Nandu residential area.

As the incident continued to ferment in the past 24 years, Qin fan thought it might be just a premeditated fraud and suddenly turned into a vicious social accident.

From a small European town, the deputy director of medicine department and the director of public relations department who rushed to Shengde hospital to deal with the conflict were taken away by Jingfang on the spot.

Liu Sheng, who has been hiding in the hospital office, as well as the head of the medical department and the manager of the security department, are all under control.

All doctors and nurses on duty in the hospital on that day, including security guards and cleaners, were limited to the time and place of the activity, waiting for Jing Fang to call for questioning at any time.

As for the doctors and nurses responsible for the physical examination of the four dead, they have been arrested.

The hospital was sealed with a seal.

The hospital has become the scene of the accident to be investigated.

A batch of investigation teams from relevant departments at all levels arrived in batches to take photos and collect evidence in the hospital.

At that time, all the equipment and drugs that came into contact with the deceased had been sealed up and taken away by the personnel from Yanjing for further inspection and examination.

The whole Shenshi group is in a depression. The vice president in charge of the Pharmaceutical Department of the group's board of directors has been informed by telephone that he is not allowed to leave the office in the next 24 hours. Immediately, people at all levels will come to ask questions. Moreover, due to receiving a real name report, Wang Nian is suspended from his post and does not participate in the accident investigation. The specific results will wait until the whole matter is investigated It will be announced to the public.

The wind blows away the clouds!

All these things happened like a chain reaction. They cleaned up the leaves like a rainstorm. They didn't give the Shen family any chance and reaction time. Dozens of people were taken away for investigation. Shengde hospital was closed, and an investigation team was rushing to the Department of medicine to inquire about the source of drugs.

Qin fan sits in the residential building.

Looking at the mobile phone being called one after another, there are text messages constantly reporting to him the latest progress of the current incident

He shook his head with a wry smile. Is it necessary for these people to report separately? The software in the mobile phone can push news faster than them.

The media all over the country are paying attention to it.

What's more, all the top officials and micro blogs on Weibo have voiced their opinions on this matter, and they want to severely punish the killers behind the accident and give the public a clean and safe medical environment.

This is beyond Qin fan's expectation.

These official and micro media, not we media, represent the most authoritative organizations under the blue V certification.

Every time they speak out for individual events, it is not the personal behavior of the person in charge of the official and micro businesses.

They all represent that the departments behind them have already understood this matter and expressed a formal attitude towards it.

In particular, there are several official and micro organizations under the blue V certification, which make Qin fan sweat all over!

These official and micro organizations are no longer simple organizations.

It represents a supreme authority!

Qin fan stares at the comments on the microblog on the screen.

Grab your shaking hand and your brain is blank.

The wording is severe, the attitude is clear, and the statement is filled with a sense of justice.

Qin fan can only see this kind of words in some extremely serious and malignant events that cause about one centimeter of the people of the whole country.

But I didn't expect that I and Shen group would have such a day.

"What should I do?"

This problem bothered Qin fan all day.

He has no idea how to deal with the sudden outbreak at this time.


Looking for a relationship?

Do media PR?

However, which organization or media dares to receive money from the Shen family?

In today's situation, this is not to give people money, but to send money!

Whoever picks up will die!

Qin fan didn't call Shen Jianping to ask about the current situation in the group.

But it can also be guessed that the group must have been in a mess.

Everyone is doing their best to deal with it.

But when the mansion is about to collapse, who can turn the tide with his own strength?

"Qin fan! Open the door! Open the door

At this time, the door of the room suddenly came a hasty call.

Qin fan turns his head a little distracted and hears the sound of the key turning the door lock. Then the door is pushed open and Chen Sixuan, with a worried face, walks in.

"What are you doing? I didn't answer your phone. I thought something was wrong with you. "

When Chen Sixuan came in, he saw Qin fan sitting on the sofa looking at her. Then he let out a long breath and said some blame.

"Oh, I didn't hear the news." Qin Fan said with a smile.

Chen Sixuan looks at the computer screen on the desktop in front of him. What is displayed on the screen is the just remarks made by Zige on the medical incident of Shen's group.Chen Sixuan frowned, and she saw all these microblogs.

