
Interior hall!

Yun Tianlong's face has never been so ugly as today!

The door of the interior hall was tight and empty, but he bit his teeth and said, "what do you mean, the shadow killing has happened to everyone except you?"

In the inner hall, it was quiet for a long time.

"It should be." After the screen, the voice of the ghost came again.

"What is supposed to be!" Yuntianlong's face was as deep as water, and his face was very blue.

"It has been more than eight hours since they carried out their mission. According to the regulations, the disappearance of more than eight hours can be regarded as the failure of the mission. As for whether these people are alive or dead, it is still uncertain before they are sent to investigate."

This time, even the sound behind the screen was a little low.

"The Shen family is in such a state that they can annihilate our" shadow killing "department? I don't believe... " Yuntianlong whispered and fell into silence behind the


"In this way, you can go to Nandu personally to find out what's going on. No matter whether they succeed or fail in their mission, you have to see people in life and corpses in death. Otherwise, you don't have to come back, do you understand?" Yuntianlong ordered.


After a simple reply, a gust of wind blew behind the screen, and the whole interior Hall fell into a dead silence again.

Only Yun Tianlong, staring coldly in front of him, whispered: "Shen family, since you want to kill me, I'll show you why the ancient family is called the ancient family. No matter what situation he falls into, you mole ants can't shake it!"



Qin fan can finally return to his home in feicui Valley, take a good bath, and then have a sleep.

He can't remember how long he didn't sleep well.

Last time I went to bed, I felt like I was in the office. I took a nap in Chen Sixuan's arms.

Apart from this, almost no one really closed their eyes.

The blade is always busy.

Today, the "shadow killing" department was completely annihilated in Nandu, and captured four backbones including its leader "shadow" alive! Several bodies, and their side intact, did not hurt any bones!

Such a big win is enough to make him have a good sleep, and then consider the next step after he has enough spirit.

After taking a bath, Qin fan runs directly to the bedroom, closes the door, closes the curtain, turns on his mobile phone, and is ready to brush the video and news for a while.

This should be the most common thing he does at his age.

But now, it has become a luxury.

In the past, when he was in college, he used to watch the live game before going to bed, make a few coquettish remarks, and then go to bed.

Now, he has not opened other software before wechat for several months.

Even if you open wechat, you don't even have time to read the circle of friends.

This time, he can finally press his heart, close the curtain, pour a cup of hot water at the head of the bed, then get into the bed and play with his mobile phone safely.


After brushing the video for a while, Qin fan sighed.

Then he opened wechat and began to browse the only information in recent months.

Hundreds of them!

Most of them are old classmates, Wang Chao, Huang haozeng, Huang Qianqian, and even those who are not very close to each other. They all send all kinds of information to ask about his recent situation.

Qin fan didn't have time to go back one by one. He just sent back some important news from his friends.

But almost at the same moment, the message came back.

"Have a good rest. When you settle down, I'll come to see you." Huanghuanxi.

This is the first to reply to his message, and more than a month has passed since she sent a message to Qin fan.

"So free? No filming today? " Qin fan is still very impressed with Huang Huanxi. He used to be a top class leg model. Qin fan has never seen such beautiful legs in other people's eyes, especially when wearing high-heeled shoes. Tut tut

"Well, just after the break, when I saw your reply, I chatted with you." Huang Huanxi added a smile at the end.

"I'm going to sleep, too. When this time is over, I'll invite you to tea." Qin fan returns a way, he is really going to sleep, very sleepy.

"Well, I'll see you and uncle Shen when I finish this advertisement. Good night." Huang Huan River returns a way, then added the expression of a moon.

"Good night."

Turning off the phone, Qin fan took a deep breath in bed.

Although the current situation is good for the Shen family, the storm is too fierce, sweeping the whole Shen family. All departments almost shut down, and the group's market has shrunk by more than 90%. His mother is forced to flee overseas, and his father is still in the intensive care unit. Even if he can destroy the cloud family now and want to restore the peak state of the Shen family, it is not good It's been a year and a half.It takes a long cycle and time.

Thinking about it, Qin fan went to sleep.

At this time, in a corner of lewda, a more fierce fight is quietly staged.

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