"How's the preparation? Have all the housekeepers been told?"

In the Interior Department of Yunfu, yuntianlong stares at the three housekeepers and asks in a low voice.

"All of them have been informed. All the eleven rooms in Yunfu have been informed. Besides, the seventh master has also coordinated with him. He is not angry when he knows about the seven little grandmothers. Instead, he supports us to do so. The seventh room is also on the list of this migration." A housekeeper returned.

"Well, I have to pack up as soon as possible and leave at ten this evening."

Yun Tianlong breathed softly, and then asked, "what's the mood in the mansion at present? I heard that more than a dozen people with abnormal body temperature were found today, and some of them are children of the Yun family. Has the hospital checked them? What do you say?"

The spread of Yunfu virus has become more and more intense. In just three or four days, more than ten cases of infection will occur every day, including many members of the Yunfu family. This directly leads to the panic of the whole Yunfu. Everyone wants to escape from this terrible place as soon as possible.

"All of them have been checked. Except for one servant who had a cold and fever, the others have been tested by blood test. It can be preliminarily determined that they are all infected with borla virus! According to the regulations, we have separated them all, and these children infected with the virus are not included in the migration list. " The housekeeper returned.

"You can't take these sick people with you, just stay here and let them live and die on their own." Yuntianlong whispered.

"The two young masters..." A housekeeper hesitated.

"How is the second young master now?" Yun Tianlong asked.

"No, the situation is still worsening. According to the doctor, because he is directly infected through blood, the incidence rate will far exceed that of ordinary people. He may directly skip the last hidden period of symptoms, organ failure and then die!" Said the housekeeper.

Yun Tianlong doesn't speak any more. What happened to Yun Zihuan has always been one of his worries.

According to the general plan of this migration, it is impossible for anyone infected with the virus to follow the brigade.

Otherwise, with the infectivity of the borla virus, what's the point of moving with a patient?

But the problem is that yunzihuan is the only son of Yunyan!

Yun Yan, as the absolute power holder of the Yun family, leaves his only son alone, and takes the whole clan to migrate. Yun Tianlong can't make this decision, and has no right to make this decision.

"How are the four of the white family? Are you still locked up in the woodshed? " Cloud day dragon turns to read to ask a way.

"Yes, we locked Bai Zhengzheng and others in the wood room next to the second young master according to the owner's wishes. If the second young master doesn't recover, he won't let the four of them out. If the second young master really suffers an accident this time, he will be buried with the four of them, and they will also get sick and die." The housekeeper returned.

"OK, I see. You four should inform room 11 to pack up and leave at 10 pm. Don't disturb others. I'll report to the owner now. If you have any action, wait for me."

After yuntianlong's explanation, he got up and strode away.

Standing at the door, a touch of complexity flashed through the cloud and longan.

The prosperity of Yunfu in the past has completely disappeared.

One by one, the big houses were busy, and the servants with the proud smile of the cloud family walked back and forth.

It's just once.

At a glance, Yunfu is full of depression.

Between the green stone and the green tile, there is no figure walking around.

There are also nervous faces of domestic servants quickly passing.

The doors and windows of every house are closed, and no one dares to go out.

What's more, the ancient Yellow charm of dispelling pestilence was pasted directly on the doors and windows of our house.

More often, medical workers in white protective clothing walk back and forth with medicine cartridges and spray medicine around.

The air is full of pungent liquid medicine.

Yun Tianlong never dreamed that the cloud family would take turns until today.

He was not defeated by the treaty, by other ancient families, nor by the four families and the Shen family. He was defeated by the virus overnight.

"Nature makes people

Yuntianlong gritted his teeth, left the courtyard and strode toward Yunyan's residence.

It's in the woodshed.

Bai Xi, Bai Song and Bai Yuan look at the dirty white regular in the wheelchair, tears rolling in their eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry, our master..."

Bai Xi looked at Bai regular's depressed eyes and cried out.

"It's our idea to force the eldest lady to marry the Yun family. As a result, the eldest lady disagrees and tries to find a sick woman to persecute the Yun family like this. It also affects you. We deserve to die, but you must hold on, master of the family..."

Since the four people were "invited" to Yunfu, and then locked up here, the door has not been let out at all, and the food they eat every day is worse than pigs and dogs. Any servant, who has to fight or scold them, thinks that the Bai family has done them such a harm. Although they are not asked to do so, they will almost walk into this Chaifu room as long as they have time Fang, severely humiliated their four old people.

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