The problem is serious.

With the voice of these microblogs, this incident has risen from a simple medical accident to the level of social impact.

The attitude given by all parties is very firm.

Check it out! No mercy!

However, she is now in a hurry to come, in addition to these we can see, there are new news, to tell Qin fan.

"Do you know why the reaction to this incident is so strong?"

Chen Sixuan breathed out gently, trying to make her tone appear gentle.

"Four of them died at once. Isn't it serious enough?" Qin Fan said with a bitter smile.

"It seems very serious, but it's not the first time that this kind of thing happened, but it didn't happen. The key reason is that your news has been blocked."

Chen Sixuan goes to Qin fan and hands him a hot document that has just been printed out.

"What is this?" Qin fan doubts.

"See for yourself."

Qin fan looks at her suspiciously. Chen Sixuan is not a fuss unless things are so serious that they are beyond her expectation.

However, in the current situation, Qin fan really does not believe that no matter how bad things are, they can be worse than they are now.

"Report on casualties caused by the 37th batch of finished drugs?"

Qin fan saw the beginning of the document, the whole person was stunned.

"In the past month, 98 patients with complications caused by going to the hospitals of Shen's group or taking the products of your pharmaceutical department have been admitted to ICU for observation and treatment in the whole process due to the mutation of complications."

Chen Sixuan looks at Qin fan and recites the most important paragraph in the document.

"98, 35?"

Qin fan looked up at her and asked, "it's been a month?"

"Yes, it's been a month. This is the latest statistical report. I don't know whether the specific figures have been increased yet." Chen Sixuan said.

"In a month, the group is only making statements, nothing else?" It is difficult for Qin fan to set up a channel.

"It's not accurate for you to say that. To be exact, the 98 medical accidents were reported at the same time today. No one knew that before. It's not a good saying. If it wasn't for the Shengde hospital, the media reporters from all sides began to dig deep into the background of the group and disclose these accidents. I don't know how long to hide it." Chen Sixuan has a serious face.

"Are the drugs used by these patients with sequelae the same as those used in Shengde hospital?" Qin fan asked.

"No, the Ministry of medicine has integrated the information reported below. There are six kinds of drugs causing the accident. These six kinds of drugs are from the three major medical research institutes of the Ministry of medicine. Now the investigation team has gone to the parties and their families in batches to investigate and collect evidence. Once the situation is verified, I'm afraid that in addition to Xishan Research Institute, the other two research institutes will also be spared Yu Nan... " Chen Sixuan's tone is heavy.

Qin fan stopped talking.

At this time, it's completely meaningless to investigate why these dozens of medical accidents were concealed.

And as things get more serious, the point of all things becomes more and more obvious.

The mainstay of Shenshi group's pharmaceutical department: four major medical research institutes.

Shen's group is based on the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical department dominates most of the pharmaceutical markets at home and abroad. It is a well deserved commercial drug God!

It is the four major medical research institutes of the Ministry of medicine, which are distributed in the four major cities in the world, that can support the Shen group today.

They are the Xishan Medical Research Institute in Nandu, Kyoto Medical Research Institute in Toyo, polwo Medical Research Institute in northern Europe, and Brisbane Medical Research Institute in Australia.

These four institutes are responsible for different drug R & D projects and responsibilities.

Among them, Nandu Xishan Research Institute is the first medical research institute under Shen group.

It can be said that it first laid half of the foundation for the Shen family, and then there were the top medical research institutes based on the top of the world.

But in this storm, the three major medical research institutes headed by Xishan Research Institute have all been involved.

Although Xishan is in China and can be directly closed for investigation, the other three are all abroad and cannot be directly intervened.

However, once the medical accident news of Shen group in China is spread abroad, according to their local laws and regulations, the other three major medical research institutes will face more severe censorship than in China.

Even the Shen group can't bear the consequences.

In today's commercial market, even if you disappear for a few days, the market share will be immediately occupied by those who want to.

"Have they gone to Xishan Institute?" Qin fan asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Chen Sixuan took a deep breath and said, "they not only went, but also brought a seal to seal up the whole Xishan Research Institute. All the drugs on the opposite side of the Institute for examination..."

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