qin fan's empty eyes finally appeared a palpitation. He turned his head in disbelief, looked at Chen Sixuan in disbelief and asked, "so you already know?"

Chen Sixuan shook her head. "Do you think I know nothing?"

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