"Oh, what do you mean, Milua!!"

Daria, who was fighting nearby, spoke with grief. She ran up next to me and looked up at Milua, who was floating high in the sky.

"Why, why is Mirre there!?" You're not kidding, come down! "

"Ufufu...... Dahlia...... on♡the other hand, the" pure maiden mind "hidden in my heart...... I really enjoyed being with you.♡"

However, Milla is totally unwilling.

She puts her index finger on her cheek and smiles like a monster.

"Hopefully, I wanted to dominate both my body and mind with such a dahlia..." There's nothing we can do about this. "

"Mila, Mila...!"

It seems that Daria is still unable to believe in reality.

He's desperately screaming his mentor's name, trying to recall Milla.

- It's impossible.

According to the earlier story, Daria and Mirre are old friends. It used to be a mentor-apprentice relationship, but now it's more than that, it's a close friend to say.

I can't believe that Milla was planning a conspiracy in the shadows... No, I don't want to believe it.

But perhaps even that brings out the joy of Milla.

Seeing Daria screaming her mentor's name, Mirre gave a pleasant expression.


Even the former Sword Saint Leon sighed in awe against such a millia.

"Myrrh Crescent from [Molo (Mira)]..." As expected, [Creator] is said to be nothing but sexual evil. "

♡Oh, I don't think you've lost, Leon Macba.♡

"Fufu... well, there's no difference."

There are two people who are having a conversation without an understanding, but there is one fact that has come to light.

Leon McBa.

And Milua Crescent.

The two were aliens - or fellow aliens - and were hiding behind each other every day to cause this disturbance.

Most notably, Myrrrh's [Insanity].

Even Foams and Raphael could use Mirre's flirting abilities.

If I could use such monstrous abilities, I wouldn't have had a hard time manipulating the adventurers. You can play [Adventurer Likely to Be an Adult] from the top, and secretly use [Psychotic] abilities.

That way, I'll slowly... slowly brainwash the adventurers.

More to the point, Mirre was a superficial S-rank adventurer.

Using that position, it should have been easy to move around the world.

And in preparation for [When the seal was lifted by the goddess], I took a number of adventurers into my hands.....

If you think of it that way, a lot of things go together.

”Kaya... and Yuya-san...”

The names of our former comrades are reminiscent of nature.

Even if Daria was safe, she wouldn't have been swallowed by [Insanity]. But since adventurers from all over the Kingdom were rampaging around, I was sure that they were suffering some kind of damage.

But... let's not worry about it.

Both Kaya and Yuya are adventurers who are older than me. Even if I don't have to worry, I'm sure you'll get through this.

I have to concentrate on the battle before me!

Huh? I wonder if you're worried about your people, Arios-chan.♡

Whether you read my feelings or not, myrrh has a demonic smile on her face.

"You don't have to worry about it." I don't care if you worry about me, but all of your people are going to die today. "


The moment I opened my eyes.

Mirre took out something like a fan from nowhere and began to dance in the air. "Exactly the expression 'demonic lust' is the perfect, suspicious dance..." Mirre suddenly began to do a dance that grabbed all the hearts of the beholders.

And... I wonder if it's because of my imagination.

A dark aura resembling a shadow stone was emitted from Mirua's entire body.....

And the next moment.

”Giggle... giggle giggle giggle...”

"I... mila-sama, notameni, life... gel"

Surprisingly, the adventurer who was supposed to have fallen before will start to rise again. Even though they were all dominated by Daria and the others, they were standing up flutteringly, muttering a word. It was no longer your admiration that there was such a terrible dark aura on them.

"Huh...! What are you doing!?"

"Osoraku... Ano, the otherworldly influence, DeShone..."

Anne and Vienna, who were fighting in the distance, gave a sad voice.

"Sleepy Limacitane...... Adventurer Tachiha Limit Ultra Ete Battle Wasaleteimas. Iga Long Stretch Iga, Death Ndesimau Kamoi Kalimasen"

"I-I don't know...! What should I do...!"

