Qin fan nodded. According to the current situation, once the Shen family is on the verge of bankruptcy, the first thing to check is the financial department.

It is reasonable for these people to leave the group ahead of time in order to protect their own future.

However, the finance department is the heart of a group.

There are too many core secrets in hand.

These consequences will fall into the hands of the other party for no reason, and then let them go.

"Come on, I'll go with you to the finance department." Qin fan thought deeply for a moment and made a decision.

Villa 5 in group town is the office of Finance Department of group headquarters.

It's very close to the square. It's only a few minutes' walk from the place where they talked just now.

But when they got to the gate of the villa, they saw four or five employees in black suits, carrying official bags, talking and walking out.

"Let's go while the woman is away!"

"Yes, look at the accounts. It's only in recent days that the Shen family has closed down. If we don't go now, we'll have trouble when they come to check the accounts!"

"Go, go! Let's go first. Let's wait until we get out! "

A few people murmured in a low voice, and suddenly a sharp drink came from the side!

"What are you going to do at work?"

Chen Sixuan listened to what they had just said. There was a flash of cold light in her beautiful eyes, and her momentum was particularly compelling!

A few people were startled by the sound. They had to say that the angry Chen Sixuan was only cold, but not gorgeous. It was frightening.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen..."

Chen Sixuan is Qin fan's temporary financial manager appointed by the president's document. As the president of Chen's group, she manages a financial department. It's no surprise that she has not been here for a few days, and she has left a deep impression on these people.

Several people looked at her with fear, incoherent.

However, soon the woman who took the lead straightened her waist and said, "Mr. Chen, we have resigned. You don't need to threaten us with this tone."

"Quit?" Chen Sixuan frowned and said, "where's the resignation letter?"

"It's on your desk. You can see it when you go back now." The woman did not dare to look directly into Chen Sixuan's eyes and said in a voice.

"On my desk?" Chen Sixuan sneered, "so you're informing me that you're going to leave. I'll do as I please? That's what you've developed in the group before? "

The woman could hear the coldness in Chen Sixuan's words, but she still retorted: "otherwise, now everyone knows that the Shen family is going to close down, and after the collapse, the first one affected must be the finance department. We are still young, and it is the peak period of our career. At this time, if we are involved by the Shen family and leave a file, who dares to use us in this industry in the future Mr. Chen, if you are really human, don't stop us! "

"Yes, we've been working hard in the Shen family for so many years. If we don't have any credit, we'll let us go."

"It's a big deal. We'll sign a confidentiality agreement and never divulge anything about the group to other people. Do you think it's feasible?"

Several other people also spoke one after another. They were still afraid of Chen Sixuan. This woman had only three words in their heart: not simple.

Looking at these people, Chen Sixuan finally shook her head helplessly: "now you go to the security department to sign the confidentiality agreement. After that Let's go. "

The people who should leave can't stay. Fortunately, these people didn't fall out with her face to face like those who left in the morning.

Several people nodded and left with gratitude. Qin fan also appeared at Chen Sixuan's side.

"Otherwise, you'd better not go in." Chen Sixuan hesitated. Now she knows the mood of the finance department very well.

"Well, I can't enter my own territory? Let's go and see what we've got

Qin fan walks into the gate first with a smile. Chen Sixuan hesitates for a moment and then walks in.

In villa 5, it's very quiet.

This is the financial department of the headquarters of Shen's group, which is in charge of the financial accounts of such a large business empire. In ancient times, it was also a high-level account department.

Here, after two days and two nights of actuarial calculation, we calculate the losses suffered by the Shen family so far in the normal storm.

A lot of people are already sleeping on their desks. Others are packing up and going to the next lounge to have a rest.

The villa is quiet, even the sound of footsteps is particularly obvious.

"Forget it."

When he came here, Qin fan suddenly felt that his steps were very heavy, and he couldn't step away.

Instead of speaking, Chen Sixuan looks at Qin fan quietly.

"When they all sleep well, tell them who will leave first, and go directly after signing the confidentiality agreement. Those who leave will be paid three months' salary. Those who don't leave will be settled according to ten times of their daily salary. The daily salary will last until the end of the incident. I will pay my own money, that's all."Qin fan shook his head and turned to leave.

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