"The man was exposed."

It's in Yun's mansion, the interior hall.

A servant, who was just working outside the family, strode into the hall. After closing the door, he whispered in front of Yun Tianlong.


Yun Tianlong was stunned and then breathed deeply.

"I should have guessed that it was the man behind all this." Cloud sky dragon whispers.

The servant did not speak.

"What about people now?" Yun Tianlong asked.

"Run, the other side did not succeed." The next person returns a way.

"Well..." Cloud day dragon smell speech relaxed tone, tight heart also relaxed come down, ask a way: "that he plans to come back?"

"No, he said that since the Antarctic plan has been confirmed, he needs to avoid for a period of time. During this period, he will not participate in anything, but will continue to hunt the Shen family after Qin fan leaves the country." We need to be humane.

"That's good." Yun Tianlong nodded, but he couldn't see any joy on his face.

"Also, the two owners want to see you." Said the servant.

"I know." Yun Tianlong nods. Even if the servant doesn't come, he has to go to the ancestral home.

Yun Tianlong orders his servants to leave, and then leaves the internal affairs hall and goes to the depth of the ancestral home.

Yunfu's illness, after yuntianlong ordered to cut off, has slowly contained the development.

But it's just containment.

And the scope is in the cloud family children who are isolated in the oral service.

Those who have been abandoned and lived in other places are almost all infected with the borla virus, with thousands of people!

All in the outer circle waiting to die!

There are dozens of hundreds of houses in Waifu. There are many slaves who can't afford to fall down because of the deterioration of their condition. Some of them have already died and their bodies are rotten. No one is going to clean them up.

It's like hell on earth!

And late at night, we often hear people howling because of illness.

It's like a ghost crying.

All the members of the Neizhai cloud family were terrified and didn't dare to sleep all night.

Yun Tianlong walks in the wailing. He frowns tightly and tries not to listen to these sounds. He strides into neifu to see Yun Yan.

"Well, was he found out?" Yun Yanduan sat on the main hall and said in a low voice.

The cloud Dragon nodded: "it has not been taken away."

"Well, if he is caught, you and I will not be held accountable as simple as that..." Yun Yan opens his mouth.

Yun Tianlong is silent, because he knows that all this is because of himself. At the beginning, he chose the wrong Kong family and lost the game, which led to the disaster of the whole Yun family.

"It's not your fault. It's not just the personal behavior of you and the Kong family, or one of the Shen family. Those people have been staring at us for a long time. No matter what, the cloud family can't escape this disaster..."

Yun Yan's voice is very calm, and he can't hear any emotional waves.



Cloud day dragon tears, directly knelt down on the ground.

"OK, the cloud family is not finished yet. Don't cry so early." Yan murmured.

"However, the man left, although he would continue to hunt the Shen family, our cloud family is already like this now, and all the people of" shadow killing "are in Qin fan's hands. I'm worried..." Yun Tianlong didn't dare to go on, he was full of despair.


Yun Yan sighed.

"Don't think so much about it. Things haven't developed to the point that my family will be ruined. I've been running the cloud family for so many years, and I won't watch it collapse in my hands for nothing." Yun Yan was silent for a moment, and suddenly said in a low voice.

"Ah?" Yuntianlong was shocked by the speech. He quickly raised his head, looked at Yunyan with surprise, and asked, "master, do you think Yunjia can be saved?"

"There is help." Yun Yan nodded faintly.

"How to save it?"

"Give you up." Yun Yan said.

"What?" Yun Tianlong trembled all over, and his whole face suddenly froze.

"The whole thing starts because of you, and you are always in control of shadow killing. We have no idea how you dealt with the Kong family and destroyed the Shen family. It's all your personal behavior. You try to use shadow killing to eliminate dissidents and strengthen your own power, so as to usurp the position of master of the cloud family. Your heart is to blame."

Cloud Yan raised his head, looking at cloud sky dragon light said.

Yun Tianlong kneels in the same place, his old eyes also look at Yun Yan, and his turbid eyes are full of complicated expressions.

"You have three sons, one daughter and seven grandchildren. I will take good care of them for you. I want to use the treatment of the Yun family's descendants, but you need to go to the management department to explain things clearly and let them go. How about that?" Yun Yan's tone is very flat, there is no coercion, there is no coercion, just a simple statement.Yun Tianlong kneels on the ground. His old body is bent into a shrimp. He looks at Yun Yan with tears in his eyes. Instead of answering, he knocks three heads on the ground heavily.

"Today, let me serve you for the last day..."

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