In front of the old school building in Portage.

As expected - it was surrounded by creepy atmosphere.

There are several buildings in the vast grounds at the tip of the torn gate.But it's almost half-destructed, and I don't see anything that holds the prototype.

Probably because of the teacher's "suicide bombing."

Denser fog than Port Town Portage with all - you - can - stretch weeds....

These created a creepy atmosphere in the old Portage school building.

"Hey... hey, Admiral Arios."

Ann wraps her arms around me, shaking her body. [M]

"... you're not leaving here, are you?"

"I'm leaving... what?"

"Yes, that's it. The one with the" Yu "on it first and the one with the" Ai "on it last...."


I thought about it for a moment, but soon I got to the point.

"I see. Is Ann afraid of ghosts?"

"Chi, chi, chi, chi, chi, chi, chi!Never!! "

"......? What is it, if you're scared, you're definitely scared..."

"No! I'm not afraid!"

"Really... I see."

I don't know, but if she says she's not scared, then so be it.

"... I don't know if it's a ghost.But I certainly don't feel any disturbing signs.Especially... yeah, around there. "

Then I point to a large wooden building. [M]

Probably the only way out of the Suicide Bomb was there.

This is the only thing that holds the prototype on the site where most buildings are collapsing.Originally it was a school building, and it's a big building.

"Kana, have any monsters appeared around here?"

"No... no. Of course, the old Portage school building is also regularly patrolled, but the monsters have appeared....."

"Hmm... I see..."

Does that mean that monsters have suddenly appeared here recently?

--It could really be bingo.

It is possible that there is a Suspicious Person in that school building.

I don't know if it's a ghost, but if it's different, we can't just leave it alone because we feel disturbed.

"... is that so, Ann, can we go?"

"Thigh, thigh, thigh!"

Ann grips her fist and looks at the site as if she had decided.

"As the representative of the 10th Division, we cannot be timid here!I'll do my best! "

"- No, I'm blind. Will you please go home?"

Ann shook her shoulders at the sound of her voice.

Turning to you, there was someone unexpected there.


One is a winning woman with red long hair.

The other is a short-haired, weak-haired woman.

I don't even know what to call it.

They are both quite talented... and would qualify for A in rank.

... well, even if I asked you your name, you wouldn't be able to answer it, so it's completely speculative.

"You are the adventurers...What are you doing here? "

That's right, Carna, but the red-haired female adventurer doesn't mind.

"You know, I'll protect my town myself.There's no army coming. "

I see... I see. I see.

What I learned yesterday today about the suspicious "Portage Old School Building".That's why I rushed to lose so the army wouldn't take the job.

"Nh, what are you talking about...!"

Kana takes a step forward, as if she were a little frustrated.

"Instead of fighting, we should fight together... as you always say!I don't even know who they are! "

"Ha, hey, cooperating with the army?Hahaha, don't make me laugh! "

That's what Kerakera laughs at, the red-haired adventurer.

There is no island to follow at all.

I don't know why we're so hostile to the army... but it's probably useless to persuade them like this.

But I have to say what I have to say.

That's what I said, looking at the adventurers.

"I feel strange from there.I'm sure you'll be all right... but please be careful. "


"My name is Arios McBa and I'm late.I want to solve the mystery of the "Suspicious One" that has appeared in this town... "

"Arios... oh, my God..."

Oh, my God.

Happiness or misfortune, she knew me, too.

He looks at me with his eyes wide open. [M]

"Hmm. It doesn't matter. I'm just going my way.- Here we go, Mila. "

"Uhh, mmm...!"

When a blonde adventurer called Milua replied weakly, they headed straight for the old school building in Portage.

"What are those two!"

After the adventurers left, Ann stepped violently on the dungeon.

"I was just worried that you'd show up bad...!That bastard! Bokenass! "

"So-so... calm down."

I smile bitterly. [M]

That's right, "Bokenass" is too much to say... but I know how Ann feels.

We've come all this way for the Portage Town.

It is unclear what kind of conflict there has been with the Royal Army in the past, but there is no such thing.If you really think about the town, you should build a cooperative system here.

But... you can put that question behind you.

Now is not the time.

"Well... Ann. Kana. It's time to go.I have a bad feeling about this. "

"A bad feeling...? What do you mean?"

"I don't know... but I'm having a strange heartbeat."

The feeling of unexpected anxiety from the old school building in Portage.

Those two were approachable adventurers, and I want to believe that rarely happens....

For some reason, I was not wiped out of my anxiety. [M]

And then I started walking again, a few minutes later.

