Masako Xingye!

Looking back, Qin fan felt relieved.

The situation in the mall is much worse than he expected before he came in. It doesn't matter whether she drives in the parking lot or not.

"Leave it to me. Go and see what's going on inside."

Xingye Shazi came over, looking at the blood footprints extending from the bathroom, said with a bad expression.

Wu Xiongfei should have come out to meet with them long ago, and something happened in the shopping mall. When she didn't see Wu Xiongfei, she couldn't help worrying.

Qin fan nodded.

When Xingye Shazi talks with the security personnel and tells them that the people inside are likely to be his friends, ran Kai, a group of security guards around the bathroom door, leads the way for Qin fan to identify.

"Don't step on the bloodstain to avoid damaging the scene again." Xingye Shazi translates each other's words to Qin fan.

"I know."

Qin fan answered, took a deep breath and stepped into the scene.

There are also security guards in the bathroom. They are responsible for guarding and taking photos. When the police outside come in, they will follow the arrangement of the police.

"Where are the people?"

After Qin fan went in, he communicated with the security guard in simple English.

The blood footprints on the clean floor of the toilet are messy, and the scene has been seriously damaged.

The security guard pointed to the innermost compartment with an open door and motioned Qin fan to see for himself.

Qin fan stepped forward and came to the door of the compartment at the end. He looked inside. A fat body covered with blood and lying on the toilet suddenly appeared in his sight.

The fat man is about 1.75 meters tall. He is overweight and should weigh 180 Jin.

Because the body was facing away from him.

Qin fan can't see his face clearly, but his posture, including the clothes he wears, is no different from Wu Xiongfei in any way. But if you look carefully, there are some differences.

Qin fan wanted to lift the body directly to see his face clearly.

But hesitated for a moment, he took out his cell phone and dialed the number that had not been dialed several times before.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

The harsh mobile phone ring suddenly rings in the bathroom.

The security guards who were guarding the side heard the sound and were so scared that they all came to this side to find out what happened.

Qin fan, however, was holding the phone in his hand, listening to the harsh ringing of the phone, which came out of his body pocket. He didn't move, and there was no expression on his face.

"Mr. Qin, have you found president Wu?"

At this time, in the outside for a long time without any news, see the police have arrived, then ran in in a hurry, asked the scene.

But when she saw the corpse lying on the toilet with blood all over her body at this moment, she sat on the ground with soft legs and pale face.

"Wu, President Wu Yes, it's president Wu... "

Sasako Xingye speaks Japanese. She can't accept a friend who just stood beside her and discussed what to eat later. Now she has turned into a cold corpse and lies in the bathroom of the mall.

At the same time.

After inquiring about the security situation at the entrance, she went into the bathroom and pulled up Xingye Shazi, who was sitting on the ground. While taking photos of the scene, she asked if she knew the dead person.

After waking up from her short absence, Xingye shakes away from the police and goes to Qin fan. Looking at the corpse in the compartment, she asks, "Qin, Mr. Qin, is it really president Wu?"

Qin fan did not speak, he has been staring at the body lying on the toilet, as if lost soul.

"Mr. Qin, the police have arrived now. If President Wu is really killed, it is necessary for us to tell the situation. I feel that his death is related to the drugs you sent for inspection this time. It is very likely that the mastermind behind those low-cost drugs did not want you to know the real source of these drugs and made an assassination! We must ask the police to protect our safety, find out the real murderer, and return the innocence of president Wu! " Starno said indignantly.

Qin fan looked back at her sad and indignant face, the security guard and the police standing behind her, nodded, then turned and walked out.

There was a homicide.

After receiving the notice from the police, the shopping mall stopped business and began to evacuate the people shopping inside.

The toilet where the body appeared was also blocked by the cordon.

When Qin fan walked out of the front door of the shopping mall, there were still a lot of people who didn't know the truth outside. They looked inside the front door together. However, there was no previous congestion and riots. Qin fan was able to walk out of the front door smoothly, stood on the side of the road, stopped for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a domestic phone number.

"Third Master, there's something I want you to check for me. It's said that you have a good relationship with some local forces in Toyo. I want you to check one person for me. I'll send you a text message about the specific features. As soon as possible, you can spend as much as you like. Thank you."

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