"Time should be almost there. It may take a little time for the boss to get through the secret Road, but they will do it in five minutes at the latest!" In the storeroom, the leader said.

They have discussed before. Because of the suddenness of the secret road attack, they will take the other side by surprise and make them in chaos. Then they will attack from above and cooperate with each other inside and outside. They will soon achieve their goal and kill all the enemies.

The signal is the first round of fighting.

The people under the hand nodded, and then they prepared their weapons one after another, ready to attack the secret room at any time.

Then at this time, a dull gunshot suddenly sounded at the soles of people's feet!

When the seven heard the shock, they heard the leader murmur "coming!"

Without saying a word, he rushed into the secret room!

The passage of the secret room, when Scorpion was exploring the warehouse last night, had already indicated the position to the public.

In the southeast corner, open an iron door on the floor, and walk along the stone steps for less than a minute to reach the secret room.

They were not careless.

Let people open the iron door of the secret room first, and suddenly the dull gunfire becomes clear and loud. It comes out from the tunnel, and it is accompanied by people's dull hum. It seems that once there is a firefight, it will enter the white hot!

"There's a fight. Go and support the boss!"

The leader roared. He took the lead to rush in and tried to rush into the secret room at the first time along the revolving stone steps to kill all the people here!

He led people into the secret room. Although he was in high spirits, he was still cautious.

When he saw that the long stone road was coming to the end, he quickly slowed down, put his short gun across his chest, and while he was close to the wall, he waved his hand to let the people behind him follow up. He walked slowly to the exit and poked out half of his face.


Almost for the first moment, the leader felt as if something had suddenly come from the darkness!

The speed of action, even with the sound of breaking the air!

He reacted in a hurry, raising the shotgun in front of him to try to stop it.

Can hear "click" a crisp ring, followed by "Puff

The military stab, like a poisonous snake, changes its direction in the process of sudden stabbing, bypasses the short gun and plunges directly into the opponent's neck!

Blood is pouring in.

Spray in the dark air.

"It's changed!"

The people behind him were close at hand and quickly captured the situation.

He was about to turn around and leave with a roar.

Then I heard "Lulu..." It seems that there is something round rolling in from the opposite side, more than one! He rolled to his feet, followed by "bang!" In front of the dark, was illuminated.

In other words, it's white!

Several flash bombs exploded at this moment!

Stab everyone's eyes!

They had been in the dark for a long time, and the sudden light would cause temporary blindness, not to mention the bursting flare?

They feel like there's a burst of silver needles in their eyes.

They all cover their eyes, open their mouths and let out a roar!

"Keep one alive and kill the rest!" Zhang Zihao roared, and the "Hunter" team members quickly set out to capture the enemy's position at the moment when the flash bomb effect ended. They rushed to the target like cheetahs, and fell with their hands. Except for those closest to the exit who survived, others were killed on the spot!

"Is this the so-called" shadow killing "

MUKANG and others came out at this time, looking at the corpses all over the ground with disdain.

They thought that they would go through a fierce battle of life and death. Even if they could annihilate the enemy completely, they would pay a heavy price on their own side. However, they did not expect that they would capture and kill 11 people alive.

How many people are there in the whole "shadow killing"?

Almost all of them are lost here.

Qin fan's face is extremely calm. No one knows how long he has been preparing to deal with this famous "shadow killing" department. He will see all the reports on the mission and operation before the dissolution of "shadow killing". However, this thing is very precious. It was given to him by a very special person.

"No one else should come."

When the noise subsided, he spoke faintly.

"What's the matter?" MUKANG asked.

"There is too much noise here, but those people in the secret passage must know that they are not our opponents. They should have escaped and gone back to report." Qin Fan said.

He wanted to take all the so-called "shadow killing" in one net, but it was too difficult. What's more, he heard that the leader of "shadow killing" was a man of great skill. He could easily win against ten professional boxers.

"Wait a second. I'm worried that if they don't have more than one person, we'll be able to stop work if there's no other news by dawn." Zhang Zihao was worried.

Qin fan nodded, but knew it was over.

The surviving enemies are still tied up and thrown in the middle of the secret room. The three people are tied up firmly, and the poison used to commit suicide has been taken out. These three people will be the trump card of Qin fan's thorough destruction of the cloud family. The capture of the three of them also means that the ancient family that once dominated this land will be completely turned into dust and disappear in the eyes of the world.

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