"Where are Qin mortals?"

After flying for several hours, when Chen Menglian woke up from her nap, she found that her seat was empty.

"You wake up, Mrs. Chen."

At this time, the stewardess took a cup of hot water and squatted beside her.

"What about Qin fan? Why is he missing? "

Chen Menglian looks around and confirms that Qin fan is not by her side, and the bathroom is also connected with an empty lamp. She frowns and asks.

She remembers that she fell asleep when the plane started. Qin fan was still sitting beside her, but when she woke up, Qin fan disappeared!

The stewardess squatted on one side, facing Chen Menglian's question, her face was a little ugly.

Chen Menglian did not continue to ask.

The air hostess's expression actually told her the answer.

She looked at the empty cup in front of her. It was the hot water Qin fan poured for her when she got on the plane.

She also felt sleepy after drinking this glass of water.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Chen..."

When the stewardess saw that Chen Menglian didn't speak, she was scared and wanted to explain.

"Come on, it's not your fault."

Chen Menglian sighed. She felt that when she was at home, when Shen Jianping asked her to go with Qin fan, Qin fan's reaction was not quite right.

That's very obedient.

Although Qin fan has always been very clever and obedient in front of them.

But with such a long time of contact, Chen Menglian would never believe that Qin fan would go to FL with Shen Jianping at this moment without saying a word.

It turned out that I was waiting for myself here.

Looking at the stewardess who is still squatting beside her, Chen Menglian turns out that she has a water cup in her hand. She says goodbye and says, "go and be busy. Don't tell other people about it. Just know it in your heart."

"Yes, thank you, madam."

The stewardess nodded in a hurry, then stood up and turned away.

After the stewardess left, Chen Menglian looked at the water cup in her hand and said with a bitter smile: "fight tiger brother, fight father son soldier. At the beginning, I thought about how to persuade your father to keep you by his side and be a right hand for him. Now you're good. You're running quietly. Although the means are a little too much, it's a good thing..."


A red taxi is running on the road of Nandu North Ring Road.

Qin fan got off the plane and took a taxi directly to meet important people.

"I'm at your door now. When will you arrive?"

In the wechat of the new mobile phone, it is Jiang Qin's voice with a little magnetism.

"Ten minutes."

Qin fan typed back and urged the driver to speed up the gas to get home early.

At the gate of villa 2 in feicui valley.

Wearing a black professional skirt and a white T-shirt, Jiang Qin has been waiting here for a long time.

She's not a hot tempered woman.

It's just public relations. Time is life.

She came to Nandu with Jiang Yanzi's order this time to solve the public opinion storm for Qin fan, so she must seize the time to avoid delay and miss the best opportunity to turn the tide.

Soon, a shadow appeared in her sight.

Qin fan trots all the way up the mountain. Seeing empress Jiang Qin's active hand, he grins and says, "beauty Jiang, long time no see."

Qinjiang, Qin fan, let's go straight into the room

Jiang Qin inherited Jiang Yanzi's consistent style, and his work is always Jiang Qin. Looking at Qin fan's gradually surprised eyes, he explained: "this is a disguised psychological hint. First, through overwhelming articles and brainwashing means, he let the people panic at these private medical institutions, and then use the so-called cases to check the Shengde hospital in advance Taking a seat, we have a preconception in the hearts of the people, and we can't resist and repel Shen's group.... "

and "the smartest thing is that these official account articles are all pushed away from Nandu and South provinces, so that you can't detect them. If it's no echo of big data, it's hard to detect and let this source sink."

Jiang Qin explained that Qin fan's eyes roughly read an article about the harm that private medical treatment may bring to ordinary people.

"Although the drugs of the Pharmaceutical Department of Shen's group are used in public and private hospitals all over the world, our group is a real private enterprise. The other party confuses the public in the article, discards the fact of the credibility of our drugs, exaggerates the harm that private medicine may cause, and then pushes it for a week, and then suddenly bursts out with the case in the article As like as two peas de la medical events.

Qin fan breathed deeply, his eyes full of shock.

Dark degree into warehouse!

When he failed in his free clinic activities, the other party did not choose to give up. Instead, he chose to build a warehouse in the dark. In the process of dealing with the censorship from the top, he first secretly made public opinions, then assassinated Wu Xiongfei and created the incident of Shengde hospital. There were more than 90 patients who were not reported, and then directly fermented the whole thing in an instant To the point of irretrievabilityQin fan felt that this kind of means had completely gone beyond the scope he could understand and deal with.

Vigorous and resolute, without any procrastination.

They are not given any chance to react.

"It's a good way..."

Qin fan sighed with emotion. After knowing the whole story and how the other party manipulated it secretly, Qin fan didn't feel any frustration at all. Instead, he was a little excited.

"What should we do now? To contact the owners behind these official account, let them delete the articles they published before, then rewrite the content and clarify them? " Qin fan asked.

"Those articles were all deleted 24 hours after they were published. At this time, to ask them to send another article for clarification is just to give the people the illusion that we are now spending money on public relations to clean ourselves up, so there is no need to waste our time on it. At this juncture, unless we do not do it, once we do it, we must clean all the right things like autumn wind sweeping leaves Our adverse remarks should have an immediate effect, and they will only waste time and money, and will not have any useful effect. " Jiang Qin said.

"You have an idea?" Qin fan looked at her and asked.

Jiang Qin nodded.

"What I did in Yanjing before was to find out the risk sources of all public opinion problems. After finding this source, what kind of network users have I worked out to search Shen group?

Qin fan looked at her suspiciously, but then he suddenly realized and began to look at her.

"I see. Compared with those netizens who see similar articles and news and directly choose to have no brains for us, those Internet users who can search our group on the Internet and want to know more about our group are more sober minded. We can put a lot of energy and money into them. This seems to be called precision investment, right The report I received at that time is absolutely multiple of the total net casting type, more than ten times... " If Qin fan has a way of thinking.

"That's right, and it won't take up too much of our resources and time. Just let the people in your public relations department, with enough money and well written articles, go to public relations according to the media list I gave you. We media, as long as they give money, there is nothing they don't do. So the real key is the second step." Jiang Qin said.

Qin fan did not speak, but looked at her seriously, waiting for the answer.

"Shengde hospital has been fermenting for a long time. Although reversing the storm of public opinion will not bring you much help in essence, when there is no longer only a voice attacking Shen group in the network media, more and more people and institutions will rationally analyze this matter, and the above will not end the pressure on the group in order to quell the pressure of public opinion as soon as possible In order to avoid a final conclusion, you will not even have room to maneuver. "

Jiang Qin said, looking at Qin fan's bright eyes, he said: "so my second step is to ask your father to stand up to the media immediately, announce publicly that he will step down from his post as president of the group, bear all the consequences of this incident, and be responsible for the four patients who died."

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