Early morning mist.

When the first ray of sunlight at dawn came into the earth, Bai's family was already busy.

The whole Bai's courtyard is full of red lanterns representing happiness and peace. The lintels, windows and eaves are decorated with lanterns. A red carpet is directly spread from the gate to the deepest part of the courtyard. People have been busy from yesterday to now. Everyone hasn't slept, but there is no fatigue on their faces. On the contrary, with the advance of time, they are more excited.

Their first lady is getting married!

Or marry the cloud family, one of the four ancient families!

This is a glorious thing!

Ancient family

Under one man, above ten thousand!

If one person gets the right way, he will be promoted to heaven!

Even the servants of the Bai family felt that their faces were shining.

Finally want to get rid of so many years, the position at the end of the four big families, shake one's body a change, become a person!

Finally, I can raise my head in front of other family servants

The more they think about it, the more excited they are. It seems that they are going to get married soon. The speed and strength of their work are getting harder and harder. Today, though, it's just the engagement of the Bai family and the Yun family.

Bai Xi, the deputy head of the Bai family, with several housekeepers, is standing at the door, looking at the bottom of his feet like the long cloth that Jinghong extends to the depth of the courtyard.

"According to the rules of the ancient family, after today's engagement ceremony, the eldest lady is no longer a member of our Bai family. From the time they come to pick up a person, the eldest lady's feet can no longer touch our Bai family's land. At that time, she needs to step out of the threshold of her boudoir and walk all the way from the red dragon. Then she gets on the car of the cloud family and goes with them to the cloud family, and she will never come back. ”Bai Xi stares at the red cloth under her feet, and her tone is full of excitement!

"Well, it's a good thing that the winner's family and Wang Yun's family will fight against each other for three hours." An old steward said with a smile.

The marriage of the two families is popular with most of the old people.

The status of the Bai family will be directly related to their well-being.

But what is more effective than bagel's joining an old and powerful family?

"Hum, what rumor? This is the smoke bomb that Shen family deliberately put out to confuse us! The four ancient families are not born, and their relationship is always good. How can a good winner intervene in the affairs between us and the cloud family? It's just nonsense. You don't have to take it seriously! " Another old housekeeper said with a cold face and disdain.

"OK, now, the Shen family is in the twilight. It's difficult to protect themselves. How can we have time to take care of other things? You watch the layout of the house carefully, and I'll go to see the eldest lady again. On such a happy day today, she can't tear down our Bai family's platform at the critical moment!"

Bai Xi said, eyes burst out with a touch of light, a long sleeve, turned away.

It's in the room next to the rain corridor.

The door is closed.

Although the servants of all people are busy around it today, the door of the house has only been opened once since yesterday afternoon. Bai Tao, the second miss of the Bai family, has gone in and has not come out.

"Hasn't the first lady shown up yet?"

Bai Xi's face was in front of the corridor door, staring at the closed door.

A group of servants around them were silent. They were very afraid of the grumpy deputy head of the family. They were even more frightened because they had not knocked on the door of the eldest lady.

"Deputy master, the second lady went in yesterday afternoon and hasn't come out yet..."

Thinking that the brave servant summoned up the courage to speak, then shrunk his neck and hid in the crowd.

"Miss two?"

Bai Xi eyebrows pick pick pick, he stood in front of the door, shouting to the door: "two young lady, you should come out for breakfast."

After a moment's silence in the room, I heard the crisp and sweet voice of white peach: "I won't eat any more. You can eat yours."

Although Jiantao and his elder sister frown, they still don't know their opinions.

But these two days, she has violated her orders one after another. This girl doesn't want to follow her sister's example and rebel with her, does she?

"The family are waiting for you. What do you look like if you don't come out for dinner?" He asked.

There was a moment's silence in the room. Through the voice of Bai Tao, "OK, I know. I'm helping my sister change clothes. We'll go out to dinner together."

Bai Xi was stunned when he heard the speech, and then he was overjoyed and said, "your sister is coming out for dinner, too? OK, you don't have to worry about it. I'll tell the kitchen to add some more dishes, and then tell the master, let's eat together! "

Bai Xi said, happily left the door, turned and strode toward the inner house.

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