"...... Saa. Good luck, Lusica Alimassene!"

"I'm already...! It's really horrible!"

Anne and Vienna.

Needless to say, the two of them are powerful, but they can't fight forever. And when it came to fighting with the lives of adventurers in mind-it was a bone break.

Milua Crescent.

Contrary to their adorable looks, they have such a sinister personality...!

"Oh dear Arios, don't look so scared. Don't♡worry, I'll show you other places as well.♡"

"Somewhere else...?"

"Yeah. Here, look at this.♡"

The moment Milla snaps her right finger.

Five [Videos] appeared in the sky as high as the sky. Though not very vivid because of the thin stains - two of the scenes were familiar to me.

That is... the capital of the king, Arceus, and the village of Rastar.

"I-Is this...!?"

"Fufu, you know Arios-chan, don't you?" The crime statement I just sent you... It's a video of that place.♪ "

"If it's a crime, a statement...!"

I see. Kana said something like that.

The port town of Pauge, the village of Mucales, the village of Rastal, the commercial city of Augenia, the town of Dulles and the capital of the king Arceus.

I was about to start a riot in these six places... and I received a statement to that effect.

So that's the five remaining footage, excluding the port city of Pauge...!?

"Oh, why are you up again!?"

"Mmm... and it's getting stronger than before...!"

I heard such a voice in the footage of the village of Rustar.

Kaya and Altro seemed to be fighting well, but they were puzzled by the adventurers who stood up again. The [Land of the Borders], which was supposed to be gentle, was truly a picture of hell.

"Knock...! This is amazing...!"

”Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! Give back Ilia, Ilia!”

Meanwhile, our voice is like that of the king's capital, Arceus.

B-ranked adventurer who once taunted me - Eugène screamed and fought against the adventurers. Ilia, maybe, was it Eugène's body or somebody else.

Yuya is also fighting together, but she can't stand up to the adventurer who has risen again.

There was considerable chaos in both the capital city and the capital city.

And it was the same for the other three regions... all of a sudden, the adventurers were rampaging, and every place was in catastrophe.

”I see... that's what it was like...”

I came here to find out why Mirre had bothered to make a statement about the crime.

Adventurers are supposed to protect their inhabitants from threats. When I was an adventurer, I was aware of it, and Kaya and Yuya were proud of their profession as adventurers.

That's why I'm sure the adventurers were informed by the army about the previous crime statement. Especially in areas other than the capital of the kingdom, where the army is not permanently present. That's why the army and the adventurer were working together to keep the area safe.

But... how's it going?

Because the adventurer was suffering from [Insanity], the coordination didn't work. On the contrary, they have taken that cooperation into their own hands.

Probably, but the HQ is in a bit of a fuss right now.

In any case, there are no garrison sites in other areas, such as the king's capital and the port city of Pauge. Even if we were to send troops to the frontier right now... it's too late.

"Fufu... I wonder, Arios-chan.♡"

Myrrh's demonic smile never changed, how she felt about me.

"Your [Cheat Code Operation] and [Principle Destruction] are indeed very powerful." You will have the power of a Creator to interfere with the world itself. But we also live in the Different Reason. There's no reason for you to lose on your own. "

"And your enemies are not the only ones."

Leon McBa took over the rest of the speech.

"I have Femia and Mirre... and of course many others." In front of so many enemies... are you going to win? "

"Leon... you...!"

It's terrible.....

How far can I go with this thing...? "

"Your [Cheat Code Operation] is indeed powerful, but it's not powerful enough to break this situation." You have to give up. "


Think. Think.

There must still be a hand.

I can't just give up here...!

And that's when it happened.

"- Oh, you're Raphael!?"

I heard such a voice from one of the pictures floating above me.

Your Highness Raphael... no way...!?

I opened my eyes to see the prince who once fought in Out-Avnil.

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