"... ahhhhhhhh!"

Suddenly, a scream was heard from the old school building, and we looked at each other.

The scream is... definitely from the adventurer.

You're kidding.

Are you saying you're already in trouble?

The fact that they can be hunted down quickly means that they have enough enemies.

"Damn it...!"

We pretended not to mind, and we ran away.

"Ugh, you're lying...!?"

Inside the old school building, there was a sight that I could not imagine.

A black-and-white mood floats all over the floor.

Nothing happens where I touch it.

However, this atmosphere... closely resembled the black waves of The Gravel.

That's not all.



Surprisingly - countless giant oaks are boiling.He also wore a black aura, similar to the one he had once fought near the village of Rustahl.

No matter how powerful an adventurer is, he won't win.

"You're lying...."

Ann's face is pale as well.

It's not impossible.

The Giant Orcs, which boast an overwhelming strength on their own, are pouring out countless times.

What should I say instead of calling it a nightmare?

"Anyway, I need to help those two...!"

Anne pulls out her sword in a hurry.

"No, wait!"

I stick out my right hand and drink her. [M]

"--Coming! Protect yourself first!"


The moment Ann rounded her eyes.

Aren't we surrounded by new giant orcs appearing from nowhere?

By example, all individuals are wrapped in a black aura.Looks stronger than a regular giant oak.

"Hmm, Hmm!!"

Kana jumps like a little bit.

"What is this!?How did this happen...?! "

Kana shakes her body while taking on a combat stance.

Even in this situation, I'm willing to take a sword... but I'm pretty scared.My legs are trembling.

"No way... this was unexpected."

Anne can't seem to be calm either.

He holds his sword in a hurry, but his face is pure white.

"Goddamn it!"

And a few meters away, the red-haired swordsman shouted.

Oh, my God, there's a blonde adventurer down there - maybe Milua.Don't lean around on the ground.

That red-haired adventurer... seems to be fighting hard to protect those people.

But it won't last long.

"Warrant Admiral Arios... I can't believe this is happening..."

While holding the sword, Ann bites her teeth with regret.

"Now, instead of helping them, we're in danger...!What the hell am I supposed to do...! "

"Ah... that's exactly what this is..."

I had no idea what had happened so far. [M]

I didn't expect you to end up in this mess.

I can handle a giant orc alone, but I didn't expect to fight this many more...

"No... not yet."

It's not like I'm frustrated here.

There must still be something we can do.

Skill "Cheat Code Operation" activated.

--This is the ability to use it now.

"Vienna, please!!"

Help me understand the points!!

Soon a giant ancient weapon appeared next to me.

Besides, you knew the situation.Battle Mode 3 - What a bigger appearance than the Giant Oak.

"Fufufu... Dear Arios, Isatoutoki Nihun Dekda Satte, Happy Six Imasyo"

"I'm sorry, can I ask... for this?"

"Motilon Degosaimus."


In the middle of Vienna's words, a giant orc attacked me.

While swinging around the club, I jumped to Vienna....

"--Ass Demo Alimasen"

Vienna grabs the arm of a giant oak and bangs it on the ground.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The subtle crushing sound echoes around you.


"Ha... haha..."

I smile unexpectedly.

It's really amazing.

I didn't know that Giant Oak was a Kitten.

"Hmm, that's a lie...!? Did you throw a giant orc...?Who's the big one here!? "

"I've been listening to you... but I can't believe this has happened..."

Kana and Anne stood with their eyes open to the courage of Vienna.

Well... that's right.

I would be shocked if anyone showed me this.

"That's right, Vienna. May I... ask for this?"

"Eh. Motilon degozaymus."

Answer by turning your upper body around as usual.

"Kitten chantonoo viniha habitual reteamus. Doukao Renseire"


I know how strong Vienna is. [M]

I'll leave this to Vienna, and I have to help those two as soon as possible.


It turns out that the red-haired adventurer just now was in a critical situation.

The giant orc must have hit me with a sword.He wears a butt mochi without a weapon.Besides, he couldn't stand up.

"Ku... shit... Oh, hey! Don't come near me!"


Enjoy the screams of the adventurers, but the giant orcs slowly lay down clubs.

In a few seconds, the Adventurer will shake you down... but that was enough time.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

I can run away with all my might and shoot a giant oak from the side.

Of course, don't forget to use Medium Attack Up.


I suppose that was the only shock I felt.

The giant orc blew back loudly with an ugly scream.Once, when I used a small Attack Up, I just stuck it on my buttocks, but I grew up after that.


