"Dadudu, which Zhuge villager harmed you?"

Lu Xun quickly helped Zhou Yu, and then subconsciously asked.

"The two Zhuge villagers both want to harm me."

Zhou Yu scolded angrily, and now he can only order a retreat.

When the army retreated, the southeast wind was still blowing violently.

Zhou Yu looked at it and was angry, "First find Zhuge Kongming to settle the account." In

the altar, Zhuge Liang looked at the banner fluttering in the wind, and his heart was full of emotion, Liang finally lived up to the trust of the Metropolitan Governor.

"Zhuge Kongming."

Zhuge Liang was thinking, and suddenly Zhou Yu's excited voice came.

When Zhuge Liang heard the prestige, he saw Zhou Yu coming straight towards the altar with a group of Wen Wu.

The war ended so quickly?

In this way, it seems that his contribution to this southeast wind is not small.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang quickly put down the practice banner in his hand and went towards Zhou Yu.

"Dadudu, I don't know if this southeast wind is satisfactory today?"

"Satisfied, the governor of Pontus is too satisfied, my army of tens of thousands, riding your southeast wind, will never return."

Zhou Yu almost jumped up directly in anger.

"Zhuge villager, I let you borrow the southeast wind, I didn't let you play beyond normal."

"The sails are all blown, if you are more violent, General Ben will not be able to come back."

Xu Sheng couldn't help it at this time.

Zhuge Liang looked at the angry appearance of the two of them, and his heart was also aggrieved.

"Metropolitan Governor, you didn't say how windy it was."

"As for General Xu, if Cao Jun wants to pursue you, he will definitely go against the wind."

Zhuge Liang felt that this pot could not be carried by himself.

"That, Kong Ming, General Xu, this is afraid that you will blow into the Cao camp."

Lu Xun explained weakly on the side.

"There is no such thing."

Zhuge Liang immediately retorted, "Liang really doesn't have the ability to do this.

"Less verbose, come with me to see the Lord."

Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Liang and didn't want to talk nonsense.

Zhou Yu and his party had not yet arrived at Sun Quan, and Sun Quan had already received the news of defeat.

"What about the public cover?" Sun Quan was stunned and quickly asked.

"Gongfu rode the southeast wind and went directly to Cao Ying." Lu Su quickly replied.

"He surrendered?"

"No, he was caught." Lu Su quickly corrected.

Sun Quan's head had a black line, "Find Gong Jin for me."

As soon as the words fell, there was already a report sounding.

"Lord, most of them ask for a meeting."

"Let him roll in."

When Sun Quan heard it, he came just right, I was looking for you.

Zhou Yu took a group of Wen Wu and Zhuge Kongming, and soon entered the hall.

When Zhou Yu saw Sun Quan's black face that was the same as the bottom of the pot, he knew that this time things were not easy to handle.

"Gong Jin, what do you say this time?"

"Poor General Gongfu, three generations of elders, was beaten by you, and now it's okay, no one can come back."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and immediately asked with a black face.

"I... Lord, Gong Jin has no such intentions, Gongfu Old General, I will definitely find a way to save it.

"Save what to save?"

Sun Quan gave Zhou Yu a blank look, "Gong Jin, I really have to wonder if you are colluding with Cao Thief now."

"I don't have that in mind."

Zhou Yu secretly cried in his heart, this was what he was most afraid of after his defeat.

Now it's really that everything can't be explained.

"Lord, it's all Zhuge Villagers who hurt me."

Zhou Yu quickly pulled Zhuge Liang out.

"Gong Jin, it's all this time, you are still blaming each other, it's just disappointing for me."

Sun Quan waved his big hand, and directly let Zhou Yu and his group go down.

"Alas, this time with the loss of tens of thousands of troops, even General Huang Gai was arrested, could it be that my Jiangdong foundation is really not guaranteed?"

Looking at Zhou Yu's back as they left, Sun Quan couldn't help but look at Lu Su on the side and sighed.

"Lord, don't be discouraged, although our army has lost now, Cao Cao's army can't cross the Yangtze River for a while."

Lu Su looked at Sun Quan and comforted.

"Zijing, I still have to trouble you to go to Cao Ying, a trip, and ask Cao Thief how he is willing to release people."

Huang Gai is a three-generation veteran, and if this is ignored, it will definitely not be justified.

Compared with the shadow of the defeat on the Jiangdong side, although Cao Cao's side damaged many warships and lost many soldiers.

But this time it was a beautiful victory.

"Shouyi, if it weren't for your strategizing this time, our army would not have won a big victory so easily."

Cao Cao was obviously very satisfied with the results of this battle.

"After the award, the main thing is that the metropolitan governor cooperates."

Zhuge Qiu replied with a smile.

Zhuge Qiu knew very well in his heart that for Zhou Yu and them, even if they had the advantage of the water army.

But to get out of the stalemate, they don't have many options.

Food and grass and warships are the two most effective points.

Since the grain and grass side was no longer feasible, naturally he could only focus his attention on it again, damage the warship, and prevent Cao Jun from crossing the river.

In this way, it is natural to calculate it.

"Haha, that's right, that's right." After hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Cao also agreed with him.

"Come, repair the book and hand it to Zhou Yu to show your gratitude."

Cao Cao soon thought of something again, and immediately ordered.

Zhuge Qiu seemed to have seen Zhou Yu's expression after receiving Cao Cao's letter.

"Come on, bring Guan Yu up."

After the letter was instructed to be done, Cao Cao immediately spoke again.

Zhuge Qiu also did not expect that this time Zhou Yu actually sent Guan Yu over.

Of course, if Zhou Yu was here, knowing Zhuge Qiu's thoughts, he would definitely deny Sanlian.

This was not done by himself, it was proposed by Zhuge Liang.

Soon Guan Yu was escorted up.

Although he has become a prisoner, Guan Yu is still arrogant.

"Quickly loosen Yunchang's ties."

I have to say that Lao Cao still has love for Guan Yu, and seeing that Guan Yu was tied, he immediately ordered to loosen the binding.

"Yun Chang, I never thought that in the past, we were different, and now we meet in such a scene."

Cao Cao looked at Guan Yu and said with a look of memory and emotion.

Looking at Cao Cao's reminiscing expression, Zhuge Qiu felt goosebumps.

This old Cao is true love for Guan Yu.

"Prime Minister, if you want to kill, kill, Guan has no complaints."

Guan Yu glanced at Cao Cao and said very arrogantly.

Looking at Guan Yu's generous posture of dying, Cao Cao also sighed, "Yunchang, if I wanted to kill you, how could I have let you go in the first place?"

"It is said that the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chicks can win the world by one person, don't you understand now, the people around the big eared thief are not Crouching Dragons at all."

Cao Cao had been thinking about it for a long time, and he completely understood today's battle.

How can someone who can play Zhou Yu between the palms of his hands and have no plans be a bookboy.

Outside the big tent, Lu Su had just arrived before the soldier could report when he heard such a powerful news, and his whole person was stunned.

Kong Ming is not a Wolong?

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