The next day, Lekan and Arios came down for a meal at the moment of the princess turtle (Fengel) and left the inn at the second moment of the princess turtle.

After that, "Bastards (Grindam)" went out and returned in the evening.

"Grindam" is a three-person party.

Twinger with short spears.

Bruska with a double axe.

Joana the Wizard.

The three of them have a somewhat unusual background.

Everyone was born of this Tubolt and became an adventurer with the Tubolt, but the Tubolt Labyrinth is too handsome for a runaway adventurer. They each gained strength in the labyrinth outside. At this point, the three of us don't know each other.

Eventually the three met in the labyrinth of Sauter. And we threw a party. I found out it was my hometown after we threw a party.

And they all had the purpose of exploring the Tubolt Labyrinth sooner or later.

Together they returned to the town of Tubolt and began exploring the Labyrinth of the Sword.

I've been staying at Raffin's Rock Shelf Pavilion for three years now.

They continued to challenge the lower layers one by one, and are now a 'deep group'. He's a first-rate adventurer who won't be pushed or pushed in town anymore.

"I wonder if you could boil the bath"

Twinger says, "Hey, old man, you stink." Ten years old looks older, coupled with a great body, lumpy muscles, and a raised head.

'Cause you're the best.'

Joana is also in good physical shape as a woman. Help me with the rambling remarks, and I can see about five years of age above the actual age.

"Well, I'm second"

Bruska, a double-axed man, is a middle-backed, uncharacteristic figure, but his normal waist is so calm that he still looks seven or eight years older than his real age.

"Grindam" looks like a sophisticated party with adventurers from their thirties. But the truth is, they're all twenty-seven this year, and they're still a bunch to get ahead of.

Why does Naak know their age, Naak's father and Burska's father are friends, and it was Naak's father who taught Burska his skills as an adventurer. And Nark's father gave Bruska the double axe he had obtained in the depths of this labyrinth. That's why Nark knows Burska well, and the two others are the same age, so Nark knows how old everyone is.

In the bathroom, you can go through the door behind the dining room. The tub is barrel-shaped and warms with firewood on the bottom. Once the walls, ceilings and doors are on, I can even put them in the winter. It's deep in the corner of the garden, invisible from the side of the road. Large windows will be fully opened in the summer so you can stretch out the vegetables and flowers in the garden. Raffin's Rock Shelf Pavilion is a bathroom.

"Mr. Nark. We moved on to the ninety-two levels."

"Oh no! That's a big deal. Nice work, bro."

"Thank you, but don't blame me."

Nark is as old away as Burska and his parents and children, and he knows Burska from when he was a baby. I've done sword tricks before. That's why I still call you what you used to be when you were a boy.

The day was also cold outside, but the three of them jumped into the bath to warm up and celebrate.

Lecan and Arios did not return.

I guess I went to another inn.

I felt like I was staying here for a while, so Nark was a little surprised.

"Arios, I'm gonna miss you."

Neru snuffed as he cleaned up.

"Maybe you're exploring it while you're staying"

"No, it won't"

There are not many people in this labyrinth who want to stay and explore.

No matter which hierarchy you're exploring, it's easy to get into the stairs up and move from there to the ground hierarchy. And it's efficient to go outside the labyrinth after a day of fighting, heal wounds, restore health and mental strength, take care of gear, refill consumables, and explore again the day after a slow sleep, whether you're after demonic stones or crates.

But if you're going to fight a long battle, it's different.

Long-term warfare is a repeated tactic of entering a room and fighting a warcraft, then going outside the room to treat injuries and restore fatigue, sometimes eating and then entering the room again to fight a warcraft.

I don't know about any other labyrinth, but at least in this labyrinth the Warcraft doesn't come out of the room. And the Labyrinth Warcraft will not recover from damage, or even if it does, it will only recover badly and slowly. So this kind of method of warfare is established.

Of course, only when you're dealing with a large individual will you need such a method of warfare. If we have to resort to this kind of tactic of warfare against ordinary warcraft who are not large individuals, that hierarchy is too early for that party. There's no point in taking such a tactic of war because that would require expenses that are not commensurate with what you earn. This method of warfare only makes sense when dealing with large individuals because they descend into deeper hierarchies.

Lecan and Arios challenged the Sword Labyrinth for the first time today.

We don't fight long battles in shallow hierarchies. Parties that would otherwise not be able to move on to the next tier are too early to challenge The Labyrinth of the Sword in the first place. It is also unacceptable to monopolize large individual rooms because challengers appear one after another in shallow hierarchies. A rat hired by the two of them should have taught him that.

I didn't think those two would die in a shallow hierarchy.

That's why Nark thought they moved to another inn.

It was the evening after that that I found out it was a mistake.

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