Former Sword Saint Leon Macba.

I don't know the details, but he seems to have grown quite strong. In addition to his strength as a former Sword Saint, he also seems to have added to his power as an alien.....

Despite that, it was far from the "Sword Saint" that Raphael knew, and it boasted as if it were a different dimension of strength.

With no more shadow stone reinforcements left, Raphael could never reach the opponent.....

"Still... let me get it to you." I've lost my royal status, but I haven't abandoned my royal pride...! "

"... then I'll let you go without mercy." Your Highness, Raphael. "

Leon called out wildly... the next moment.

Leon's figure literally disappeared (...).

And by the time the blinking is over, it will be so close to the present.


Raphael burns his tongue and hurries to take a defensive stance. I tried to prevent Leon's sword by listing my own.

But even that behavior--a former Sword Saint seemed to have previewed it.

Rather than launching a sword attack, Leon punched Raphael in the abdomen with his empty left hand.

Gugu, gugu.

"Gu, haaa...!"

Raphael screamed pathetically at the blow.

I can't say this is the end of it.

One more shot.

Gokiki, I think.

Raphael has an intense upper under his chin that blows up in a daze. I don't know how many kilometers I would have flown if I hadn't run into the wall of a private house along the way.


I desperately stopped my fading consciousness, and Rafa managed to get up.

"Haha... hahaha." That was unexpected... "I can't believe it's been so long....."

Leon, on the other hand, seemed to have a lot of leeway left. Raphael's legs fluttered as he took a little step forward.

Although I knew exactly what I was going to do, I couldn't win with a sword.

Although Raphael was confident in his sword, he was also confident in his sword sacred. Bringing it into a sword battle was just as bad.

"Well then... there's always something you can do...!"

Raphael thrust his right hand forward and focused the magic energy around his body on his right hand. With the skill [Wisdom], I could master all the magic I saw once.

In other words, even that magic that Arios used to use a lot--

Intermediate Magic Activated... Flare Zone!

Raphael chanted, and suddenly a large fireball appeared around Leon.

And that fireball is not one, but two or three... counting the most terrible fireballs that surround Leon.

"I see... if the sword is useless, I will fight with magic." It's a very reasonable way to fight like a palace. ”

But Leon wouldn't mind being surrounded by those countless spheres of fire.

"But unfortunately... that common sense doesn't apply to me...!"


Leon yelled out loudly, and a plain black aura emerged from him. It is a very disastrous aura that resembles a shadow stone by way of example.


What happened after that... Raphael stood up with his eyes wide open.

Because the fireballs that were supposed to unfold were swallowed up by the dark aura and disappeared.

"By the way, you're stupid..."

The sword didn't work either. Magic doesn't work either.

How do I fight against such a monster?

- No.

There must still be some way left.

Think, think, think...!!

"Hmph. Even if he knew my difference in strength, he would not give up the strength of his mental strength..." I see why the otherworldly people turned their attention to His Highness first... ”


"But even such a highness was only a puppet to us (...)." Unfortunately, this is the truth. ”

Leon Makba walks up to me with a trick.


Without hesitation, he took a step forward and raised his sword high in the sky just in front of Raphael.

"Rest assured, we will create the [Land of Ideals] you wanted." Of course -- you'll be dead by then. "


No, no, no.

The big blow just now caused more damage than I had ever imagined.

Rapha couldn't move a step against Leon who was trying to stab him...!

--Are you sure this is the end of me.....

--I 'm sorry, Raimilla and Ariosu-kun.....

--It seems that even my weakness won't be able to atone for it.....

The moment Raphael slowly closed his eyes.

"I finally found it...!" Leon-san!! "

Rapha opened his eyes to a voice that could be heard from nowhere.

"I-It's you...!!"

"Hmm. It's you..."

Leon Makba threw up a slightly dark expression on Raphael, who opened his eyes wide.

- That's right.

The one who came to the door was Dudley Claisse, the man Raphael had plotted to destroy.

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