"Haha... this really doesn't feel good..."

This is not a comfortable situation.


The rest of the Giant Orcs are looking at me with a murderous gaze.While playing with the club, he is gradually narrowing his distance to me. [M]


"Ah, you... just now...?"

A red-haired adventurer asked while wearing buttocks.

"Hmm... what are you doing here?No way... you won't tell us to protect us, will you? "

"Yes, I will definitely protect you.So please rest assured. "

"... what are you talking about?There's no way I can win this situation..... "

"No, I'll find my way. No matter what."

There's been a lot going on since I first fought the Giant Oak.

That's why I think I can fight a little alone. [M]

The problem is we need to protect both of them.

Especially the adventurer called Mila seems to be seriously ill.I can't even move on my own... I have to be careful here.


"Is that...?"

On the floor nearby, I found something familiar.

I didn't have to confirm it.

Red stone.

It must have been a gift from the goddess of modernity to confront the aliens.

It has the power to counter the gemstone, and if I discover it, my "Destruction of Principles" will be stronger....

"Adventurer... that's..."

"Hmm. You know what? When I killed the giant orc, it came out."

"From the Giant Oak...."

I see. Is that the same as before?

If you think about it, it remains unclear why there were red stones inside the monsters.

But now....

I hurriedly grabbed the red stone and raised it small. [M]At that moment, a slight sparkle occurs, gently enveloping my whole body.

"Hey... what are you doing here?"

A red-haired adventurer staring at me with a suspicious look.

"No... I thought this was another incredible force."


I was an eye-catching red-haired adventurer, but in fact, the string in my vision was off track.


Principle Destruction List



Different world humanization


---The alienation of the world.

Once again, something incredible has come out.

Literally, I know what it means, but if it's true....


Honestly, there is hesitation in using this in the bump scene.

It shouldn't be dangerous because it belongs to the goddess, but it's a disturbing ability name anyway.

However, at this time, you can't say anything about 4-5.

In order to survive this desperate situation... we need to do everything we can.


While blowing away the giant orc that came into the gap, I whispered. [M]

"Ability activated -" Destruction of principle. "Use alienation."


There was a loud roar and a doth black aura appeared around me.Power boils from the core of your body, even as if it's tens of times stronger.

"Whoa whoa whoa...."

I really didn't know this was gonna happen.

This power... you really are a stranger...!

"Nh... ah, what the hell did you do?"

Even the red-haired adventurer can't hide his astonishment at my sudden change.

That should be it.

I am far from the "Sword Saint" and so on... I had an evil atmosphere when I saw it.Wrapped in a dark spirit, the same phenomenon is happening to Formus and Rafer.

However, we are not as irrational as they are.

Rather, I was surprised by the feeling of sharpening more than before.

"Haha... this force... The goddess left me something incredible."

I can't believe you entrusted me with the power of an alien who would have fought 2,000 years ago.There is nothing but a derailment.

And then...


Changes appear in Cheat Code Manipulation while using Different Worlds.

On the other hand, it is very powerful and dangerous, so please be careful how you use it.

"Cheat Code Operation" has changed to "Back Cheat Code Operation".

List of available backside cheat codes

Magic Eye

· Destruction




I was astonished at this.

What is it? "Back cheat code operation".

This is... too much.


"" "Ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" "

Somehow, there is no indication that the Giant Orcs are declining at all.

No, rather the opposite.....

Horribly, it seems to be boiling again even if it is defeated.I don't know the detailed principles, but is this what fills this space?

Even if you fight normally, you can't kill yourself.

Then... we'll have to use this ability to do too much.

Skill activated. Back Cheat Code Operation.

The ability to use - the Magic Eye.

Soon, a red spirit was released from my right eye. [M]

All the enemies I've identified as enemies... will be captured by that spirit.

At that moment - something amazing happened.


All the giant orcs lay down on the ground, as if they were being held down by invisible forces.

"Gugu... gagaga...!"

And I can't seem to move as it is.

Just groan painfully, and there's nowhere to stand.

"This is... the magic eye..."

Only the opponent I identified as an enemy seems to have the effect of completely blocking physical movement.

Besides, there are also Destruction and annihilation.

... does "annihilation" mean literally?

This is an ominous ability name, but this is a skill prepared by the Goddess.

There will be no harm done to us.

That's what I decided. I chose "Destroy" for the back cheat code.

At that moment...

"" "" Ghhhhhh!! ""

The crowd of giant oaks was so large that they couldn't move with their white eyes peeled.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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